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Tag: child raising

Sarah Forrest- Sharing the Experts with Everyone.

Sarah Forest has spent her WHOLE LIFE going to mental Health Conferences and meeting, listening to and learning from the top experts in the field of mental health, addiction, and recovery. WHY? Her parents created the Psychotherapy Associates Winter Symposium, one of the largest yearly events in the US. Now her children roam the isles doing the same as she and her family continue the legacy of sharing the experts with everyone. A touching episode!

Dr. Barry Weinhold- Developmental Tauma

Your host, Aaron and Dr. Barry Weinhold get together again to discuss trauma and how it affects development. Dr. Weinhold is a WEALTH of knowledge on every aspect of counseling and Human Services. In 1971, Barry founded the Counseling & Human Services Program in the College of Education at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. He served many of his 30 years at UCCS as department chair and helped create a very successful counselor education curriculum for M.A. level students. He is the author of 66 (you read that right) books.

ABC’s of how to do the Quarantine with Kids that Struggle.

Host Aaron Huey gives parents the ABC’s of HOW to talk to your kids, HOW to homeschool them, and HOW to manage your finances, relationships, and personal struggles all while being a perfect parent of kids that struggle. Sound impossible? It probably is, BUT, there is a way forward during this completely unknown and uncertain time.


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