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VALENTINES DAY w. Susan Allan, Dana Dorfman Ph.D., and Derrick Darby “Realistic Blacktopia”


Susan Allan is a world-renowned life coach and relationship coach offering unique tools and skills and dating advice to create and transform marriages and all relationships. Since 1975 Susan has devoted her life to acquiring proven tools and developing a unique system, Heartspace®, so that you can learn to create greater peace, love, cooperation, joy and success in every relationship and environment.

Dana Dorfman, MSW, PhD, is a New York City based psychotherapist with 30 years experience treating adolescents and parents in her private practice, schools, and agency settings. Dr. Dorfman is regularly interviewed and quoted in the media on mental health topics and was the co-host of a parenting podcast, 2 Moms on the Couch. Her book When Worry Works responds to one of the primary sources of the nation’s worsening adolescent mental health crisis – achievement pressure.

Dr. Derrick Darby is a Henry Rutgers professor of philosophy. He is the founding director of the Rutgers Social Justice Solutions Research Collaboratory and also directs its renowned Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy. His book A Realistic Blacktopia: Why We Must Unite to Fight suggests that we must adopt a non-race-specific social justice agenda, explicitly tying our efforts to mitigate unjust inequalities that track racial categorization to “big tent” initiatives to broaden and deepen democratic inclusion for citizens as such.

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