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Presenting Alison J. Kay, Ph.D., Holistic Life Coach on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“How do we go for more than we ever have before? How do we allow ourselves to move forward into unknown newness even while our little ego-mind is programmed to prefer the familiar? How do we open up our systems to have a more finely attuned receptivity that pulls towards us more support, guidance, and power to create what it is we’re desiring? All of this, including Clearings and Activations with high vibration downloads and transmissions.  Come play and free up even more of you!”  Alison J. Kay, Ph.D.  Dr. Alison will receive from your consciousness whatever it is that is needed for you to clear, restoring your inherent creativity.

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and former English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.  “Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.

Presenting Dr. Marilou McIntyre, Spiritual Healer on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“Sometimes we must overcome misinformation and dogma before we can move into realms of knowing. If something is true, you can prove and experience it yourself repeatedly. Accept truth for authority, rather than authority for truth. You need to remember this phrase and learn to think for yourself. BELIEVING IS SEEING! Enhance the meaning of life and help others achieve purpose and contentment. Both the skeptic and the truth seeker can glimpse new worlds through my experiences. Surviving and sending love to the world is the greatest gift, but the hardest to receive.” – Dr. Marilou McIntyre   Please Call In!

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and former English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.  “Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.


Valentine Mixtape for YOU – on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“Valentine Tunes for YOU, You.  An Eclectic Mix… Enjoy!”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” “Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis,” and English educator.  Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing/radio as her creative, cathartic medium to help others.  Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication and ten years in education will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice.  Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities cradled by eclectic music selections.  “Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion, and humbled by ill-experience.

Grieme’s Books and Endeavors:

Presenting Elisa Medhus, Erik Medhus and Kim Babcock LIVE on “Dear Prudence”

“Today I feature Elisa Medhus, revered author of three award-winning parenting books, physician (practiced internal medicine for over thirty years) and mother-of-five, with special guests Erik Rune Medhus and Kim Babcock, Spirit Translator.  After the death of her twenty-year-old son Erik, Dr. Medhus began journaling her grief in her blog  Science oriented, she formerly viewed spiritual matters with skepticism.  Once Erik began to communicate with family, friends and blog members, her entire paradigm shifted.  I proudly welcome back Elisa and Erik Medhus (translated by Kim Babcock) to praise their remarkable 2015 compendium ‘My Life After Death: A Memoir From Heaven’ and welcome listeners to call in to ask Elisa, Kim and Erik questions.”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” “Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis,” and English educator.  Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing/radio as her creative, cathartic medium to help others.  Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication and ten years in education will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice.  Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities cradled by eclectic music selections.  “Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion, and humbled by ill-experience.

Grieme’s Books and Endeavors:



Presenting Kim Babcock, Spirit-Translator On “Dear Prudence” Radio – Call In!

“Proudly presenting Kim Babcock at with special guest Erik Medhus.  Kim owns  spiritual wellness center Serenity-Mind Body Spirit, LLC., and is a spirit translator & Reiki practitioner. She has been communicating with the other side for over 6 years. Through her services you will find comfort in reconnecting with deceased loved ones to renew your own spiritual growth. Mediumship advancement led her to Elisa Medhus and Kim still holds an active license as a Physical Therapist Assistant, and Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Management, yet no longer practices health care due to her passion for metaphysics and spirituality.  Her desire to help others also led her to become an Ordained Minister.”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing and radio as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness and self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.  Stay tuned for entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience. 

Grieme’s Books and Endeavors:

YOUTH SPEAKS! Special Guest Caroline Martin, 15 … on Writing! Tune In!

“Young Writer Caroline Martin finds catharsis and inspiration in writing, and finds the art to be both entertaining and essential to the sometimes tumultuous adolescent years.  Please join Caroline as she and I discuss the art of writing, and its importance to adolescents as a tool to voice their emotion and unravel their easily-tangled developing minds!  Caroline’s passion is an inspiration to writers and non-writers, alike!  Please call in and share with us!” – Amanda Grieme

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.

“Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.

Do What You Love… the $$$ WILL Follow – Day 1 on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“In 1987, Marsha Sineta, Ph.D. published “Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood.”  Having revisited it as of late, I have found her profound wisdom, humble examples, and spiritual insight to be a beautiful braid of universal truths for you and me to tap into.  Please enjoy her book with me!  You are guaranteed to find inspiration!” – Amanda Grieme

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.

“Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.

Surviving the Holidays with Albert Einstein CHRISTMAS EVE on “Dear Prudence”

“WE MADE IT!  IT IS CHRISTMAS EVE!  ’tis the season of JOY! Yet despite the giving, love, cheer, Tchaikovsky, Andy Williams, Ella Fitzgerald and Burl Ives… without fail, I become unjustifiably sad… every season. Really sad.   I manage to hold fast to motherhood and the wonder in my daughter’s eyes to make it through, but in quiet moments, I fall.  Does this sound painfully familiar?  I KNOW I am not alone, so I have channeled the wisdom of one of my favorite people to help us through: Albert Einstein.  Please join me for th FINAL DAY of Einstein wisdom.  His beauty, simplicity and eccentricity will undoubtedly help us stop… breathe… and get over ourselves!  His words are truly empowering and invaluable.”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.

“Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.

Surviving the Holidays with Albert Einstein Day 8 on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“’tis the season of JOY! Yet despite the giving, love, cheer, Tchaikovsky, Andy Williams, Ella Fitzgerald and Burl Ives… without fail, I become unjustifiably sad… every season. Really sad.   I manage to hold fast to motherhood and the wonder in my daughter’s eyes to make it through, but in quiet moments, I fall.  Does this sound painfully familiar?  I KNOW I am not alone, so I have channeled the wisdom of one of my favorite people to help us through: Albert Einstein.  Please join me for DAY EIGHT – 11 Days of Einstein wisdom.  His beauty, simplicity and eccentricity will undoubtedly help us stop… breathe… and get over ourselves!  His words are truly empowering and invaluable.”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.

“Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.

Surviving the Holidays with Albert Einstein Day 7 on “Dear Prudence” Radio

“’tis the season of JOY! Yet despite the giving, love, cheer, Tchaikovsky, Andy Williams, Ella Fitzgerald and Burl Ives… without fail, I become unjustifiably sad… every season. Really sad.   I manage to hold fast to motherhood and the wonder in my daughter’s eyes to make it through, but in quiet moments, I fall.  Does this sound painfully familiar?  I KNOW I am not alone, so I have channeled the wisdom of one of my favorite people to help us through: Albert Einstein.  Please join me for DAY SEVEN – 11 Days of Einstein wisdom.  His beauty, simplicity and eccentricity will undoubtedly help us stop… breathe… and get over ourselves!  His words are truly empowering and invaluable.”

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.

“Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.


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