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Eleanor Lerman — Award Winning Writer Tackles Caregiving a Sibling with Alzheimers


Have you ever wondered what would happen if one of your family members developed Alzheimers, and unexpectedly came to live with you? Acclaimed author and poet, Eleanor Lerman, just published the book “Watkins Glen” which examines this very situation. At the heart of “Watkins Glen” is the story of Susan, a woman in her sixties, who reluctantly finds herself having to take care of her estranged older brother, Mark, who has developed Alzheimer’s. Susan is living in Watkins Glen, a town in upstate New York, where she takes her brother to live—temporarily, she thinks. In the throes of his illness, Mark has developed a rare but well-known symptom of dementia called Acquired Artist Syndrome, whereby people who have never even thought about painting suddenly become obsessed with the art. Find out more about Eleanor Lerman at Check out for an innovative app that supports mental health. Find out more about the Zestful Aging Podcast at


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