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Tag: ASD

127:A Peculiar Episode

Join me as we enter the autistic brain and we go in the deepness of the word “normal.” What does normal mean exactly you might wonder? The answer is from the book Are You Normal by Mark Schulman and we will all find out what the word “normal” means together. 

126:The Big Split

In this episode, I talk about how the great debate of all which is not Obama vs Romney or Trump vs Clinton, it’s cats vs dogs. We will finally settle this argument with evidence from National Geographic Wild book Cats vs Dogs. This also shows the challenge of us being close minded and learning how to open our minds. 

123:Sensitive Feelings

In this episode, I talk about how our senses can be messed up from our hearing to our taste buds. I will explain how we feel when our senses are on track, but when they also get corrupted. Come in and experience what a person with autism feels, sees, hears, smells, and tastes in the sometimes scary world. 

121:Meet Tay Tay

In this episode, I interview my grandmother Terri Pursell or as we call her, Ta Ta. She is everyone’s dream grandmother and like me, you will all fall in love with her from her voice to her personality. She is truly a saint because she will do anything for her family.

120:Spreading Our Wings


On this episode, we discuss how pop music can resemble autism. Also, I show my fun side by playing a game with you about pop music. If you drop me an email with any of the clues and the name of the correct song, you will either get a free autism Paracord bracelet or you will get a $5 Starbucks gift card. 

118:Pushed To The Side

On this episode I talk about how often those with autism are excluded from conversations and how it makes us feel. It makes us feel awful and that we are worthless to society. Today I will talk about ways in which those with autism can be a part of conversations without being excluded and how others can work on welcoming everyone to the group.




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