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Tag: courage

Dan Mendilow: Going Beyond Brain Science to Know Who We Are – TPS398

Dan Mendilow is an entrepreneurial neuropsychologist who helps service-based business owners breakthrough income plateaus while working less by rewiring their brains. In this episode, we have a free-flowing conversation about brain science and spirituality.


Dan had a tough beginning – an immigrant kid who was born depressed and bullied through school. He shares his story.
When he became suicidal, he realized he had to do something else, which led him on a 13-year search around the world until one day, the depression lifted.
The more he learned about the brain, the more he could help people find out who they are and rewire their brains.
We really don’t know what the mind really is and where it comes from.
We talk about quantum physics and how who we really are goes beyond the measurable science.
Spiritual experiences are a side science we just don’t understand yet.
When we meet someone we are seeing them through our own protective structure. If we could see them deeply, we would see love.
What we are looking for is connection, touch, and to be seen.
Dan explains how he listens to others without his own filters.
When working with clients, he teaches them how to take down their walls, by rewiring their brains. He talks about the techniques he uses.
The longer we live the closer science and spirituality come together.

Dan’s site 

Dan on Instagram

Coupon code for 25% off my course Rewire Your Brain for Prosperity & Financial Freedom: ryb25

The Kidney Bean Brothers – A story of selfless giving!

Join us for this beautiful story of two friends who are forever connected through a kidney transplant. Patrick Reed was in desperate need of a kidney transplant and reached out to fellow connections on Facebook. In enters, Dan Evers, a friend from college, who immediately offered his kidney without a moment of hesitation. Both men discuss their journey and candidly express their love and gratitude toward one another. There are 600,000 people in America in need of a kidney. This touching story is a perfect reminder to all of us about what the true spirit of giving looks like.

Patrick is works in California for Lexus and Dan lives in Texas, where he is a college professor. Both men are in regular contact with one another and remain close friends who have truly become brothers…”kidney bean” brothers, that is.

The Courage to Be Free – TPS397

When I ask people what they want to achieve, they often say, “freedom”. Well, freedom is a state of mind. In this episode, I talk about the feeling of freedom and how decisions I have made have led to freedom.


I talk about when I reached my moment of stillness in August and how I now really feel free.
When we understand how our brain works, we can understand why we make the decisions we do.
Are you willing to pursue the feeling of freedom? It does take work.
What would your life look like if you really feel free?
If you feel trapped, you need to recognize the feeling of trapped and related feelings such as longing and disappointment
Start by becoming aware of when you feel contracted. Also, recognize what you are thinking about when you feel contracted.
You’ll be learning how to transmute the contracted feeling into expansion.
You can train your brain and change habits.
I talk about impulsive decisions.
The goal is to make better business decisions.
Are you willing to believe that there’s nothing wrong with you that needs fixing?
If it’s hard for you to believe that, let’s find out why.

End of the Year Wrap Up – TPS396

As the last show of the year, in this episode, I review some of the things we talked about in 2019 and what you can expect in the next year. The upcoming topics will include, but not be limited to:

The role of emotions in the healing process
How to apply brain science to make better decisions.
Money, sex, and dopamine
Viewing what’s going on today from a new perspective
Simple ways to live a happier, healthier, and more prosperous life.

I also express my gratitude to those who have been listening to the show.

Check out the Intention + Action Coaching Group

Depression – “I SEE you”

This podcast is jammed packed with nuggets of wisdom from Dale Pierce, a pastor in Colorado. With a humble transparency, Dale talks about his own journey with depression and the things that have made the difference in the dark moments throughout his life. This is no preachy church service…Dale is candid about how we ALL can help others in our lives move through difficult times by simply SEEING them.

Dale is the pastor at United Church of Crook in Crook, Colorado 970-886-3151
( He is married to Jen Pierce and is father to 3 beautiful adult children and two precious grandchildren.

Ken D. Foster: The Courage to Change Everything – TPS395

Ken Foster is not only a best-selling author and syndicated radio host in over 100 countries, he is an Expert on Courage and is helping people redefine themselves through courageous living. Ken is also a Master Business Strategist and Coach, International Speaker, and Intuitive Mentor. He is one of the country’s leading figures in the science of business and consciousness. His latest book is The Courage to Change Everything.


Real courage is something you can feel inside of you.
People can hear and see courage.
Conscious courage is a choice and is the bridge between fear and love.
Intuition comes with courage. You have to be willing to step into the unknown.
Our busy mind keeps us from clearly hearing our inner voice. You have to develop listening to your intuition.
When something isn’t working, ask yourself, “What is it inside of me that’s allowing things to show up the way they are?”
When you shift into a place where you understand that everything in your life is for your benefit, you can get to a better place.
Being self-reflective is part of taking responsibility for your life.
Ken talks about his book, The Courage to Change Everything.
A while back, Ken realized that he needed to do something to live a life of freedom and let go of all of his things.
The mind is the cause of both our bondage and our freedom.
You have to feel the pain in order to make the change.
We need to get to a place of peace in order to evolve. It means healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually in order to evolve.
A difficult life can be the greatest gift.

Ken’s Free Book: Release-Renew-Evolve

Ken’s Main Site:

Keri Norley: Accepting Her Wealth & Purpose – TPS394

Keri Norley was brought up wealthy and explains what she had to overcome to find herself. She is known as ‘The Wealth Alchemist’ and is an international wealth and soul-alignment coach, mentor, speaker, and author of the book “How to Use Feng Shui to Create Business Abundance”.  Keri plays in the quantum realms to help people release the stories that are keeping them stuck.  


