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Mother's Day Merge Of Gratitude And Attitude

One day a year we pay homage to our Moms. Taking time to unpack the teachable
lessons of Mother’s Day for us, our kids and spouses. I also take a look at how Mother’s Day
is tough for those facing infertility, who have a mom who is no longer here and ways to take
the hurts of others into consideration. Let’s take some time to chat, reflect and embrace
the ridiculous benefits of appreciating our mom, step mom, mom figures and all that goodness.

Mother’s Day Merge Of Gratitude And Attitude

One day a year we pay homage to our Moms. Taking time to unpack the teachable
lessons of Mother’s Day for us, our kids and spouses. I also take a look at how Mother’s Day
is tough for those facing infertility, who have a mom who is no longer here and ways to take
the hurts of others into consideration. Let’s take some time to chat, reflect and embrace
the ridiculous benefits of appreciating our mom, step mom, mom figures and all that goodness.


The #METOO movement is one that gives a voice to those who have been subjected to sexual assault. This includes females and males.

We chat on strategies to take with our kids, discussions we need to be having with them and repeating again and again.

The response we have as parents, family members or friends is WAY important. Be supportive, listen (let them talk), encourage, love and be present. Letting those we love be supported and ultimately receive the gift of ‘survivor’ is one step in their progression towards going forward.

If you or someone you love has been a subject of assault, know that you are not alone. There are national helplines, local support groups and many ears willing to listen.

From Victim To Survivor: Being Aware Of The Red Flags For An Abusive Relationship

Ashley Bendiksen is a national speaker, activist and abuse prevention expert. Ashley was a victim of sexual assault and was subject to an abusive relationship. She chose to use her trauma as a platform to dialogue with thousands about domestic violence, sexual assault and abusive relationships.

When close to 1 in 3 young people have been impacted by one of the above we have to continue defining what this looks like, how help is out there and that every human being deserves to be valued, respected and treated with kindness.


To check out Ashley’s work and mission (

National Sexual Assault Helpline: 800.656.4673

Make essential oils a part of your life via GC’s store front (

To Grudge Or Not To Grudge, That Is The Question

Grudge is a small word, but it holds tremendous negatives that we often
may not even realize. We take on a weight of anger and bitterness that can change us in some ugly ways.

CBD Pure…I love it and I know you will too!
In today’s episode we jump into what it means to hold a grudge and how letting go can be one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves. Just remember, grudge free is the way to be!

Stepping Up, Speaking Up, And Getting Our Humanity On

Speaking up. Saying something. In one second lives can be altered or
even lost due to one person’s poor decision. The truth is we can be witness to
these decisions and we have a choice to say something or stay silent.

Self harming behaviors come in many forms (driving under the influence, abusing drugs, cutting, toxic relationships, etc.). I believe when we know someone is placing either themselves or others in harms way our words have the potential to make a difference. Sometimes our words have the ability to encourage someone to get help, support or alter their decisions.

In today’s episode we chat about how important it is to have a voice, to speak
up and even to ask for help when needed. I share a bit of personal loss in my
own life that could have been prevented with one voice.

The Precious Gems Memorial ( was formed in memory of our girls as well as conveying the message of the dangers of driving under the influence. I hope you have an opportunity to visit the site.

Giving Kids The Green Light To Dream; The Power Of Community

Jit Pang Lim is the founder of R.O.C.K House (Redeeming our Community Kids) located in Kluang Johor, Malaysia. ROCK House is committed to providing educational support as well as meeting the basic needs of young people within the Kluang community. Jit and his wife have sacrificed greatly to serve those less fortunate in hopes of helping pave the road for the next generation.

We discuss the realities (and challenges) of educating and supporting kids who come from fragmented homes, face the trauma of emotional or physical abuse, etc. Jit’s focus is on forming healthy relationships with kids in the community who will then benefit from the educational services of ROCK and ultimately believe in their own potential.

Rock House is a non-profit ministry located in Southern Malaysia. If you are looking for a phenomenal way to serve and have your world rocked in some dynamic ways, consider volunteering at this wonderful program. Jit can be contacted at: EJIT_ABLAZE@YAHOO.COM

For financial donations you can do a bank to bank transfer. It is the easiest and most efficient way for R.O.C.K House to receive donations:

Name of Organization: Cross Community Berhard

Company Registration Number: 688847-K Maybank

Swiftcode: MBBEMYKL

Account Number: 5010 6661 8255

Episode #73 – How To Minimize The Stuff That Weighs Us Down To Maximize The Life We’ve Been Given

Linwood Butler is currently living in Lembongan Island, Indonesia training to become a dive master. Vaughn shares what lead him to a remote island in Indonesia from small town USA and the lessons learned along the way. We chat about his decision to assume a minimalistic state of mind and the lessons gained from stepping outside of our comfort zone.

How To Minimize The Stuff That Weighs Us Down To Maximize The Life We've Been Given

Linwood Butler is currently living in Lembongan Island, Indonesia training to become a dive master. Vaughn shares what lead him to a remote island in Indonesia from small town USA and the lessons learned along the way. We chat about his decision to assume a minimalistic state of mind and the lessons gained from stepping outside of our comfort zone.


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