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Presenting Dr. Marilou McIntyre, Spiritual Healer on “Dear Prudence” Radio


“Sometimes we must overcome misinformation and dogma before we can move into realms of knowing. If something is true, you can prove and experience it yourself repeatedly. Accept truth for authority, rather than authority for truth. You need to remember this phrase and learn to think for yourself. BELIEVING IS SEEING! Enhance the meaning of life and help others achieve purpose and contentment. Both the skeptic and the truth seeker can glimpse new worlds through my experiences. Surviving and sending love to the world is the greatest gift, but the hardest to receive.” – Dr. Marilou McIntyre   Please Call In!

Please join Amanda Grieme, Author of “Dear Prudence,” Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis, and former English/Creative Writing Educator. Amanda LIVES with Bipolar Disorder choosing writing as her catharsis and creative medium to help others. Her life experience with mental illness, self-medication will lend listeners invaluable, often quirky life advice. Tune in to share in life’s struggles, folly, laughter, tears… idiosyncratic oddities, cradled by eclectic music selections.  “Dear Prudence” Radio – Life Advice to Help YOU Cope will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion… and humbled by ill-experience.


A Grieme, anxiety, authentic self, Author, better self, Bipolar, bipolar awareness, bipolar disorder, bipolar living, cathartic medium, coaching, coping skills, Creative Arts, creative writing, de-stigmatize bipolar, de-stigmatize mental health, Dear Prudence, depression, destigmatize bipolar, destigmatize mental health, empowerment, H-O-L-D-F-A-S-T Radio, H.O.L.D.F.A.S.T., HOLDFAST, holistic life, hypomania, life skills, living life authentically, mania, mental health, Mental Health author, mental health awareness, mental health stigma, mental illness, Motherhood Made ME Get Over Myself, Paging Dr Freedman, Radio, Self Improvement, self-awareness, self-care, spiritual, spriritual, teaching, Writing


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