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Trauma Trial Transformation


  Trauma Trial Transformation Podcast




What is Trauma, Trial, Transformation?

Juliet dovetails her 30-year career in the courtroom as a persuasion strategist with her personal healing experience to create a unique perspective talking with guests about testifying under oath. As a persuasion strategist working on high profile, high stakes, and billion-dollar litigation, she has witnessed the distress sitting in the witness chair can cause in one’s life and its lasting effects. As a breathwork practitioner she has experienced the joy one can feel when facing trauma head on. She offers a platform that brings to light the trauma caused by testifying and offers a different approach one can take to prepare to take the stand and how to heal after the encounter.

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Rodney Stotts: Birds Became More Important Than Drugs

You don't want to miss this episode with Master Falconer Rodney Stotts who shares how his love of animals and nature have helped him heal from a life of drugs, guns and crime. After spending time in jail, he describes the peace and tranquility he feels working with raptors, and how sitting silent in nature brings one to a place of healing. One of his many inspiring quotes,"You can only heal if you find what makes you feel better, and don't let anyone steal away your joy."

Heather Poole: We Should Not Be So Quick to Judge

In a heartfelt conversation with Immigration Attorney Heather Poole, we discuss the need for a balance of more positive immigration stories of immigrants like the founder of Yahoo, Noble Peace Prize winners, scientists, and scholars that bring over 10 billion dollars to the U.S. economy. Heather also shares amazing stories of resilience and how getting a U.S. green card transforms lives.

Gail Shifman: Trump Indictment vs. Street Criminal

Join me with "white collar" trial attorney Gail Shifman as she explains the differences and similarities of street criminals vs. white collar criminals and how the process unfolds in the legal system, especially when it is a former President of the US United States. In this unprecedented indictment, Gail discusses how the system can work in the favor of someone of such high profile yet how once arrested, the status of the convict is now exactly the same and he is referred to as a "criminal".

Fritzi Horstman: Compassion Prison Project

In today's episode with Fritzi Horstman, founder of the Compassion Prison Project, we discuss the moral injuries that those of us involved in the legal system face, including making us lose empathy and compassion. She asks listeners to keep in mind that we are humans who have hurt each other, and we must see through fear and anger to find compassion. She asks us to look at the fact that most prisoners only know violence as a solution in their lives, and that 90% of those incarcerated have incurred some type of childhood violence or trauma.

Jason Van Tatenhove: Testifying Against The Oath Keepers: The Right Thing To Do

In part 2 of my continued conversation with Jason Van Tatenhove, he describes, in vivid detail, how visiting the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC gave him the strength and courage to testify against the Oath Keepers. He describes his relief for having a law firm who believed in him enough to accept him as part of their pro-bono program since he had no resources to defend himself. He also gives a step-by-step account of what it was like be an average person one day, then surrounded by armed guards and 100s of photographers within 24 hours. He got through it by staying focused on how he could make something better for his daughters in the world they are going to inherit.

Jason Van Tatenhove: Why did a former Oath Keeper testify before Congress?

Welcome to part one of a two-part series, an explosive story about realizing you are in the wrong place at the right time. My guest, Jason Van Tatenhove, talks with me about working for the Oath Keepers and the moment he realized he was "drinking the Kool Aid". Sharing how he reinvented himself after leaving the organization, he went on to teach his kids that it’s ok to "mess up, but then work on making it right." He then leads us into what it was like to testify in front of the Jan 6th Congressional Committee.

John O'Malley: The Intersection of Mental Health and the Law

Litigator for 30+ years and now retired, John O'Malley speaks on behalf of NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness. He talks about trying to lift the stigma of discussing mental illness openly. John is proud of the programs NAMI offers, one of which is working to train law enforcement on identifying the signs of someone with mental illness. Juliet and John also discuss how gaining life experience helps one become better at witness prep and the importance of having empathy for those who need to take the stand.

Scarlett Lewis: Choose Love

Welcome to episode #2 of the Trauma, Trial and Transformation podcast during which host Juliet Huck speaks with Scarlett Lewis the mother Jesse Lewis, one of the children killed during the Sandy Hook School shooting. Scarlett was the first of a group of parents who sued conspiracy podcast theorist Alex Jones who publicly claimed that Sandy Hook was a hoax. In this episode you will hear Juliet talk to Scarlett talk about her much publicized courtroom confrontation with Jones during the trial which eventually resulted in the jury awarding mulitple families nearly a half billion dollars.

Scarlett Lewis: Courage from My Son

Please join me in an extremely powerful and moving conversation with the mother of Sandy Hook murdered victim Jessie Lewis. Scarlett Lewis is the Chief Movement Officer of the Jessie Lewis Choose Love Movement. In part one we discuss her book and how she gained strength over the years dealing with her grief – which then leads us into our conversation of having the courage to sue Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist.


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