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02: Love and Authentic Freedom to Commit to Yourself

Robin Jillian explores the meaning of commitment and where that shows up in your life. Are you committing out of a need to feel secure, or expecting someone else to do the same? How have you been conditioned to believe that you are less than if you “can’t” commit? Is it possible that you can love deeply, allowing for personal growth and expansion, while committing only to yourself? What are your needs and values that are an expression of your heart and soul? Robin invites you into a deep inquiry to discover the truth behind your commitments…healthy or destructive. Learn more about Awaken Radio

01: Calling of Your Soul

This program is the first in a series of shows where Robin Jillian will be discussing what it looks and feels like to listen to the Calling of your Soul.   Robin explains that when it is time to “awaken”, become more conscious in your life, there is no going back to a “safe” place.   The soul asks you to embrace your life in a new way, leaving behind the conditioning of the past to become more authentically you, and asks that you live with love as your primary intention. This journey through the Dark Night of the Soul, although extremely difficult, will help you to live life in a new way where living from your heart becomes your primary intention.   Our beliefs hold us back from seeing our truth, and it is necessary to look deep inside and ask the uncomfortable questions that will help you to change your life in profound ways. Learn more about Awaken Radio


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