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Psychic News with Roy Stemman

  Roy Stemman is Editor of Psychic News Psychic News was a weekly British Spiritualist newspaper published from 1932 to July 2010, and revived with a change in ownership in December 2011. The first issue of the paper was published on 28 May 1932. The name of the paper was devised by one of its founding editors, Maurice Barbanell, who said that he was told to use it by his spirit guide. The other founding members were Hannen Swaffer, a Fleet Street journalist, and Arthur Findlay, a notable figure in the history of Spiritualism in Britain. In 1938 psychical researcher Nandor Fodor was attacked in the Psychic News newspaper for his skeptical evaluation of the Thornton Heath poltergeist case. Fodor sued the newspaper for libel.[1] The publisher of Psychic News from 1932 to 1980 was Psychic Press Ltd. The newspaper was next supported by the Spiritual Truth Foundation (STF). In 1995 the Spiritualists National Union (SNU) acquired it, and both the publishing and bookshop departments were relocated to Stansted Hall — better known as The Arthur Findlay College.[2] With the rise of the Internet PN added a web site, which included a bookstore and back issue division for online sales. Although the primary focus of the Psychic News was always Spiritualism, and it was strongly associated with the SNU even before that organization acquired ownership of it, it was the policy of PN to cover a wide variety of subjects of interest to its readers. For instance, in November 1947 the paper covered the fact that a committee of Anglican ministers had supported Spiritualism in 1936 and that the report had been suppressed by the Anglican Church. This investigative report by the Psychic News caused the Psychic News itself to become the topic of articles in The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.[4][5] In the 1950s and 1960s, with the rise of the neopagan religion of Wicca, several articles about Wicca and witchcraft were published in the magazine, including “Genuine Witchcraft Is Defended” by Robert Cochrane. From that time forward the newspaper dealt with other paranormal, supernatural and New Age topics in addition to spiritualism.  

The Eclipse with Astrologer Constance Stellas

How Will The Eclipses Impact You? The Astrophenom & Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show Virtue Constance Stellas Reveals The Answer How to Keep Centered Amdist the August 2017 Eclipses Eclipses shake things up. In ancient times they were mysterious awesome events that augured great change. So it is today. by Constance Stellas, astrologer, comic book author, short stories, and sometimes playwright This August we have a pair of eclipses that will impact the USA and our current President. The first eclipse is a partial lunar eclipse on August 7. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth cuts off the light of the Sun from the Moon depriving her of the usual bright illumination but still showing a shadow. Lunar eclipses always occur at the Full Moon. The signs that potentially will be most affected will be Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus. I say potentially because the degree of an eclipse must make a very close contact with a planet in a person’s natal chart before it is significant. Lunar eclipses align our feelings and actions and this may be positive or negative. For all the signs, however, the lunar eclipse will emphasize heightened emotions, stress and edginess. The juicier and stronger eclipse is the total solar eclipse on August 21. Dubbed The Great American Eclipse, the path of totality begins in Oregon and sweeps across the USA finishing in the Carolinas. What does this eclipse auger for the country? THRIVE GLOBAL has note worthily helped people detach from the news cycle and incessant worry about things we cannot control. This August will require even more discipline to keep centered. Specifically, the degrees of the August eclipse fall very close to an important degree in President Trump’s chart. The eclipse degree also corresponds to the fixed star Regulus which in ancient times was called the Royal Watcher of the North. When prominent in a natal chart this star denotes a highly placed person of great power who can become embroiled in vendettas and seeking vengeance and thus may fall from his high position. I don’t expect anything significant to occur on August 21 but time will tell. This eclipse is not an auspicious event for the presidency. The solar eclipse also occurs during a retrograde Mercury. Most star followers understand that this is a time period that confuses communications. Retrograde Mercury plus the eclipse gives a month where we could be saying “I don’t believe it,” frequently. The stars always give us guidance if we listen. The following is a mini guide to keeping cool and centered throughout August. ARIES: The eclipses will excite your impetuous nature. Add a lot more physical exercise to your routine. TAURUS: The eclipses are challenging and will frustrate some actions. Postpone major decisions and when/if you feel stuck hum, dance to familiar melodies, or do some gentle yoga exercises. GEMINI: The eclipses bring opportunities and mental stimulation. Perhaps too much; mind is buzzing and requires effort to focus and calm down. Exhale easily and then let a natural inhale come. CANCER: The eclipses increase environmental agitation. This set of eclipses is not personally agitating but Cancerians pick up the vibes. Stay near the home front. Walking by the water is also a good way to keep centered. LEO: BINGO, this solar eclipse is in your sign and the lunar in your opposite sign. You will feel like roaring and need to. Be mindful of how easily self-expression can escalate into self-dramatization. Dancing energetically is a good stress reliever. VIRGO: The eclipses are not directly affecting your sign. Help us all out with your grounded analysis and understanding of practical matters. Pleasant scents are always a treat. LIBRA: The eclipses demand your best balancing act. Feel this energy but don’t plunge into the chaos that you may hear about or witness. Keep to low key activity and surround yourself with beauty. SCORPIO: These eclipses are intense for you. But you handle intensity well. Avoid seething vengeance and anger. If these feelings bubble up create an image of destruction that soothes you but doesn’t impact other people. SAGITTARIUS: These eclipses speak to the better parts of your nature. You will be able to express bluntly what you see and hear and share this with us all. We need truth tellers this month. CAPRICORN: The eclipses are not particularly challenging to your chart. You will remain grounded and focused on your own ambitions. Keep the shoulders loose. Tension around you can mount. AQUARIUS: The eclipses are stimulating and agitating. You may experience insomnia or a heightened energy cycle. Creatively this month can be very good. Try calming herbs such as chamomile before you sleep. PISCES: These eclipses will encourage you to retreat. Keep a low profile and avoid crowds…too many conflicting vibrations. The eclipse energy will wane as we move into September. Calm sailing.

