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Maurice DeDeaux: For The Love of My Daughter

Today’s guest, Maurice DeDeaux, discusses the steps he took on what he labeled “YouTube University” to learn the legal system so he could represent himself in fighting for custody of his daughter. He talks about learning patience and getting past the frustration that is part of the judicial system. But he would not have it any other way as he continues his quest for custody.

Victoria Rusk: Feelings Before Facts

Today’s guest is Mitigation Specialist Victoria Rusk. In a delicate conversation, she talks about putting her own agenda and judgement aside to help the accused. It requires that she humanizes her clients who are on trial for the death penalty, life in prison or long-term sentences. The author of The Handbook of Mitigation and founder of Mitigation University, Victoria tells an amazing story of a mother whose son was on trial for the death penalty and how testifying was such a blessing because for the first time she felt heard. It helped this woman heal some deep-rooted pain.

Pastor Kyle Joachim: Cultivating Connectivity

Join an inspirational conversation with Pastor Kyle Joachim about why putting his own agenda aside, and just being "present" in one's time of need, is so important. Juliet and Kyle talk about holding on to faith in your darkest hours when one feels overwhelmed by the legal system and why cultivating a relationship with God or one’s higher power makes it easier to ask for help when all seems lost.

Dr. Stephanie Maj: Heal the Nervous System, Heal the Trauma

In a fascinating and educational conversation, Dr. Stephanie Maj walks us through the scientific steps of how trauma physically affects the body. Not only does it impact functions like long term memory and emotional muscle memory, it also weakens the frontal lobe of the brain which compromises complex thought, therefore possibly compromising a witnesses’ memory when taking the stand. Dr. Maj also shares how trauma irritates the nervous system and how healing the nervous system helps heal the trauma.

Rosemary Wilson: Court of Public Opinion

Kicking of 2023, Juliet talks with Crisis Communications Expert Rosemary Wilson about her roll in consulting with corporations and individuals when crisis strikes, and/or reputations are on the line. She talks about how issues can be minimized when addressing a problem quickly instead of hoping it will dissolve. She has great insight on how to minimize the damaging effect on one's reputation and stop the ripple effect in its tracks.

Karen Egoff: Let's Honor Ourselves

As a wrap for 2022, Juliet takes a different approach from recent podcasts. She interviews Karen Egoff of My Soul Balance on the topic of honoring ourselves. Karen gives us some insight on the power of Reiki and walks us through a chair yoga exercise so we can take a few minutes for self care. Juliet also provides some food for thought for ending 2022.

Kristin Shelton: An Oddly Fun Chess Game

Join the conversation between Juliet and Kristin Shelton on her experience of becoming a forensic accounting expert witness. Kristin talks about how the psychological warfare of the cross examination is an oddly fun chess game. She describes her first time testifying as an expert witness and how the Grateful Dead's music got her through the experience. That was when she realized how music is a large part of her selfcare during the stressful process.

Judy AmicAngelo: You Have To Fight To Be Well

This week, Juliet talks with Judy AmicAngleo, interior architect, commercial interior designer and colorist. She suffered a freak accident when her neighbor's unleashed dog charged her and her (leashed) dog. In the resulting fight, her finger was servered. She talks about filing a lawsuit and how she was accused of not telling the truth despite her bandaged hand. She also shares how color not only heals but can also intimidate. Her latest achievement is learning hip-hop dance with the 20-somethings and how it is helping her heal.

Robyn Ginney: Divorce Without Fear

High-conflict divorce attorney Robyn Ginney, Esq., is a strong, experienced attorney who shields her clients from their spouses, recognizes the games being played, and protects what matters most – her client’s wellbeing. She’s a strong advocate for her clients in what she describes as "divorce terrorism". Her background in psychology, crisis counseling, and special education gives her a unique perspective and insight into her client’s fears and the games that others play to prolong or complicate a divorce. While the divorce process can be traumatic, she shares steps one can take to make the process less painful.


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