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Kundalini Awakening With Valeria Tignini

Kundalini Awakening With Valeria Tignini Valeria Tignini is an international healer, activator and public speaker that works with people of all ages, genders, races, religions and social class so that they may heal, feel deeper peace, love and awakens people to pure potentiality. Pre Awakening: A descendant of the Royal Italian Family the de’ Medici’s, a first generation Italian she was born in Brooklyn, NY. She moved to New Jersey when she was ten years old and once she graduated high school she moved to NYC and now currently resides in the Hudson Valley of New York. Before going on to run her company full time, Val worked as an information architect and model/actress for many kinds of companies. Val has collaborated with a multitude of brands ranging from high-line fashion companies, well-known charities, and as well as wellness and holistic brands such as Swarovski Crystalized, Burberry, Cancer Schmancer, Charity Water, Trump International, and Waleda just to name a few. Val has also starred in a docu-soap on TLC, called “Bama Belles” in 2010, and MTV RoadRules in 2001. She was featured in New York Magazine, Variety Magazine,,,, NY Post, FOX News, E! Online and TV Series, Fitness Magazine. Valeria is an avid explorer of the world and an artist of multiple mediums. Post Awakening: Val had a moment of multi-dimensional experiences growing up with ET’s, a sense of energy and higher awareness. Val had a spontaneous kundalini awakening aka the holy spirit running through her in 2010 by attending an Abdy Electriciteh Session and ever since that day her life has intensely divinely magical. She’s experienced what some call enlightenment and was activated into this timeless gift of which she becomes a conduit to source energy. Val has also been experiencing her work evolving into higher levels of consciousness as she finds herself working with divine multidimensional beings. Her capacity of understanding and mental downloads of universal truths is through her transcendence as she has experienced profound clarity through her energetic activation and tapping into source through visions and sound. In 2016, Valeria had a what is called the “Sacred Tremor of the Heart”, also known as “Spanda”, which is another form of awakening. Valeria has been doing private and group sessions since 2014. She leads workshops in Tokyo for a top Spiritual Company in Japan. She attends two times a year in Tokyo. Valeria will be leading workshops at the RA MA Institute in New York City in 2018 and has been at the Menla Center in Phoenecia, NY for her 5th annual year. She has led group sessions at the Sedona Creative Life Center, ABC Sanctuary in NYC, Bagua Center Miami, Om Fest in PA just to name a few. “Her mission is to bring the crystalline sound codes of new Creation to the Earth, which is the Seventh Golden Age. Born in the USA to join her mission to the Voice of the Command, to embody the highest Love and transmit information unto the world vibrationally and act upon Reality rather than reacting to it, thus creating a new World. Light of the Eternal Truth shines brightly into her heart and mind.” -Soul Channeling from Jhadten Jewall. Val has events to create community and share her spiritual gifts which include; 2 hr Sessions, Overnight Dreamtime Sessions, Private Sessions, Workshops, Parties, Retreats and also Online Sessions. LINK: Kundalini Awakening, Valeria Tignini, Energy Worker, healer, Consciousness, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Ryan McCormick, dreams

Consciousness Expansion with Joe Martino

Consciousness Expansion with Joe Martino The Outer Limits of Inner Truth sits down again with Joe Martino – a good-hearted, sharp-minded soul who is bringing investigative journalism to humanity’s growth in consciousness. Collective Evolution is a conscious media and education company focused on helping to shift our world. Founded by Joe Martino 2009, CE has grown to become one of the world’s most popular conscious media outlets that provides readers and viewers an opportunity to expand their consciousness, unlock their potential and reshape their everyday way of being. CE’s unique formula merges consciousness and spirituality with all aspects of life and events we experience on a regular basis. CE’s content ranges from articles, to videos, to podcasts, to live events, all of which share one common goal: to raise awareness about how our world functions, and to encourage conscious change that moves beyond it. Website: Selected Collective Evolution Articles A Website Exposing How Much Big Pharma Pays Your Doctor 12 American Astronauts Visit Planet Serpo & Some Of ‘Theirs’ Came Here: The Alleged ‘Project Serpo’ Can You Heal Your Thyroid Condition Naturally? Autoimmune Disease, Hashimotos, Thyroiditis 7000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis, The Similarities Are Astounding 10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Everyday Collective Evolution, Joe Martino, consciousness, health tips, disclosure, humanity, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Ryan McCormick

