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Your Hidden Power – #60 – Are We Really Beings or Just Each-Other's Imaginations?


Host Doug Stephan welcomes Animal Communicator Tim Link .
Jim learned that he could communicate telepathically with animals in 2004. It began when his wife asked him to attend an Animal Communication workshop with her in the Atlanta area as her birthday present. During the workshop, Jim began to notice that he was receiving accurate information from the animals they communicated with. When the information that he received from the animals was confirmed by participants of the workshop, his confidence grew. As his gift continued to grow, he began helping others within his church with their pets, as well as animals at local animal shelters that he worked with. Jim says: “It brings a lot of joy to me to be able to bridge the communication gap between pets and their human companions.” Next, Mystifier Uri Geller talks about how Mercury’s Retrograde affected him. Then, he and Doug discuss whether we are real beings or just each other’s imaginations. Finally, Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi share recent proof of the power of Mercury’s Retrograde in their lives.


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