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New company All Sober joins the wave of new addiction/recovery solutions

Donald McDonald of All Sober and Rich talk about Donald’s years of activism in the addiction/recovery space and how his frustrations with the system have led him to All Sober. Listen as they take a peek under the hood of All Sober set to launch in October. Good stuff happening here!
Donald’s BIO:
I am a person thriving in recovery from severe mental & substance use disorders since 2004. I call myself a Recovery Activist because I understand that people experiencing mental & substance use disorders face discriminatory barriers to freedom and wellness – that the Recovery Movement is a social justice movement. I leverage my privilege & recovery status along with my clinical knowledge about substance use disorders, policy advocacy, and systems change to help rural and underserved communities create innovative programs and embrace many pathways of recovery. My background includes being a consumer of services, a provider of clinical services in multiple settings, a health policy advocate, and a Recovery Community leader. Previously, I served as the National Field Director of Faces & Voices of Recovery, the Executive Director of Addiction Professionals of North Carolina, and the Director of Advocacy & Education of Recovery Communities of North Carolina.

Husband, father, grandfather, veteran, musician, and just another bozo on the bus — views are mine.

About the company:
All Sober is an exciting new company that has been created to provide the millions of Americans suffering from addiction and their loved ones with all the connections, information and resources they need as they journey through recovery and into sober life; to end the stigma and shame of addiction; to inspire people in recovery to sustain sober lives and celebrate sobriety; and to help fund treatment for those who can’t afford it. All Sober is a Public Benefit Company and a portion of all earnings will be donated to the All Sober Foundation and used to benefit the public by helping to fund treatment.

We are proud to announce that Microsoft has committed to supporting All Sober’s mission in numerous ways — including with technology, product sales, marketing, sponsorship and PR initiatives. Microsoft will also help leverage relationships with companies to create opportunities for All Sober, involve All Sober as an addiction recovery partner in their social impact initiatives, and support the company as it launches in 2021.

On behalf of everyone involved, we invite you to become part of All Sober in any way that you can — whether it’s investing your time, talent and even your financial resources. Together, we can and will make a difference in the lives of all those affected by addiction.

Art that reduces Stigma, Heals our souls, and gives us Hope

William Stoehr paints with passion and purpose because for him, it’s personal. Bill lost his sister to the disease of addiction, and watching her struggle, he quickly learned the injustice of stigma associated with substance use disorder and mental health. His paintings portray both loss and hope all at the same time. He is able to humanize those struggling while also showing the resilience and hope that are universal. He just may be the link that helps someone decide there is hope after all. Can art really save lives? Bill is proving it is possible.
His work is exhibited internationally at universities, art centers, museums, and galleries. He is a frequent speaker and lecturer and his work has been featured and reviewed in local, national, and international media.

The undeniable link between alcohol and Mental Health

Gillian May and Rich Jones had an enlightening conversation about substance use disorder and its correlation to mental health. Gillian pulls the curtain back on the lack of mental health services and the need to address the root cause of alcohol use disorder in order for people to get better. She speaks from a medical background, but most importantly, Gillian has her own personal story which brings great passion to her work. Check her out
Bio Below:
I am a freelance writer with expertise in mental health, mind/body health, trauma-informed care, alternative mental health care, and advocacy. I have 18 years of nursing experience in the public health and mental health field. I have a Masters degree with extensive teaching and writing experience. I’m a top writer in Medium and have clients in the health and wellness fields. I’m available for writing and editing projects.

Change a Habit, Change your Life

I had the opportunity this week to speak with the creator and host of the Consequence of Habit podcast, JT Frank. JT is open about his story of alcohol misuse which led him to look at the consequences and decide to make a life change. We discussed his early struggles with ADHD and how alcohol seemed to calm his racing mind. At youlearnyouturn podcast, we love hearing stories of lives turned around that result in service through transparency and honesty, which actively helps our mission of crushing the stigma surrounding substance misuse and mental health.
Thank you, JT for spreading hope and practical ways of living through your podcast and guests that have taken a consequence of a habit and used it as fuel for change.

Chris Marshall is changing the way we connect with his popular alcohol-free Bar

Chris Marshall’s mother told him she had $10,000 put aside for his funeral. Her only ultimatum? He was not allowed to die in her house. You see, Chris had struggled with anxiety and depression and used alcohol to cope. He could no longer quit on his own, so his mother, exhausted from years of trying to save him, told him it was treatment or go die somewhere else. Fast forward to today where Chris is the owner of the successful alcohol-free bar, Sans Bar, is thriving in his recovery and has a family of his own. Hear how he turned his life around and continues to help others daily by enabling connection with his bar and many other activities that bring people together. My favorite quote from our time together was “nothing grows in isolation.” This episode gave me hope that the tide is turning and that social events will revolve less around alcohol and more about connection.

