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Heart of War vs Heart of Peace – TPS491


I had an experience at a Thanksgiving gathering that greatly impacted me internally. My brother, Marc was also at the event, and he said something that really pushed my buttons. In this episode, I discuss what happened and what I had to go through to resolve the conflict I was experiencing.


I talk about what happened at the Thanksgiving gathering and how I reached out to Kimberly Rauch and the group I had been attending. Kimberly suggested that I read the book The Anatomy of War.
The book had a deep impact on me. I began to see how I had been expressing a heart of war with my brothers because of the favoritism shown to boys over girls.
The difference between a heart of peace and a heart of war is explained.
A quote from the book: “When our hearts are at war, we can’t see clearly. We give ourselves the best opportunity to make clear-minded decisions only to the extent that our hearts are at peace.”
I also talk about self-directed passive-aggressive behavior and how that has affected me over the years.
If we can’t express hidden anger, then we will act it out in various ways – subconsciously.
People who have been abused or neglected in childhood often have a heart of war towards authorities.
If we take responsibility for what we’re creating and we accept what comes along as what we need, if something uncomfortable comes along, we can observe our responses and make changes when necessary.
I am the only one who can control my response to external stimuli.
After I understood my response to my brother’s comment, I felt an enormous sense of relief and my energy levels have increased considerably.
Treat yourself like someone you love.
If something isn’t going the way you wanted it to, get in touch with your inner experience and see you if you can figure out why you’re creating what you’re creating. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with you that needs fixing and you aren’t doing anything wrong.
Do you have a heart of peace or heart of war?

The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict byThe Arbinger Institute

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