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Let Life Happen Through You, Not To You – TPS496


In January 2020, I started talking about conscious synchronicity on this podcast. I think a lot about this topic and in today’s episode, I share some of the things I’ve learned about the depths of what it is and what it takes to allow conscious synchronicity into your life.


Synchronicity is when unrelated incidents seem to be more than just coincidence. I give examples.
Over the years, I have asked the question, “What if everything that happens is synchronicity.”
If you’re willing to believe that everything you need shows up and you need everything that shows up, when something uncomfortable happens, you can ask, “Why do I need this?” The answer always is related to the feelings that helped create the situation.
Emotions are the creative force behind our life stories.
The situation doesn’t cause the emotion. The emotion is the force behind the situation. I give examples.
I talk about the process of asking yourself what you’re feeling, when you have felt it before, what you would rather be feeling, and you know how to feel that.
You have to decide what their feeling goals are.
There is nothing wrong with you that needs fixing. You just have habits that developed early in childhood and these habits can change.
It takes time to develop new habits and new neural pathways in your brain.
Whatever happens in your life is a reflection of what is going on inside of you.
Anger can be a habitual response to familiar stimuli, and you have to decide if you want to change your responses.
Empathetic detachment is when I can really empathize with what others feel, but I don’t have to take responsibility for it and fix it.
The more you can let go of those deeply ingrained habits, the more will show up for you that’s comfortable.
To build my coaching business, I didn’t want to have to do a lot of outbound marketing. I wanted to be able to get myself in the right place and have what I need show up.
I talk about my current state of comfort and joy since I let go of old family-related feelings.
For conscious synchronicity to work, it’s necessary to examine the whole process of letting go.
Are you ready to let go of trying to control everything? Conscious synchronicity requires that you let life happen through you, not to you.
Who you are right now is perfect.
When you can ask yourself, “Why do I need this?” instead of, “Why is this happening to me?” your life results will be different.
There is no one thing that is going to make your life more comfortable. A holistic approach is necessary.
It’s a matter of looking at what is and deciding if there’s something that you would rather it be.

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