CEO Melt Down! True Story!

Hamilton Baiden had it all-a wonderful marriage, three healthy children, and a successful career. Or so it appeared from the outside. But this facade of having it all together began to crumble at home. Rich and Hamilton discuss his story and how he would eventually get help. Hopefully, his story will give someone in a similar situation the courage to evaluate where they are and course correct or get the help they need.
Hamilton Baiden is President at Heritage Health Solutions. Heritage CARES (Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Education & Support) is a substance misuse program that is entirely digital and proven to help individuals struggling with addiction issues and navigate recovery. The Heritage CARES Program was created under Hamilton’s leadership fueled by his desire to help others struggling with substance use disorder.
Prior to joining Heritage, Hamilton was Executive Vice President of Sales at Avella Specialty Pharmacy where he oversaw the growth of the business from a small regional pharmacy to the largest independent specialty pharmacy in the nation. His knowledge and understanding of the pharmacy industry were developed throughout his professional career, working in various roles for prominent pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, including MedImmune, Serono, Daiichi, and Sanofi.

A graduate of The Citadel in Charleston, SC, with strong ties to his community, Hamilton served as Chairman of the Board of Directors for a nonprofit organization dedicated to animal welfare, Altered Tails, and currently serves on the National Board of the American Liver Foundation Southwest Division. Hamilton is also in recovery and committed to helping others.

Flow to You is bringing balance to the workforce

Due to the pandemic, the stigma surrounding mental health is changing. We, as a society, can no longer ignore the growing epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression. Employers have an incredible opportunity to make a difference by offering mindfulness programs like Flow To You to their employees.

youturn had the pleasure of talking with Kelly Baird, CEO and Co-Founder of Flow to You.

Flow to You is a team of coaches, teachers, and leaders that develop mindfulness programs that support and enhance your organization’s productivity, culture and success.

Kelly Baird is a seasoned entrepreneur, certified Holistic Health Coach, yoga teacher, passionate practitioner, and dedicated mother of three who relishes the transformative journey of mindfulness practices through her work with Flow to You.

The Addicted Child

Do you worry if your child or teen’s behavior is normal? Could they possibly have a substance use disorder a psychological issue or both? Liz and Richard Capriola discuss all of this and more. Richard’s book, The Addicted Child: A Parent’s Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse, is an invaluable resource for parents attempting to navigate the confusing world of adolescent behaviors and substance use disorder. Let’s remove the shame and the stigma that may prevent parents from getting the help they need! This book is a game-changer and life ring for parents.
It may just save your child’s life.

Richard Capriola spent 11 years working as an addictions counselor for Menninger Clinic in Houston Texas before retiring in 2019. Menninger Clinic is one of the top ten psychiatric hospitals in the United States and specializes in the assessment, stabilization, and treatment of adults and adolescents with substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. During his tenure there he worked in the Adolescent Treatment program and the adult Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment and Stabilization program. Working closely with psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses he was responsible for comprehensive assessments and individual and group counseling with patients diagnosed with substance use disorders.

Sean Cuddihy on his journey from jail to his successful Room 9 Podcast

Sean Cuddihy is on a mission to bring authentic discussions regarding behavioral health to his popular podcast Room 9. Rich and Sean discuss how the “recovery” world of Substance Use Disorder is beginning to change and evolve beyond the 12-step model and touch on the things that have helped him to grow on his human journey.
Sean Cuddihy has been mastering the art of connecting Behavioral Health Organizations to the people they serve for over 3 years. Through Brand Therapy and Multimedia Production work Sean has figured out the most authentic and most affordable way to show the people who use your services that it is not just a business and that it’s not just about making money.

In 2018 Sean started “Room 9”. Starting out as just a podcast and then with the backing of a grassroots growing effort, Room 9 was eventually featured in “Podcast Business Journal” and received an $11,000 grant from the New York State Education Department.

Sean has been on both sides of the behavioral health world. He has used their services and is now working with them. By using Brand Strategy, Podcasting, Video Production, and Design Sean’s mission is to pull the veil back and RADICALLY TRANSFORM the way behavioral health organizations connect with the people who use their services.

The Behavioral Health universe is dying for differentiation and radical transformation. In a world where every company is the same, IN ORDER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE YOU HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT.


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