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Trauma and Helplessness with Dr. Galit Atlas

This is a vulnerable and memorable conversation with the incredible Dr. Galit Atlas about the fear of pain and the pain of being human. We discuss the impact of trauma from mass violence and the experiences of guilt, survivor guilt, and shame. Surviving mass violence or terrorism can result in a devastating feeling of helplessness. Dr. Atlas artfully shares the impact of this emotional state. Thank you, Dr. Atas for sharing your time.

Dr. Galit Atlas is a psychoanalyst and clinical supervisor in private practice in New York City. She is on the faculty of the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Dr. Atlas has published three books for clinicians and numerous articles and book chapters. Her New York Times publication “A Tale of Two Twins” was the winner of a 2016 Gradiva Award. A leader in the field of relational psychoanalysis, Dr. Atlas is a recipient of the André François Award and the NADTA Research Award. She teaches and lectures throughout the United States and internationally. Her new book Emotional Inheritance is being translated into 19 languages.


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