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Tag: destigmatize mental health

A Home Within: Providing Therapy for Foster Youth While Supporting Therapist Communities

Join Kristin as she speaks with Reed Connell, Executive Director, and Deanna Linville, Director of Clinical Programs, at A Home Within, which helps provide free therapy for current and previous foster youth.  As Reed Connell states, A Home Within’s therapists are all part of a ‘community of hundreds of therapists nationwide who volunteer to provide one on one therapy to current and former foster youth for as long as necessary.’  In this podcast, they explain their organization and discuss how they are personally and professionally navigating the use of their passion for helping foster youth receive stable and undisrupted therapy, therapy that they will not ‘age-out’ of.  They explain how the organization also helps support the community of their therapists nationwide.

Reed Connell, Executive Director of A Home Within, has spent nearly 20 years working in foster care, mental health, housing, and special education settings and has developed a sophisticated knowledge of childrenʼs programs and policy development. Reed has worked with statewide and national coalitions to design, pass, and implement a range of important children’s legislation, and has worked with a range of nonprofit organizations and government agencies on resource, program, and capacity development. In 2014, Reed co-founded Social Change Partners, LLC to support nonprofits and government agencies in meeting the needs of children and families. Reed also works with a range of mental health systems change efforts, including Breaking Barriers and The California Children’s Trust. Reed holds an MSW degree from UC Berkeley with a concentration in Management and Planning.  

Deanna Linville, currently Director of Clinical Programs at A Home Within, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Oregon and an AAMFT approved supervisor. She has two decades of experience providing direct mental health care, clinical supervision, and training as well as conducting clinical research. Linville joined A Home Within in June 2020 to work as the program clinical director offering her clinical and research consultation services to clinical directors, volunteers, and staff. Her professional experiences to date inspire and inform her clinical research and allow her to stay on the cutting edge of best practices for training mental health professionals to provide ethical and culturally responsive care. Linville earned her MS and Ph.D. degrees at Virginia Tech in Marriage and Family Therapy as well as completed a 12-month doctoral fellowship at the Chicago Center for Family Health, where she gained specialized training and experience working in collaborative family healthcare settings. She has published over forty manuscripts as well as developed and tested numerous clinical interventions aimed to reduce health disparities, prevent eating disorders, and promote family wellness. Linville also works at the University of Oregon as an associate professor in the Couples and Family Therapy MS program.

More information and information regarding how to volunteer can be found at their website:

Nutrition and Mental Health During Stressful Times

Join Kristin as she speaks with Christina Veselek, a mental health nutritionist, as she helps us understand the importance of nutrition and its impact on how our brain as it helps us handle the stress and our mental health during incredibly stressful times. These are things we can do to help keep our brain as at stress-free as possible.  Please always note to discuss any new supplements with a licensed professional before beginning anything new.

Christina Veselak is the owner of Garden Gate Counseling and The Academy for Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, which is now located near Huntington, in West Virginia. While she is licensed in Colorado as a Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), in Wayne, West Virginia, she works as a Relapse Prevention Coach and a Mental Health Nutritionist. She also trains therapists in advanced counseling skills and mental health nutrition.

Welcoming Back Rescue the Rescuer Amid Trying Times

Join Kristin as she welcomes back host Stephen Kavalkovich with his own podcast Rescue the Rescuer here on Mental Health News Radio Network after taking a sabbatical from his podcast. Life has been topsy turvy for nearly everyone, but several life changes have made Stephen’s life more exciting than even most. Hear them discuss how they are managing life amid these difficult times of the pandemic and civil unrest.

Stephen Kavalkovich, host of Rescue the Rescuer and CEO of Rescue Consulting, served as a paramedic for most of his adult life. His most memorable work was at the World Trade Center on 9-11-01. Although his work during this event left a lasting impression on him, his most impactful lessons came from his work as a paramedic in the state of New Jersey. Stephen saw numerous victims of overdose, reviving many of them. He eventually battled his own addiction issues; he lost his certification, career, marriage, and children. Eventually, he was able to overcome his addiction.
Stephen endeavors to open up the conversation about addressing the underlying pain, trauma, and lack of coping skills that makes one decide to self-medicate. Stephen knows first hand that no one is immune to addiction. He shares his story to give others the courage to voice their pain.

