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Tag: General Mental Health

Claudia Christian | Actress' journey with Alcohol Addiction | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Claudia Christian is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Commander Susan Ivanova on the television series, Babylon 5. Claudia also voiced in several characters for the Bethesda Soft works video games, Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Claudia Christian is known for writing the book, Babylon Confidential. She is known for using The Sinclair Method. The Sinclair Method is a method for treating alcohol dependency. She also made a documentary called One Little Pill. The documentary is about reaching out to people who are suffering with addiction.






Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Dr. Kirsten Grant | Stories on Food Addiction and Reprogramming Your Brain | Funky Brain Podcast

Dr. Kirsten Grant is a speaker, researcher, author, teacher, and founder of Phoenix Six, LLC. She has a passion for helping women who are struggling with food addiction and its symptoms. Dr. Grant helps women to reach their potential and lose weight by reprogramming the brain. She uses her Phoenix Six Method in order to help women achieve their health goals.






Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Quinton Flynn | Actor shares stories on substance abuse and depression | Funky Brain Podcast

Quinton Flynn is a well-known actor and voice actor. He is notable for providing voices in video games such as Raiden in the Metal Gear series, Marcus Damin in Digimon Data Squad, Lea and Axel in The Kingdom Hearts series. He is also a recurring actor in the Crash Bandicoot video game series. He also voiced Jhin from League of Legends and Silver the Hedgehog in the Sonic video game series.


Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Dick Larson | New Ageless Wisdom Teachings | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Dick Larson is a counselor with a background in education who addresses the issues of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, meditation, and practical spirituality in everyday life. He has been a guest on radio talk shows nationwide, co-hosted a radio program, and produced and hosted a series of public access television shows that currently air around the nation.

In these difficult times, he sees great hope in this new cosmic cycle of life on planet Earth, and tries to help others see the same. Larson entertains and inspires as he shares his strong convictions about the future:  that we are now in a very special time of world change — one that offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth and positive transformation in our world community and in every aspect of our lives.





Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Frank King | Mental Health Awareness | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Frank King is a comedian, writer, Suicide Prevention and Postvention Keynote Speaker, and Trainer. He was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years. Frank King was featured on CNN’s Business Unusual. He has also been featured on several TED talks on suicide prevention and mental awareness.

A humorous keynote speaker, Frank incorporates a brand of comedy that inspires and entertains people dealing with trauma and stress. His experience coupled with his humor serves as a  tool in helping others who are having suicidal thoughts and struggling with depression.







Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

NEW to MHNR Network: The Funky Brain Podcast Hosted by Dennis Berry Guiding You Toward a Better, Sober Life!

Using the ancient proverb, “When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. When is the second-best time to plant a tree? Today.” Dennis Berry and The Funky Brain Podcast is here to help show that no matter how far into the abyss you appear to be, there is always a way out.

“It’s about growing up. Looking the world in the eye. Facing all of the challenges that life throws at you head-on. There is always a solution and as long as you’re sober, you have a chance to tackle any problem at any given time.” – Dennis Berry

Dennis came to podcasting as a way to provide information and help to more people and take his life coaching to the next level. Dennis brings with him 18 years of sobriety and an overall entertaining way of approaching life, addiction, and mental health. He is able to gain insight from speaking to people from all walks of life and around the world to not only help his listeners but also use what he learns and apply it within his business as well.

Dennis looks for engaging guests of all types, from professional athletes and Emmy award-winning entertainers to mental health professionals, in order to provide unique, inspiring, and motivational stories for his listeners. Dennis helps his listeners understand that there ARE solutions if you keep an open mind and learn to ask for help. He provides episodes to help with all aspects of life: mental health, addiction, relationships, life mastery, and financial problems to name a few.

Having lived an exciting and decadent lifestyle in his younger years, the ‘fun’ and ‘excitement’ eventually led to pain and suffering. After 15 years of substance abuse, Dennis reached that point he says is referred to as “the gift of desperation,” when he was finally in enough pain to listen to others and begin to make some changes in his life. He was not only financially bankrupt, but physically, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt as well. He had hit rock bottom. He spent 30 days in a Colorado rehab facility, learning to understand addiction and about the types of solutions needed to make true change and get his life back on the right path.

