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Behind the Scene of Murder Investigations: Blood Analysis


“Why is this murder investigation taking so long?!” It’s a frequent question voiced by homicide survivors. This episode is but one example of why it can take years to get a case on the dockets. Uncovering, processing and entering evidence into legal proceedings is daunting – not to mention frustrating by those waiting for some kind of resolution. Meet Anita Zannin from A-Z Forensics. Ms. Zannin’s unique background and experience has proven invaluable in assisting counsel as both a non-testifying and testifying expert, both in and out of the courtroom. Ms. Zannin has been accepted as an expert in both federal and state courts, and has worked on criminal and civil cases in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. She explains the moving parts behind a murder investigation and helps us understand the frustrating wait for justice.


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