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There’s Nothing Wrong with You That Needs Fixing – TPS507


It’s not helpful to believe that there is something wrong with you that needs fixing. In this episode I talk about how to find solutions to what you perceive as problems and stop thinking that there’s something wrong with you. This will change your life outcomes.


While giving a recent presentation to potential real estate investors, one of the participants said that he thought the reason for his problem moving forward is that he has imposter syndrome. This led to a discussion about how there is nothing wrong with you that needs fixing.
Changing your habitual thoughts, which includes negative self-talk, will lead to better outcomes. I give suggestions on how to do this.
You have agency over your space in the world and you can decide who and how you want to be with other people.
The more satisfied you are with yourself, the more you’re going to be able to grow and move forward.
Our psychological and medical systems are built around the idea that there’s something wrong with you the needs fixing. You can make decisions to change or perceive whatever is bothering you.
If you get a diagnosis for something that seems to be wrong with you, you can find information online for alternative treatments and what you can do for yourself.
It helps if you learn how your body works so you can figure out what’s going on if you’re uncomfortable.
Once you believe that there is nothing wrong with you that needs fixing, you can find solutions to whatever problems or discomforts you may be having.
Can you change everything about you? Not necessarily, but you can decide that whoever you are is fine and there’s nothing wrong with you.
Once you make the decision and set the intention to change something you want to change, the information and resources you need will show up – if you are ready.

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