The Complete Herbal Guide with Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi’s books regularly appear on Amazon’s best-seller lists and have sold more than 100,000 copies. The Complete Herbal Guide: Heal Your Body Naturally and Maintain Optimal Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, Fruits and Vegetables (December 2012) debuted at # 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list and has been rated five stars from numerous readers who purchased the book. My first published book, Epilepsy You’re Not Alone in 1998, helped millions of people understand and cope with their disorder enabling them to live a happy, healthy and productive life. Since that time, I have published numerous non-fiction and fiction books including The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body, Epilepsy and Pregnancy: What Every Woman Should Know, Co-authored by Dr. Blanca Vasques, M.D., Faith, Courage, Wisdom, Strength and Hope, Natural Cures for Common Conditions and The Secrets of Happiness and Success: The Power Of Positive Thinking. My love affair with non-fiction and with health genre in general, began during my junior year of college when I was faced by numerous obstacles due to my epilepsy disorder. Hoping and praying that I would be able to finish college and not let my epilepsy disorder get the best of me, I decided to research my disorder hoping to find out more about my disorder and ways to cope with it. Sadly, there were not many books written about epilepsy during that era. The few books written were by doctors and the medical terminology flew right over your head. Determined to find the answers to my questions, “How can I graduate college when I am constantly having seizures?”, “How can I become a success in life and not let epilepsy destroy my hopes and dreams?”, “How do people with epilepsy cope with their disorder?” I decided to write an article to epilepsy foundation and asked them to publish it. I wanted to learn how others coped with their disorder. I received hundreds of letters from all over the United States and Canada. I decided to use the knowledge I gained to help myself and others by writing a self-help book called, Epilepsy You’re Not Alone. Writing that book changed my life. Letters poured out from readers thanking me for writing the book. I never realized how powerful words could be. My greatest gift was not figuring out how to help myself, it was being able to help others who struggled with the same problem. There is no greater gift in life than the gift of giving. I began writing seriously in 1994, penning the manuscript that would become Epilepsy You’re Not Alone. I held many jobs during those first years as a writer, finally settling in (much to our delight) to write full time in 2000. I am an active member in my community and I help organizations in New Jersey. I have written features for journals and newspapers. My articles have appeared in dozens of newspapers and magazines in North America and abroad. I won an award from the Epilepsy Foundation of America in 2002 for my help and dedication to people with epilepsy.

