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Tag: conscience


In this episode Brian and Sam discuss how we look at the concept of “redemption”. What does it mean? How can we use the idea of it to gives thanks and bless our lives?

Censorship and Astrophysics

In this episode Brian and Sam discuss how censorship has risen to a new level and what should be done about it.  They also connect censorship to our consciousness and astrophysics some how.  Enjoy the crazy journey.  

The Welfare of Your Soul

In this podcast Brain and Sam talk about what it means to work through the welfare of your soul.  What it means personally and in your life.  What responsibility do we have to take care of others and lift up their souls?  Start and enjoy the conversation. 

The Scientific Method

In this episode Brian and Sam vaguely discuss the “scientific method” and try to apply it to some interesting topics.  Like can you be homeless and successful?  Or how do you measure intuition?  Enjoy.

The Origin of Belief

In this episode Brian and Sam discuss how belief is formed and how it is connected with love and other factors. How is belief formed for you.  We can create what we believe.  Enjoy the episode.

Empty Your Mind

In this podcast Brian and Sam discuss the need to empty your mind on a regular basis.  Clearing your mind has many benefits.  

The ways to do it are as different as we are as people.  

Things like playing x box for a short time, meditation, prayer, music, journaling, and therapy.  Slow it down, open and recharge your mind so that you can receive light, truth, knowledge, wisdom and power.  

The Dividing of America

In this episode Brian and Sam discuss what is dividing America.  All the differences CAN be celebrated if we listen and learn from each other.  Lets move to the Uniting of America.  Ask are selves what do we believe in the is similar?  What can we rally around together that builds America and our freedom, equally for everyone?  

The Cancel Culture

In this podcast Brian and Sam talk about the “cancel culture” and what we should really cancel.  Things like poverty, world hunger, and human trafficking.  If you see things differently that can be good.  We can learn from others with different knowledge and opinions.


Have a great week.


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