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Tag: Toxic Abusers

Feeling Lost Without Boundaries and Suffering From Codependency

If you wonder ‘Who am I?’ and you struggle with setting boundaries it may be because you lack a healthy sense of self. If you come from an emotionally neglectful home, it is normal to struggle with knowing who you are. 

Listen in and learn more about codependency, boundaries, and learning to have a stronger sense of self. 

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Why Narcissists Must Use Love Bombing to Lure You In

Narcissists manipulate language for the purpose of manipulating your emotions. They rely on love bombing as a way to gain your trust and to create a fantasy construct you will ultimately fear losing. In this episode, I break down what every narcissistic abuse survivor needs to know about how the narcissist is able to get your brain to work against you. 

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Healing Emotional Trauma

If your childhood was traumatic, chaotic and unpredictable, your mind has been conditioned to stay on high alert. When we live in a state of hyper-vigilance, we are disconnected from the inner self. When we are disconnected from our inner wisdom, we are not living in the moment and it is impossible to heal as fully as we are able to. In this episode, we unpack what it means to heal more deeply by finding the stillness within.

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Phrases Emotionally Abusive Partners Use to Control You

Covert emotional abuse is not easy to spot. Abusive partners manipulate words to confuse you for the purpose of having you lose your ability to hold onto yourself and remain objective about what you feel, think, believe and want. This is accomplished through manipulating language to make it sound like one thing while in actuality, it is meant to mean something entirely different. Listen in and let’s see if you’ve ever heard someone use these phrases against you and for the purpose of manipulating your emotions. To learn more about Lisa and her work you can visit Subscribe to Lisa’s YouTube Channel Contact Us At

Healing the Mother Wound

All human beings wish for happiness, peace and contentment but when you have been un-mothered and your have been denied a secure loving bond to your mother, it is nearly impossible to feel at home in your own skin. Science is proving that the first year of life is incredibly important when it comes to emotional, mental and even physical health. Feeling unloved as a child, creates self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety, depression, and wires the brain to be highly sensitized for stress.

Daughters and sons of mothers who have been denied healthy bonds feels as if a wall always existed between them and their mother. This inability to bond is then mirrored in the self. Denied a secure bond with mother makes it almost impossible to connect with the Divine Self, especially while living below the veil of consciousness. Awakening to the false illusions of life, is an opportunity to merge with the Divine Inner Child and to learn how to Love the Self from a Higher State of Consciousness.

In this episode, we discuss the Mother Wounds and some of the things you can do to more deeply connect with the Divine YOU!

Human Being vs Human Doing

Newborn babies are born asleep. Their brainwaves are actually dream waves. Yes, all human beings are actually born asleep. Before the age of 7 children are in hypnotic theta brainwave states. This means that every human being is essentially the product of brainwashing. If you did not consciously choose your religion, your beliefs, and so on, then those who raised you did. If you were raised by loving, nurturing, healthy parents this is great news. But, what if you were raised by parents who were abusive, racist, narcissistic, or unpredictable? What were you brainwashed to believe about yourself and others?

In this episode, we question the foundation of our belief systems that create what we call reality. Learning to become a HUMAN BEING implies that we must awaken to the idea that the unconscious life is the product of the unconscious, sleeping, un-awakened mind. It is time to AWAKEN and to remember WHO you really are. You are NOT what you think you are. You are not your thoughts or your beliefs. You are the awareness of your thoughts and beliefs and more importantly, you have the POTENTIAL to Consciously Create a life you desire.

Healing Mental Chatter Caused by Childhood Neglect

If you were raised in a chaotic home that lacked connection, fairness, nurturing, and bonding, chances are today, you may be living in ‘survival mode’ with a mind that never sleeps. Adult children who experienced early childhood trauma often suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction, and obsessive thinking. Learning to appreciate the value of stilling the mind can help heal mental chatter. In this episode, I discuss the reasons why so many of us struggle with debilitating mental chatter and what we can do to find reasons to take better care of our mental health through learning to still the mind. Codependency, narcissistic abuse, insecure attachments, and abandonment issues impact our ability to stay present and focused on the self. Without the ability to stay focused on the self, unconscious patterns and programs from the past direct our lives. It is my hope, this episode helps you awaken to the truth and that you find the desire to tune more deliberately into the stillness within. In stillness you will discover the infinite intelligence that can help guide you towards a more authentic, abundant life experience.


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