The Revolution Toward a Thousand Years of Peace with Dr. Nick Begich

Entering the 21st century we are faced with the most startling possibilities for the enhancement or destruction of the planet. Mankind, through oral and religious traditions scattered around the Earth, has predicted the destruction of the Earth for thousands of years. Now we posses the technology to fulfill the predictions by inadvertently destroying the Earth with our own hands. Dr. Nick Begich frames the technological information in a way which will stimulate the debate and, perhaps, solutions before prophecy becomes reality. On today’s show Dr. Begich covers: Mind control and the manipulation of human health through the use of drugs, electromagnetic weapons, and other means. Non-lethal weapons and their use and impact on people. Environmental weather control. New technologies which will virtually eliminate privacy from the world scene. The HAARP story updated, showing additional evidence of the military’s plans to manipulate the environment. The cell phone debate and the science behind the controversy is exposed in detail and plain language. The future shock of surveillance technologies and the new limits on personal freedom and privacy. Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994. He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. Begich has also authored Earth Rising – The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and and his latest book Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is Controlling the Human Mind – The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues. He has also appeared on dozens of television documentaries and other programs throughout the world including BBC-TV, CBC-TV, TeleMundo, and others. Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press. He served as Tribal Administrator/Village Planner for the Chickaloon Village Council, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation for five years and served four years as the Executive Director of The Lay Institute of Technology, Inc. a Texas non-profit corporation. Currently Begich consults for tribal organizations, private corporations and others in a number of research areas. Website Link: Dr. Nick Begich, HAARP, Mind Control, Globalists, Evolving Economies, Theta Brainwaves, binaural beating, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Ryan McCormick

Radical Spirituality with Dick Sutphen

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth welcomes the return of Metaphysical Teacher & Author Dick Sutphen ​Dick Sutphen has spent 45 years researching human-potential and psychic abilities and he is called “America’s Leading Past-Life Therapist” by the Body Mind Spirit Festivals in England and Australia. As a specialist in Past-Life Regression and Spirit-Contact Therapy®, he has a private hypnotherapy practice, and has created 600 mind-programming CDs. ​​Dick Sutphen also started the Valley of the Sun Publishing Company in Scottsdale, Arizona in the 1960s and was founder and former director of a Hypnosis Center of Scottsdale. Dick’s first best-selling book was in 1976, “You Were Born Again To Be Together,” Simon and Schuster Pocketbooks. While out on tour for his book, Dick was the first to hypnotize a member of the audience on national television on the David Susskind’s Show, Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow Show, and Good Morning America. Dick has created and conducted Master of Life, Bushido, and other Psychic and Reincarnation Seminars worldwide and developed innovative group hypnosis exploration techniques that are now being used internationally. Over 300,000 people have attended one of Dick’s seminars. As a Professional Hypnotherapist, he is well-known for his hypnotist trainings and has received numerous awards. Dick’s first books were published in the 1960s by Dick Sutphen Studio for the professional advertising and design market. The large hardbound editions of Old Engravings & Illustrations Volumes I & II were highly successful and led to a dozen additional titles that sold worldwide. The only consumer title published by the Studio was The Mad Old Ads. The book received major media reviews and was picked up and published by McGraw Hill, New York, and W. H. Allan, London. Between 1976 and 2012, Dick wrote, produced and recorded over 600 audio and video programs that included hypnosis, meditations, sleep programming, and audio books on cassette. Most were released by Valley of the Sun, but he also created projects for several other audio publishers. Foreign rights to Dick Sutphen books have been sold in nine countries and several licences were given to Nightengale-Conant to produce and sell unique titles. =================== Selected Writings & Lessons From Dick Sutphen What you resist, you draw to yourself. As long as you resist something, you are locked into combating it and merely perpetuate its influence in your life. Resistance is fear, something that you need to karmically resolve. You must let go of the fear by encountering it until you learn to consciously detach from what you view to be negative. – Dick Sutphen in “The Oracle Within” Why believe in God when you can experience God? Belief is a poor substitute for experience. If you want to know, don’t simply believe. You can only believe things you don’t actually know. – Dick Sutphen in “The Oracle Within” Joshu is my favorite Zen Master. It is said that a monk once asked him, “To be holy – what is it like?” Joshu replied, “To dump a mountain of shit on a clean plain.” In Zen language that means if we do not divide the world into “holy” and “unholy,” there is nothing to stain it. – Dick Sutphen in Master of Life magazine A Zen monk was with his roshi one day when the roshi was murdered by thieves. His roshi cried out in fear and pain as he was being murdered, and this disturbed the student greatly. He was about to leave the monastery when another roshi approached him and said, “Fool! The object of Zen is not to suppress all emotion, but to free us to fully express at the appropriate moment.” – Dick Sutphen in “Master of Life” A Zen story concerns an elder monk in a Japanese monastery. The young novices were in awe of this man, not because he was severe with them, but because nothing ever seemed to upset him. A few of the young men decided to test the monk by devising a plan to scare him. Early one dark winter morning, it was the monk’s duty to carry tea to the Founders Hall. The young men hid in the alcove of a long and winding corridor near the entrance to the hall. Just as the monk passed, they rushed out screaming like crazy men. Without faltering a step, the monk continued walking on quietly, carefully carrying the tea. When he arrived at his destination he set down the tray, covered the tea bowl so no dust could fall into it and then fell back against the wall and cried out in shock “Oh-oh-oh!” A Zen Master relating this story said, “There is nothing wrong with emotions. Only one must not let them carry one away, or interfere with what one is doing.” – Dick Sutphen in “The Oracle Within” ===================== Dick Sutphen Quotes “Everyone is doing the best they can – not the best they know how but the best they can. So to judge others by our own standards is always a mistake.” – Dick Sutphen “Love me without fear. Trust me without questioning. Need me without demanding. Want me without restrictions. Accept me without change. Desire me without inhibitions. For a love so free . . . Will never fly away.” Dick Sutphen   Dick Sutphen, New Age, Spiritual, Psychic, hypnosis, energy healing

