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Guest Seth Nelson, Attorney, on Undue Influence

The subject of undue influence, or being controlled do things against your will is what Seth Nelson and I are talking about on this episode. Seth is a Tampa family lawyer and mediator known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. He has always wanted to help people and after law school he found he could do the greatest good by representing people through one of the most difficult times of their lives. Being a divorcee himself, as well as a father, he understands what you’re going through. Seth continues helping people on his podcast, “How to Split a Toaster: A Divorce Podcast About Saving Your Relationships”.

Guest Seth Nelson, Attorney, on Undue Influence

The subject of undue influence, or being controlled do things against your will is what Seth Nelson and I are talking about on this episode. Seth is a Tampa family lawyer and mediator known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. He has always wanted to help people and after law school he found he could do the greatest good by representing people through one of the most difficult times of their lives. Being a divorcee himself, as well as a father, he understands what you’re going through. Seth continues helping people on his podcast, “How to Split a Toaster: A Divorce Podcast About Saving Your Relationships”.

How to Make Good Decisions

This one came from the heart because decisions are sometimes forced upon you and I certainly been there am there. We all get forced to make decisions sometimes. Newton’s first law states, An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. There are many unbalanced forces that act on us such as divorce, grief, or trauma. This goes into how and when to make decisions and how and when not make decisions.

How to Make Good Decisions

This one came from the heart because decisions are sometimes forced upon you and I certainly been there am there. We all get forced to make decisions sometimes. Newton’s first law states, An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. There are many unbalanced forces that act on us such as divorce, grief, or trauma. This goes into how and when to make decisions and how and when not make decisions.

Rebeccah Silence with Mary Joye on Post Traumatic Growth

Rebeccah Silence is a hope dealer, emotional healing life coach, trained counselor, inspirational speaker, and media personality. She has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands via more than twenty years dedicated to the healing of emotions and emotional wellness. She has survived near death experiences and we share how these can bring you back to a better life to use trauma to refine you instead of define you. You are not what happened to you…you are someone who has had a life experience to learn and grow from and share with others.

Rebeccah Silence with Mary Joye on Post Traumatic Growth

Rebeccah Silence is a hope dealer, emotional healing life coach, trained counselor, inspirational speaker, and media personality. She has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands via more than twenty years dedicated to the healing of emotions and emotional wellness. She has survived near death experiences and we share how these can bring you back to a better life to use trauma to refine you instead of define you. You are not what happened to you…you are someone who has had a life experience to learn and grow from and share with others.

Kevin Cassidy, Stuntman, Talking About Resilience with Mary Joye

Today I interviewed Kevin Cassidy, author of “Falling Down to Find Myself”. He was a kid who was bullied in his childhood and used creativity to fight the adversity as stuntman in movies such as Guardian of the Galaxy, Hunger Games and more. He is also and writer and motivational speaker. He works with Ninja Nation to help others discover how to be resilient and achieve above and beyond what they think they can.


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