Quantum Visions with Deborah M. Pratt

An introspective interview with iconic writer, producer, and author Deborah M. Pratt Deborah M. Pratt’s Hollywood career began by singing with Dean Martin, Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly and Sammy Davis, Jr. As the co-creator, co-executive producer, head writer, and the voice of “Ziggy” on the television series Quantum Leap, she is a force in Hollywood as well as in the realms of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and spirituality. The Vision Quest series is Pratt’s opus, and its timeless message of hope, bravery, and redemption are more poignant today than ever before. THE VISION QUEST: NEW SCI-FI PROJECT FROM CO-CREATOR OF THE QUANTUM LEAP TV SERIES We all feel massive changes brewing and occurring on planet Earth — what will global warming bring? What kind of results can we predict from genetic engineering? And robotics? How about terrorism? What challenges will face us in the year 2165? Perhaps … if we can imagine some of them now, we can strengthen our resolve and better prepare ourselves to be warriors for the light as the future unfolds. “We’re moving faster with our science and technology than our morals are evolving,” says Deborah M. Pratt. “We’re going to have to live in the future we create so it is up to us to become responsible for what we’re creating.” Deborah M. Pratt was co-creator and co-Executive Producer and Head Writer of the groundbreaking television series “Quantum Leap”. Her new project, THE VISION QUEST, is poised to sweep into its orbit millions of “Leapers” around the world, as well as multitudes of new fans of her exciting, visionary new multi-platform media project. THE VISION QUEST BOOK SERIES ANIVERSARY EDITION – All 5 of the newly revised Vision Quest series of books 1) The ATLANTIAN, 2) THE ACADEMY 3) THE ODYSSEY 4) PANAZI 5) SALVATION are due to be released Soring 2017. The TVQ series which introduces the characters and situations of a new and unified futuristic earth will take the reader on a classic call to adventure. Pratt has imbued THE VISION QUEST with socio-political content, as well as technological, environmental, economic and spiritual implications. “It’s a critical time,” says Pratt, “and I’m intending that THE VISION QUEST provokes people to find and manifest their highest calling.” Deborah M. Pratt has a fascinating background, which includes starting her Hollywood career singing with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly and Sammy Davis, Jr. She’s a terrific interview, with lots to say about spirituality, the media and the world we live in.