Racism, Christianity, and Mental Health with Dr. Antipas Harris

Join Kristin as she speaks with Dr. Antipas Harris about how a growing number of black youth is leaving the church due to the inherent racism within our modern-day Christian culture.  Hear as Antipas speaks about how we need to reevaluate how we think of Christianity.  As a Practical Theologian, his book, “Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion?” addresses how, while many may see one thing in church, the Bible is actually full of diversity.  Perhaps Christianity itself isn’t the problem, but rather our current vision of what Christianity is.

Dr. Antipas L. Harris holds a dual appointment as president-dean of Jakes Divinity School (JDS) and associate pastor at The Potter’s House (TPH), both located in Dallas, Texas. A brilliant thinker and prolific writer, Harris is advancing the vision of Bishop and Chancellor T.D. Jakes, founder of the fully-accredited, online seminary. Responding to the growing need for cutting-edge ecclesial leadership that transcends denominational lines, Harris’ mandate is to prepare today’s leaders for tomorrow’s Church.
Dr. Antipas writes for the general faith inquirer and does research to inform theological education with new insights to prepare ministers for leadership in a complex and often complicated world.
Boldly bearing witness to faith in the public square, Dr. Harris is, without question, a public theologian. His latest book, Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? speaks to the personal relevance of Christianity and dares the Church to define – or re-define – itself as ordered by Scripture, not polity. Well regarded in the board room and the ‘hood, Dr. Antipas’ words often have a “Pied Piper” effect; audiences sense his authenticity and respond to his calls to action. With a unique blend of biblical wisdom and sagacious humor, Harris says what the Church needs to hear and writes what the world needs to know.

Rescue to Recovery: The Rebuttal

The onslaught of harassing, ignorant, hateful, and incorrect backlash that every podcaster received who had Tracey Brown on their shows was immense. People targeted our network, our podcasters, their families, our employee’s families with wild assumptions that had a questionable basis of truth. We did not know Tracey Brown before the interview but we certainly stand with her and against bullying and harassment of anyone. Today’s show is about what happened after we aired her episode and we speak for all the other incredible podcasters, radio hosts, booksellers, and anyone else that became a target of hate after interviewing her. This isn’t even about Tracey Brown. This is about vitriol, hate, harassment, and other illegal activities, as well as, pulling in our United States Coast Guard to a mess that maligns this incredible institution.

Tracey Brown is a United States Coast Guard Veteran 1983-1987 QM3. She wore many hats as most Coast Guard men and women did in those days. She would be a firefighter one day, a small boat crew swimmer another. The Quartermaster rating in the USCG specializes in navigation. Even before understanding the extent of how the characteristics of PTSD had affected her personal life, Tracey was educated as a Director of Physical Rehabilitation and has been working for over twenty-five years in the field. The last decade has been dedicated to specialized work in pain reduction via scar tissue therapy. This is where she began to realize the “lostness” and confusion PTSD can create. She hopes to help not only the helpers, heroes, and warriors get beyond the stigma of PTSD but for all that have endured stress after trauma and hopes to help further the conversation and understanding of Post-traumatic Stress.

Using the Art of Filmmaking for Lasting Mental Health

Join Parvinder and Kristin as they talk about her work as a doctor, an actress, and a filmmaker. Hear all about the impact all aspects of her career has on mental health.

You will find The Secret Psychiatrist, Dr. Parvinder Shergill, on an award-winning podcast, recording her own radio show, working as a doctor at the NHS in the UK, being an expert speaker for Parliament and BBC, writing her books as well as articles and poems for magazines, being a theatre and filmmaker, and performing as an actress.

Vital Transformation Through Challenging Times

Join Kristin and Eliyahu as he shares his predictions about how we will get through Covid-19 and social unrest over the coming months.

Eliyahu Jian is an author, life and spiritual coach, motivational speaker, and advisor to people of all ages and backgrounds. He aims to empower people to be the best versions of themselves, create stronger relationships, achieve career success, and create healthier lifestyles by developing a spiritual connection. He has shared his vision and guidance with some of the world’s most famous and influential people, and most recently for everyone in his newest book: The Laughing Billionaire– How to Become Rich and Happy.


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