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Episode 71: Natalie Fisher (she/hers) shares her story of recovery and how she was able to create space for fun in a challenging experience


In this episode, Catherine and Francis are joined by Natalie Fisher, a junior at Grand Valley State University’s Kirkhof College of Nursing. She shares her story of recovery – which began in April of 2020 — and how social media became an outlet to speak out about her experience and connect with others in recovery or in search of recovery. In this interview, Natalie discusses what keeps her grounded and how she was able to create space for fun in her recovery, especially through her “Smash List”. Natalie wants to use her voice about eating disorder recovery and mental health to reach out and help those who may be struggling. Given her incredible passion about this subject and eating disorder recovery, she would love to work in the mental health field as a nurse one day. It was a pleasure having her on the program!

CW: eating disorder behaviors, eating disorder treatment

anexoria, anorexia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, Catherine Brown, eating disorder, eating disorder recovery, eating disorder stigma, Eating Disorders, family issues, Francis Iacobucci, men with eating disorders, mental health, mental illness, mental illness stigma, pica, weight, weight goals


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