The Power & Mystery of Brain Wave Enhancement

How can brain wave enhancement revolutionize your life? The Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. was founded in 1983 by Dr. James V. Hardt, a physicist, psychologist and psychophysiologist, now with over forty years of research and clinical practice in neurofeedback brain wave enhancement. LINK: The brain is a bio- electrico- magneto- chemical organ and the biochemical activity within and between neurons produces tiny, but detectable electrical waves, often measuring just a few millionths of a volt. Some types of brain electrical activity arise in response to sensory inputs. These are call Evoked Potentials and they fade away quickly after any stimulus. The focus of the Biocybernaut technology is not Evoked Potentials, but rather the continuous EEG that runs even in the absence of sensory stimulation reaching the brain. These waves are called brain waves or EEG, which stands for Electro-Encephalo-Graph. Brain wave measurements of the EEG provide information on the instantaneous and ongoing states of an individual’s brain. ==================== Dr. James V. Hardt serves as the President and founder of Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. He holds a B.S. in Physics from Carnegie Institute of Technology, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University and he has done post-doctoral training in Psychophysiology at the Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute at the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Hardt has authored or co-authored more than 60 papers and professional presentations. He has authored, co-authored or has pending over 30 patents for the core technology, headset, training methodology and brain-centered portion of virtual reality applications. He has dedicated his life in the research and development surrounding brain wave training. Dr. Hardt was mentored by Dr. Joe Kamiya, the scientist who first discovered, in 1962, that humans could voluntarily control their own brain waves if they were given brain wave feedback. Dr. Hardt has earned a national reputation as a preeminent research scientist for his over 40 years of work in biofeedback. Dr. Hardt’s research has been supported by private and Federal grants and contributions from prestigious organizations such as the Fetzer Foundation. He presents at numerous, prestigious national and international meetings and has published in leading scholarly journals such as Science, Psychophysiology, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Biofeedback and Self-Regulation and Advances In Mind-Body Medicine. For over 40 years Dr. Hardt has been studying the electrophysiological basis of advanced spiritual states. He has traveled to India several times to study advanced Yogis with his technology, has studied Zen meditators and Zen masters, and explored Christian prayer and contemplation. He has developed a technology based on electroencephalographic (EEG) measurement and feedback, combined, in a highly optimized methodology, with computerized measures of subjective states, depth interviews, and extensive coaching in forgiveness, engaged indifference [TM] and non-attachment. This technology and training methodologies have demonstrated significant effectiveness in healing and transforming core dimensions of personality dysfunction, reducing stress and anxiety, reversing key aspects of the brain’s aging process, increasing creativity by 50% and boosting IQ by nearly 12 points on average, enhancing peak performance, facilitating conflict resolution, and expanding spiritual awareness and increasing access to advanced spiritual states.

Mentalist Jim Karol

Appearing on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth is Mr. Jim Karol – an expert on accessing the powers of the mind. Karol, a world renowned mentalist, has spoke and performed at thousands of events from college campuses, casinos, to corporations. Jim has appeared on the Tonight Show, the Ellen DeGeneres Show, the Howard Stern Show, and NBC’s Today Show. He also competed as one of the world’s top 10 mentalists on a national LIVE broadcast on NBC called “Phenomenon”, and made a cameo appearance in the movie Jackass Number Two. Jim has set Guinness World Records for both physical and mental feats, including throwing a standard playing card 201 feet. Some of his other astonishing feats include knowing more than 80,000 zip codes, every word in the Scrabble dictionary, Sports Almanacs, Science and Medical Journals, and thousands of digits of Pi. Karol can tell you the day of the week for EVERY date, all the way back to 1AD and can memorize a shuffled deck of cards in less than a minute! Jim works with the USO at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital helping vets and wounded warriors with PTSD. He also teaches cognitive fitness techniques to help improve memory, focus, attention, enhance emotional intelligence, optimize health, and maximize all aspects of performance. Jim’s “Cogmental Training” has been used to help professional and college athletes, business leaders, students and veterans. Karol’s new book “Beyond Emotional Intelligence,” tells the story of how he transcended his brain into where he is today, while sharing the SECRETS how ANYONE can achieve higher emotional intelligence and brain wellness!

Overcoming Addiction with Brian Cuban

An authority on body dysmorphic disorder, male eating disorders and addiction(including steroids), Brian Cuban is the author of the best-selling book, Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder. It chronicles his first-hand experiences living with, and recovering from, twenty-seven years of eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Cuban has appeared on prestigious talks shows such as the Katie Couric Show as well as numerous media outlets around the country. He also writes extensively on these subjects. His columns have appeared on,,The Huffington Post and in online and print newspapers around the world. Cuban speaks regularly about his recovery and breaking the stigma surrounding eating disorders, addiction and mental illness. He is a highly sought after college, non-profit event and conference speaker regarding body image, addiction, eating disorder awareness and recovery. Cuban has spoken across the United States and in Canada.

