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Lisa Levy: Helping Small Businesses Grow and Thrive – TPS448


Lisa L. Levy is the bestselling author of Future Proofing Cubed and Founder and CEO of Lcubed Consulting, a business that helps organizations elevate through strategic goal achievement. She and her team teach the practice of rapid adaptive transformation to notable global, multi-billion-dollar clients.

Lisa is a frequent guest expert on multiple media outlets and speaker at business executive conferences. On her rare days off, she enjoys spending time at her home in Arizona with her family and hound dogs.

Lisa talks about how her company switched from working with very large companies to smaller companies.
The Adaptive Transformation Framework helps smaller businesses grow.
Lisa started working in corporate but realized she needed to be more creative and moved towards entrepreneurship.
Her experience in corporate helped create the system she uses.
Large corporations are only 10% of the businesses in the US.
The system that Lisa uses engages everyone within the organization and helps them adapt to change.
Lisa explains how the system she uses works with her mostly left-brain clients, but she is aware of the necessity of developing right-brain skills that lead to creativity and innovation.
Future Proofing Cubed – Lisa’s book – came to be during the pandemic when businesses had to adapt to new ways of doing things. By using the Adaptive Transformation Framework, business leaders can better adapt to change and thrive during difficult times.
Lisa is developing her ability to use emotions as part of business building.
You can teach people business skills, but their attitude and how they show up is also important.
Lisa has a core group of partners she works with so that she can bring in expertise from all fields to her clients.
We talk about the importance of collaboration.
When you open to other people, you expand yourself and become stronger.

Lisa’s site

Future Proofing Cubed: The Definitive Guide to Improving Productivity, Refining Processes, and Bolstering Profitability

The C-Suite Network


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