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You Might Be A Narcissist If….

Join Dr. Paul Meier, Kristin Walker, and guest, Lisa Charlebois as they discuss Narcissism. Lisa’s awareness of Narcissistic Personality Disorder came from her own personal experiences. Naturally, as a therapist, she became interested in helping other people who struggle with narcissism within themselves or others. For many years, her clients encouraged her to write a book on narcissism; how to identify it and what to do about it. Together, with her co-authors Dr. Paul Meier and Cynthia Munz, they collaborated to bring this “You Might Be A Narcissist If…” to print.

Why Mentoring is Vital for Mental Health

Join our very own Dr. Paul Meier with guest Dr. Mark Goulston discussing the importance of being a mentor and having them.

Originally a UCLA professor of psychiatry for over 25 years, and a former FBI and police hostage negotiation trainer, Dr. Mark Goulston’s expertise has been forged and proven in the crucible of real-life, high stakes situations. An influencer who helps influencers become more influential, his unique background has made him an indispensible and sought after resource and change facilitator to Fortune 500 leaders, entrepreneurs and educators across the nation. He lives with his wife in Los Angeles, California.

Digital Media Addiction: What Is the Impact on Mental Health?

Join Lisa Day and Kristin Walker as they talk about the impact digital media (our Smartphones, computers, tablets, social media) is having on our mental health.

Lisa Day is a registered nurse and clinical psychologist. She has worked with Meier Clinics for several decades helping people with trauma, depression, eating disorders, and more with a definite uptick in mental health issues due to the overuse of Digital Media.

Roundtable with Dr. Paul Meier: The First Six Years of Life on Personality Development

About fifty percent of our basic adult personality is formed by age 3 and 85% by age 6 according to psychiatry research, but we can change this through MENTAL HEALTH NEWS RADIO ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS WITH DR. PAUL MEIER podcasts, therapy, God in our lives and healthy intimate friendships.

Did the baby get enough physical touch? Babies can die of marasmus when not touched. Some Borderline Personality Traits, in studies, have shown that this disorder can develop because of inconsistent parenting in the first 18 months of life.

In this MHNR podcast on personality, Kristin Walker and psychiatrist Paul Meier MD will discuss the EFFECTS of the first 6 years of life on adult personality and how to heal emotional wounds from those years and to correct the lies we unfortunately came to believe in: our views of men, women, ourselves, most of our basic self-talk, marriage, purpose in life, friends, enemies, electronic babysitters or electronic escape routes (cell phones, iPads, video games, etc.), animals, education, time management,
religious or non-religious influences.

We also discuss how to produce various personality types on purpose in babies: Histrionic, Paranoid, Passive Aggressive, socially introverted, low self-esteem, and so on.

Roundtable with Dr. Paul Meier: Healthy Friendships

Join Dr. Paul Meier and Kristin Walker as they talk about cultivating healthy friendships. You never know how and who you’ll connect with over the course of your lifetime. Some of those relationships come and go. If you struggle with mental health challenges maintaining healthy friendships is even harder. Join us for an inspiring discussion about our own foibles and issues as we work to keep our friendships on the healthy side!

Dr. Paul Meier is the founder of Meier Clinics, a best selling author, and practicing psychiatrist.

Kristin Walker is the founder of Mental Health News Radio Network and one of the founding members of Digital Tech Initiative.

Rapid Healing Methods: Taking Your Mental Health to the Next Level

Join Kristin Sunanta Walker, Dr. Keith Cobern, Dr. Paul Meier, and Grant Davis as they discuss the effectiveness of mental health day programs.

Dr. Paul Meier is the founder of, a best-selling author and practicing psychiatrist.

Grant Davis is new to the show and is a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Grant provides psychiatric medication management for children, adolescents, and adults. His approach to medication management is client focused and collaborative based on information shared between clinician and the client. Grant believes that a strong therapeutic relationship between clinician and patient is vital for positive mental health outcomes.

Dr. Keith Cobern has been the director of the Richardson, TX Meier Clinic day program for many years. Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion, Philosophy and Sociology from Dallas Baptist University. Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and Doctorate degree in Psychology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Licensed in Texas as a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

Roundtable with Dr. Paul Meier: What Dreams Are Made Of

Join Dr. Paul Meier and Kristin Walker for a discussion about dreams. What do they mean? Who are you in your dreams? How much do we dream? What do our dreams tell us about our Mental Health?

Dr. Paul Meier is a practicing psychiatrist, best selling author, speaker, and the founder of Meier Clinics – a multi-state non profit counseling organization for mental health.

Meet Mary Beth Woll LMHC Of Meier Clinics Washington

Director at Meier Clinics Washington, Lilla Marie, interviews a fellow Meier Clinic clinician, Mary Beth Woll, LMHC.

Mary Beth is the co-author, along with Dr. Paul Meier, of Growing Stronger: 12 Guidelines Designed to Turn Your Darkest Hour into Your Greatest Victory. Mary Beth works with adults on a wide range of issues in addition to those listed above. She describes her therapy style as Object Relations while incorporating Cognitive Behavioral and Inner Healing.

Mary Beth worked as Co-Music Minister together with her husband, Bob, for many years. She enjoys teaching psychological principles from a solid Biblical basis. She is available for speaking engagements for churches, retreats, women’s ministries, and seminars.

Treatment Resistant Mood Disorders

Join Dr. Paul Meier and Dr. Lisa Day as they discuss treatment resistant mood disorders. Difficult to treat anxiety and depression is discussed in detail offering medication and counseling options.

Dr. Paul Meier is the founder of Meier Clinics, a practicing psychiatrist, best-selling author, and international speaker.

Dr. Lisa Day is a licensed psychologist and registered nurse. This allows her to treat the whole person and understand how various stressors affect people both physically and emotionally.


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