The Council of Elders: Meet Our Listeners

In the course of it’s five year history, the Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show has expanded faster than the rate of the average American waistline. Featuring cutting edge teachers from all walks of life and exploring consciousness without any restriction, OLIT has attracted an incredible audience. OLIT Listeners are voracious spiritual seekers. They’re also highly intelligent and are likely more sensitive than typical individuals on the planet. For the first time in the history of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth, we are featuring stories & insights from ten of our Listeners. They are a genuine “Council of Elders.” Not only is each member of this group reflecting light & peace into the world but, they are also offering terrific suggestions on how OLIT can evolve into a better program. Featuring (In Order Of Appearance) 01:53 – Flicka Rahn 25:15 – Carla Jelinski 34:21 – Crystal Mobbs 46:18 – Arialdi Miniño 59:24 – Meg Donahue 01:16:33 – Bill McCormick 01:35:08 – Leigh Horan 01:49:51 – Kara Elder 01:58:16 – Juile Downey 02:08:25 – Lisa McNorton The spirit world is a place of order and the Council of Elders exemplifies justice. They are not the ultimate source of divine authority, but they appear to represent the last station of beings responsible for souls still incarnating on Earth. These wise beings have great compassion for human weakness and they demonstrate infinite patience with our faults. We will be given many second chances in future lives. — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton pg. 204, 2003

Unleash Your Inner Healer With Rosanne Lindsay

Unleash Your Inner Healer With Rosanne Lindsay Naturopathy is the art, science, and philosophy of nature. Natural medicine accesses the healing power of nature and emphasizes disease prevention and the promotion of optimal health using holistic methods and principles based on the unique qualities of each individual. Rosanne Lindsay, ND, is a Naturopath, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board, and a Tribal Healer with the Turtle Island Provider Network. She holds graduate degrees from Trinity School of Natural Health in Naturopathic medicine and from the University of Chicago’s School of Public Health in Environmental Health Science. Rosanne discovered her gifts as a healer through her own journey of reversing Profound Hypothyroidism naturally. Her mission is to guide others to heal themselves using body-mind-spirit medicine. She consults in person and online. She is a writer/blogger, speaker, and author of the book, ‘The Nature of Healing, Heal The Body, Heal The Planet’. Her second book ‘Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid’ is due out soon. She is an activist for Health Freedom and serves as president of the National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC). She is working to bring Safe Harbor legislation to Wisconsin to protect the rights of holistic healers to practice medicine without a license, as well as to protect the freedom of individuals to choose their own path for healthcare. Website Link: Natural medicine appreciates our inherent connection to our environment and our body’s self-healing ability. As part of nature, we are both physical and energetic beings, the seen and the unseen. It is essential to address all our aspects; body, mind, and spirit to come into balance for full health and vitality. To focus solely on the physical is to work in fragments. Health is our natural state. Disease is the absence of health and results from nutrient deficiencies, toxicities, and stress, and includes limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching our potential. Natural healing begins with eating whole foods close to the earth. It means detoxing the body of chemicals and heavy metals, and healing the center of the immune system, the gut. It means reconnecting to your inner child to act on your gifts. The life journey is a healing journey. Naturopathy, Rosanne Lindsay, holistic health, natural healing, 2019 predictions,