People have beliefs that keep them from creating wealth.
Being brought up in a wealthy family created a wealth habit for Keri at an early age.
Although she had a wealth habit, Keri wondered why her business wasn’t doing well.
People tend to believe that wealthy people are happy. Keri discusses why this isn’t necessarily true.
The money was easy for her, but the humanity part was a lot harder.
Even wealthy people have a hard time talking about money.
The stories we all have to share is what makes us who we are.
Wealth is more than just money. It’s a state of being.
In the quantum realm, there is no time.
Whatever a person is experiencing today is the result of what they believed in the past.
Gratitude allows one to see deeper into who they are.
Everything on our path gives us the opportunity to learn and advance.
We can choose who we want to be.
Lack of worthiness and deservingness holds people back.
By not owning every piece of ourselves then we can’t embody our purpose.
See what swims towards you.

Keri’s site

Julie Renee: An Effective Method of Quantum Activation for Healing

Tips for Withdrawing from Sugar Part 2 – TPS393

In the last episode, I talked about giving up sugar. Today I want to give you some real practical tips to help you on that journey. I’d like to mention that most of the articles I’ve seen online about withdrawing from sugar are geared towards people who want to give it up suddenly, to just cold turkey.

My experience was that cold turkey caused other problems. I had been a sugar junkie for a really long time. When I was working, I was doing three Cokes a day and cookies & desserts for lunch! I mean, that was all and I had been eating sugar all of my life. And when the doctor told me to stop eating sugar if I wanted to stop being depressed, I did it practically overnight! And the results were that the depression went away.
But I wound up with a lot of other problems, although it wasn’t only due to the sugar withdrawal. I just want to make it clear that if you’ve been eating a lot of sugar over a long period of time, you might want to consider a slow withdrawal before cold turkey. I did the same thing with cigarettes.
I had only been smoking about half a pack a day. And I cut down to where I was just having two or three cigarettes a day. Then I stopped. It’s like when I was addicted to Valium, I had to do it slowly. And there are all sorts of groups online helping people withdraw from that drug, which is very hard to withdraw from, and they’re doing it over a really long period of time.
Sometimes you have to adjust to a new way for your body to adjust. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, then it might be a little easier to cold turkey. I was in my 30s when I quit cold turkey, and I had a lot of problems. So I just want to put that out and have you consider following your intuition.
If your intuition tells you not to do it suddenly, then do it slowly. As I suggested last time, by reading labels on your food, you get to see how much sugar you’re actually eating. And when you do that, you can measure out the number of tablespoons of sugar because there are 12.5 grams of sugar per tablespoon. When you see 39 grams on a can of Coke, then you’re going to have to measure out three tablespoons. I didn’t do the exact math because two tablespoons, which is an ounce, would be about 25 grams.
I did this with a young boy one time where he was having trouble in school. I think he was in the eighth or tenth grade at the time. He was depressed and wasn’t doing his schoolwork and his mother was having a lot of discipline problems with him. I was staying in their house and it was during my journey of withdrawing from sugar. So I measured out the sugar he was eating on a daily basis, and it turned out to be like half a cup of sugar every day. That’s a lot of sugar your body has to deal with, yet it’s not designed to deal with that much sugar!

Other Ways of Withdrawing from Sugar

So what are some of the other things you can do to help you in withdrawing from sugar other than doing it slowly?
I’ve found out that with both sugar and smoking, natural licorice root sticks, not licorice, actually help. However, you shouldn’t stay on it to long because it will affect your kidneys.
Licorice root sticks are sweet and taste like licorice. They have a sweet flavor and happen to be good for your adrenal glands. When you eat a lot of sugar, your adrenal glands become compromised. That’s why you would need sugar to get an energy kick because your adrenal glands are hurting.
One of the reasons why people keep going back to sugar is that like drugs, it causes a dopamine response. Dopamine is the pleasure molecule. And because it feels good to eat sugar, you’re going to keep going back to it and you’re going to build up a tolerance where you need more and more to get the same kick. And so licorice root sticks can help a lot with that.
The other thing I did in the beginning, which was very helpful, was that I would smell the foods that I didn’t want to eat …

“I became homeless and no one smiled at me anymore”

In this powerful podcast, our guest “Autumn”, speaks about the homeless population. With winter weather here and the holiday season approaching, this message is relevant and much needed! Autumn speaks about how mainstream culture often labels the homeless as “lazy or crazy”. She drives home the point that “We all need each other” in a world that frequently silos and separates. She leaves the audience with tangible ways in which we can help those who need to be supported, encouraged and loved on.

How to Stop Eating Sugar Part 1 – TPS392

I recently got a message via Facebook from a woman who has been struggling for a long time to withdraw from sugar. Because I gave up – really gave up – sugar 46 years ago, I know how to sustain what might be called sugar sobriety. I offer some of what I learned along the way.


Giving up sugar is a lot more complicated than just not eating sugar.
Finally, people are realizing that sugar is not healthy.
In 1973, I saw a documentary on hypoglycemia and knew immediately that was part of my problem.
I talk about how I found out I had hypoglycemia and the doctor who helped me.
Most chronic diseases are caused by inflammation. Sugar causes inflammation.
I mention a number of the symptoms of hypoglycemia as well as how the endocrine system is affected.
Sugar is harder to give up than heroin.
You have to make a decision to give up sugar first and then start reading the labels on your food.
You have to be off sugar, alcohol, and carbohydrates for quite a while before you can sustain the withdrawal.
I list some of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.

The Low Blood Sugar Symptom List  (Download Nourish Yourself on this page)

10 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad for Your Health

14 Simple Ways to Stop Eating Lots of Sugar

Your Brain on Sugar


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