Dennis realized early on that sobriety requires changes in all areas of life, and began changing his friends, diet, hangouts, and interests. Some changes were made immediately, some over a period of time, and some changed without the conscious decision to do so. Dennis points out that the longer you stay sober, the more life will unfold for you. Since becoming sober, he’s become an athlete, family man, author, public speaker, business owner, and mentor to thousands of people, something he would have never thought possible.

About Mental Health News Radio Network
Mental Health News Radio Network hosts over 90 podcasts dedicated to all aspects of mental health. It is the world’s first and largest podcast network dedicated to all things mental health. Its Speakers’ Bureau and filmed series such as Mixed Nuts: Comedians and Mental Health allow it to further its mission to reach as many people in as many places as possible to encourage dialogue about mental health.

About Dennis Berry
Dennis Berry is a Master Life Coach and has been working with people worldwide for over 15 years. His expertise is in Life Mastery. He has been sober since April 8, 2003. His journey in recovery helped him find his mission in life, which is to help others achieve inner peace and success, and master every area of their lives. Dennis knows what it is like to be helpless and hopeless with no positive direction. He was able to climb out of the gutter and transform his life and he spends his life helping others do the same.

Utilizing both his Life Coaching business and The Funky Brain Podcast to provide a well balanced and informative path to help listeners via his podcast, and he’s able to take it to the next level, for those that need more one on one help. If you’re having difficulty trying to figure it out, please reach out to Dennis and he will share his own experiences, his strength, and his hope with you. You can do it all as well!

Dennis Homepage


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Mark & Crystal Hansen | The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny | Funky Brain Podcast

Mark Victor Hansen is an American motivational and inspirational speaker, author, and trainer. He is renowned for being the co-creator and founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul Book series. He, along with his wife, recently published a book called “Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to your Destiny”. The book discusses the importance of asking the right questions in order to live fulfilling lives.

He also wrote many best selling books such as The Aladdin Factor, the Power of Focus, and One Minute Millionaire. Mark is committed to helping young people become financially literate and become successful entrepreneurs.


Email :



Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Mark & Crystal Hansen | The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny | Funky Brain Podcast

Mark Victor Hansen is an American motivational and inspirational speaker, author, and trainer. He is renowned for being the co-creator and founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul Book series. He, along with his wife, recently published a book called “Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to your Destiny”. The book discusses the importance of asking the right questions in order to live fulfilling lives.   

He also wrote many best selling books such as The Aladdin Factor, the Power of Focus, and One Minute Millionaire. Mark is committed to helping young people become financially literate and become successful entrepreneurs.


Email : 



Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Psychiatry, Addiction & Lifestyle Medicine | Dr. Efosa Airuehia “Dr. Air” | Funky Brain Podcast

Dr. Efosa Airuehia is known by his patients as Dr. Air. He is a quadruple board certified in General Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr. Air acquired his psychiatry training in the West Midlands School of Psychiatry, Birmingham, England. He obtained his membership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, England.  Dr. Air subsequently moved to the United States where he completed his residency training in General Psychiatry and an additional training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry with the University of Missouri.

Dr. Air’s training and work experience earned him a good reputation as a professional in the field of psychiatry. As a physician, he uses a holistic evidence-based approach to treatment of various mental health disorders and addictions.





Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Nick Morton | Stories on Addiction and Redemption | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Nick Morton is a stand up comedian, screen writer, and film maker. He lives in Los Angeles and he has been working in the film industry for twenty years. He has worked for companies such as Phoenix Pictures, Crusader Entertainment, Whitewater Films, and William Morris.

Nick has been involved in many films such as Fat Kid Rules the World, Ray, Sahara and Afternoon Delight. He also wrote the pilot episode of “Halfway There” which premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival.

He is also a podcaster and the host of the “The Drunkalogues”. The Drunkalogues is a podcast about addiction and recovery where guests share their stories on addiction and redemption.






Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life


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