The Spirit of Preparedness with Edward Carswell

Edward Carswell is a Preparedness Expert who engages millions of people each week with his PrepperNurse1 Channel on YouTube. [From:] It seems silly to spell it out, but it needs to be said: every person, regardless of their politics or age or income or location, benefits from being reasonably prepared for emergencies. You should be prepared. Your spouse, kids, parents, neighbors, and friends should be prepared. Liberals, conservatives, gun slingers, vegans, young adults in their first dorm room, working moms, soccer dads, and grandparents in the country — everyone should be prepared. “Prepping” is not a dirty word. Prepping is not limited to the tin-foil-hat stereotypes producers love to put on TV. Most preppers are rational and they come from all walks of life. Many preppers are very intelligent and successful — so much so that they have a front row seat to the forces in our world making things worse, and it has caused them to take action and get prepared. We live in an unpredictable world and it appears to be getting worse. Put another way, our honeymoon period of the last few decades is probably ending. Our planet is changing, causing more frequent and severe natural disasters. The fundamental principles of the economy and what it means to work and to live are rapidly changing in ways we’ve never experienced as humans. In both of those examples, our institutions and governments are broken and are not addressing the problems — and though we’ll hopefully be fine in the end, it’s going to be a very painful process along the way. People enjoy prepping for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s part of the responsibility of our right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. Many parents feel it’s part of their job description. Others feel selfless, that it’s part of their duty to be ready so they don’t burden their community by needing help, and so they can be ready to help their neighbors in need. There are a ton of very real and very serious possible emergencies, and you are likely to go through at least one of them in your lifetime. Probably more. The smartest, most rational experts in the world are coming to the same conclusion — the next 100 years are probably going to suck. The evidence is overwhelming in both size and clarity — to the point of being scary. It is impossible to document all the scenarios you might face and what the future might be. Prepper Nurse YouTube Channel: Website:

You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens with Sev Tok

Millions of humans are having ET contact and don’t even know it. Are you one of them? When Sev Tok moves to a small town in North Carolina from Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, she has no idea the ETs are waiting for her. Sev has a secret and the Greys make sure she can’t hide it any longer. Sev describes supernatural events and ET contact she had. The ETs tell Sev about: Earth’s fate ET/human hybrid program Galactic missionaries and hybrids on Earth Inter-dimensional abductions through time warps Inter-galactic efforts to create peace on Earth Sev’s cosmic mission Sev Tok was born in Istanbul, Turkey and came to the U.S. as a little girl. She grew up in the Virginia/Wash. DC suburbs. Her parents introduced her to spirituality at an early age. Sev started meditating in the fifth grade and that opened up a whole new world for her. She began having supernatural experiences at a very young age which continued into her adult years. Sev became a Soul Purpose Coach conducting Soul Purpose Readings. Her ability to read her client’s energy field, and “hear, feel, and see” inter-dimensional information formed the foundation for her next field of study: ET contact. Her first book, You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens, is her coming out. In the book, she describes her many alien contacts and how she transformed her fear of ETs to understanding their peaceful intentions. Sev had supernatural events and ET contact while living in Crofton, MD (where she did most of her growing up), in Baltimore, MD (where she graduated from Loyola University and lived in Baltimore City for 20 years), Capitol Hill, Wash, DC (where she lived for 2 years), Arapahoe, NC (where she currently lives), and Roswell, NM (where she visited). Sev’s debut book serves to provide momentum for the universal reveal that we are not alone in the galaxies. Humans are part of an inter-galactic neighborhood and we have the right to talk to our neighbors, the ETs. Sev recently moved to the Inner Banks of North Carolina with Patrick and her two mystical black cats, Zulu and Comet. She spends her time writing, lecturing, and sailing. Website:

Sonic Geometry : The Language of Frequency & Form

Eric Rankin is the creator of the highly successful two-part sonic geometry documentaries. He is now furthering his studies and theories with some of the world’s top physicists and mathematicians including Nassim Harramein. Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form. ​ How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again? Though it defies all logical explanation, it appears that our ancient ancestors living in Sumeria 6,000 years ago were “gifted” by “sky-visitors” with certain information that could only be verified by present-day technology. ​What is this information? It is the explanation of how frequency reveals mechanical movements found throughout the universe, how certain harmonics contain keys and codes to unlock the very process of creation, and how one particular math system reveals the very matrix of existence. Is this information new? No it is not. It has been laying dormant in our geometry, in our system of keeping time, in the way we measure our world, and in certain symbols we find all around us but have lost the connection to their true meaning. Website:  

An Interview with Ascended Being Chung Fu Part V

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (making his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth) is an ascended being who returns to share insights on the rapid global transformation of consciousness happening before our very eyes. Mr. Fu discusses the purpose of light beings on earth right now, what life is like in the non-physical realms, how we can triumph against the dark, how each one of us can connect deeply with the highest form of unconditional love, and much more. Within the teachings of Chung Fu, there is as much wisdom in the ‘dark’ as in the ‘light’. All is an expression of Divine Love, which encompasses even the greatest ignorance causal to the most terrible suffering of body heart and mind. Love is the Great Medicine and we become its alchemists, creating it out of every experience we are given to transform and transmute. Chung Fu teaches that with enough commitment of heart and soul, with enough practice of body and mind, we can entirely change deep realities within and change what in some traditions is referred to as our ‘karma’. Website:   Chung Fu, Ascended being, channeled spirit, Marshal Lever, Stuart Wilde, Sophie Pullinger, Solar Logos, light beings, love, healing


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