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Tag: crossroads

When You Don’t Get What You Want, You Get Experience

Sarah Gray was 3 months pregnant with twins when she found out that one of them had a rare birth defect. He died 6 days after he was born. Sarah and Leah talk about how we never really get over these awful events. Instead, we can see them as an opportunity to grow. Sarah Gray is the author of the award-winning, Washington Post bestseller, A Life Everlasting: The Extraordinary Story of One Boys Gift to Medical Science. Her work and her family’s story has been featured on CNN, WNYC’s RadioLab, The Moth RadioHour, TED Talk of the Day, The Associated Press, Science Magazine, Reader’s Digest, The Atlantic and other major media outlets. Sarah Gray is an organ, eye, tissue, and blood donation advocate and regularly speaks around the country.

People Are My Bucket List

Leah gives a health update about her cancer status and how her most recent doctor’s visit was the impetus for this episode of the podcast. Bucket List is a term that has been tossed around as a way to get clear about what you want to experience in your life before you die. Not a bad idea. The pandemic has certainly put a damper on pursuing “big” experiences. And, maybe that’s a good thing. This has certainly given Leah clarity about her bucket list. It’s not about big experiences. It’s about people.

Treat Often, Cure Sometimes, Comfort Always

This is a very special episode of the podcast. Leah interviews one of her primary oncologists, Dr. Diana Medgyesy. Listen to this intimate and revealing conversation about how Diana works to balance hope and the reality of her patients’ cancer experiences. She shares personal stories illustrating the strength, courage and love she witnesses on a daily basis even in the face of death. You will leave feeling hopeful about humanity.

Originally from Romania, where she completed medical school, she received her postgraduate training in Internal Medicine at Yale University and New York Medical College at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in CT. This was followed by a fellowship in Medical Oncology and Hematology at University of TX and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. She is a board-certified diplomat in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology and Hematology. She has a special interest in breast and gynecologic cancers. She has been practicing medicine in Fort Collins, CO for 20 years.

You’re Not Going Crazy, It Just Feels Like You Are

In this episode of Precarious, Leah shares her experiences of being a mental health therapist during the pandemic: the most collective Precarious chapter in our recent history. The level of stress we are experiencing is unprecedented. It has some of us feeling like we are “Going Crazy”. She offers wisdom and support around how to manage the threat the pandemic presents to our mental and physical well-being.

I Have Reasons to Live

Elana Miller always knew she wanted to be a doctor. In 2013, the finish line was in sight. She couldn’t wait to start this new chapter of her life practicing Integrative Psychiatry. Elana’s life took a detour when in December of 2013, she went to the ER because she was having trouble breathing. The chest x-ray revealed a huge mass in her chest. She was diagnosed with Stage IV Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, a rare and deadly type of cancer. She was 31 years old. She survived and rebuilt her life when in the fall of 2019, she relapsed. Listen to her inspiring story of courage and resilience. “I have reasons to live!”

Choosing Life or Death: A Story of a Cancer Crossroads

In this episode, Leah shares the beautiful and heart-breaking story of her friendship with Tamara and how their lives intersected at the most pivotal moments in their decisions around treatment for ovarian cancer. While Tamara chose to end treatment and Leah chose to continue treatment, they found ways to support and love each other along the way.

Making Meaning from Life’s Hard Stuff

In this episode, Leah explores the concept of Resilience. Are we born resilient or can we learn to be resilient? Why do some people seem to bounce back from adversity more than others? She shares her personal experiences with cancer and what this challenge has taught her about becoming resilient. She offers that living through the coronavirus/pandemic is the perfect practice field to grow more resilient.

Cancer and the Coronavirus: Is this a Crisis or a Chrysalis?

If you asked her, Tracy Maxwell, a 4-time cancer survivor, would tell you that cancer is the best thing that ever happened to her. In this episode, Tracy talks about how a crisis like cancer or the coronavirus presents us with transformative opportunities. After she was first diagnosed in 2006, she recognized the unique challenges of facing treatment and so many huge life decisions as a single person. So, she wrote a book, “Being Single, with Cancer: A Solo Survivor’s Guide to Life, Love, Health & Happiness”. Tracy’s cancer story has also been profiled in Cure, Singularity, A Woman’s Health, Prevention and Denver Woman magazines among others. She is a professional speaker represented by CAMPUSPEAK on the topics of hazing and leadership, and has appeared as a hazing expert in a variety of media outlets from ESPN and CBS This Morning to the Katie Couric Show. Tracy is also healing coach and survivorship guide and connects clients with their vision and value to experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wholeness. You can find out more about her and contact her through her website:

How Afraid Should I Be?

In this episode, Leah talks about how experiences with cancer parallel the experiences of living in a time of a world-wide pandemic, a.k.a COVID-19. She poses the question, “How afraid should I be?”. She examines are need to feel in control in order to feel safe in uncertain times. She challenges us to sit with the fear. She offers guidance, support and wisdom to help us through this precarious chapter in history.


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