How To Escape The Matrix of Control

According to many, The Matrix is a system of control based on thought reading, on the Pavlovian association of ideas and on the manipulation of language and doubletalk. It is also based on subliminal techniques of control that “fishes” from your mind trivial answers about your ordinary life that your manipulators already know. It intentionally explores mathematical similarities between your life and the very lives of the Intelligences behind the masks. It produces feelings of self-pity by artificially creating elements that have a strong similarity with aspects of your past. It uses the structure of the human memory – that organizes similar information in different stacks and puts them on top of each other – to generate a bubble-like sensation on the mind of the targeted persons, through the association of ideas between their very lives and the elements (words, ideas, facts, events, experiences, traumas) that are on top of your memory stacks. It projects artificially images during the night inside your dreams, manipulating symbols and archetypes. It manipulates – and sometimes distorts – present society values (like money, sex, success, fame, intellectual recognition, and professional fulfillment, among others) in order to generate in your mind “dreams” that you have never imagined you’d have. It is a system apparently designed to suppress from your heart the true feeling of Love, in order to induce you to “lose your soul”. However, if you succeed in always following your heart, you end spiritualizing yourself more and more and can eventually awake your kundalini energy and enlighten yourself. “Escaping Matrix of Control” Show Timeline & Bios 01:52 – Investigative Reporter Jon Rappoport 42:01 – Michael Harrison Founder of Talkers Magazine 52:00 – Vritue & Psychic Medium Kerrie O’Connor 100:00 – Energy Healer Jeff Casper 107:00 – The Hooded Sage Khris Krepcik 113:00 – Spiritual Economist Darryl Robert Schoon

The Collective Evolution With Joe Martino

  Joe Martino Has A Positive Vision Of Humanity’s future Eight years ago, Joe Martino created Collective Evolution – an incredible organization that’s helping millions to embrace positive change. What is Collective Evolution All About? We (CE) believe in creating change by raising consciousness and thinking outside the box. We aim to challenge the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the world. We encourage and inspire each other to take action with the goal of bringing to life a bright future for us all. Positive and heartfelt journalism is a big part of what we do. Living sustainably, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, creating a spiritual relationship with oneself and shaping a better world together are all things we encourage. We value balance in our world, which means examining all aspects of our lives. We report on news, health, science, technology and an accessible, non-new-agey or religious brand of spirituality. A grassroots organization created in 2009, CE is now one of the world’s most popular alternative media, production, and community outlets that gives readers an opportunity to reshape their everyday way of thinking. CE’s content ranges from full-length articles, to videos, to live events, all of which share one common goal: to raise awareness about how our world functions, and to encourage conscious change that moves beyond it. Who is Collective Evolution? All CE content is brought into conscious existence by an awesome, (but not too awesome) dynamic (but not too dynamic) community of writers, filmmakers, editors, speakers and other phenomenally creative minds… but not too phenomenal.

Journey To The Heart With Kerrie O’Connor

Psychic Medium & Longtime Outer Limits of Inner Truth Virtue Kerrie O’Connor reveals where the world is heading and how to evolve your spirit Kerrie O’Connor is a certified Reiki Master, a teacher of the EMF Balancing Technique®, a student of Incan Shamanism, and a medium of the Doreen Virtue School. Kerrie has maintained a powerfully educational and lifelong interaction with spirit. Kerrie’s dedication to this partnership continues to expand and refine her astounding ability to energetically “read” a person’s life stories to an extraordinary degree. The basis of her work is found in the LightStream™ material, of which Intuitive LightStream Reading™ is the cornerstone and showcase of Kerrie’s clairvoyant mastery. Her capacity to literally observe the inner, ongoing processes we all go through makes her uniquely qualified to offer the personal, practical guidance that will truly empower any seeking individual or group. Kerrie O’Connor, internationally known psychic/medium does it all. Apart from other readers, Kerrie has the ability to communicate with those that have crossed over to reading the energy fields of the living. Her reading style is holistic in that she can bring up past lives to doing a modern day soul retrieval. By reading a clients unique energy patterns in person or over the phone, she can help realign the blocked energy to healthier patterns which enables the individual to “hold” a higher vibration which allows us to live a more fulfilled life.


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