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Tag: courage to change

REPLAY: Loretta Bruening – Tame Your Anxiety – Parts 1 and 2

Loretta is the author of Habits of a Happy Brain and others. Her latest book is Tame Your Anxiety, which is all about the brain chemicals that cause uncomfortable feelings when you feel under threat – real or imagined. In this episode, she helps me understand an episode of financial fear I experienced, along with other topics.


Loretta explains why she decided to write her newest book, Tame Your Anxiety.
Mental health is a skill that has to be developed.
We talk about how natural it is to compare yourself to others.
If what you’re doing doesn’t feel good, you can change your habits.
We build neural pathways from early experience, but you can build new neural pathways (thus new habits), but it’s more difficult as you grow older.
The urge to be special is universal.
Autopilot is natural because it forms in early childhood.
During early childhood and again during teenage years, patterns are set.
Loretta explains the difference between adrenaline and cortisol.
Cortisol lasts about an hour. It has a half-life of 20 minutes.
I share an experience I had where I felt a rush of financial fear and ask Loretta to explain it in terms of cortisol.
Children pick up the behaviors and emotions of their parents because of mirror neurons.
The goal when you have a cortisol response is to create an alternative pathway.
The idea is to take a step in a new direction immediately.
Loretta shares her 3-step processes for taming anxiety.
Fears are not necessarily logical or rational.
We talk about disappointment.
Loretta wants to talk about how to counteract the fear circuit, which she does in the part of the interview that posts next week.

Part 2 Highlights

Positive feelings come from the “happy” brain chemicals, which include dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins.
Dopamine is about the anticipation of reward. But it stops as soon as you get what you want. Then you keep going after what got you the dopamine hit.
Having big dreams gives you a dopamine hit as long as you see that the reward is possible. So, set small goals and continually reach them, and you can continually stimulate dopamine.
When people see their big dreams are out of reach, they switch to saving the world, which is a grandiose dream.
When saving the world is also out of reach, a person will become bitter, which puts them in a one-up position and this stimulates serotonin.
You have to applaud your small steps in order to release serotonin.
Focus on what you want in the moment.
Loretta talks about her social anxiety and feeling at risk of criticism – and how she overcame it.
You can train yourself to understand that other people are not going to fill your needs.
It’s not realistic to expect “the applause of the world.”
You have to tell yourself something realistic that you can get.
We talk about how people can divert their attention when they worry about money.
Ask, how can I feel better in a moment of stress?
The animal brain has confidence that it can solve problems.

Loretta’s site:

Loretta’s new book: Tame Your Anxiety

Loretta’s books on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Loretta’s other interviews on this podcast:

How to Activate and Enjoy Your Happy Brain Chemicals

The Brain Science of Positivity

REPLAY: How Feeling Like an Outsider Affects Your Life

I had another AHA moment recently that took my emotional understanding to a deeper level and I think a number of you will relate to what I discuss in this episode.
The understanding is about how the feeling of being an outsider, which starts in early childhood, affects many of our relationships as well as our business and financial outcomes.


I review the idea that your emotions are the creative force behind your life stories.
When you feel like an outsider, you feel less connected and connection is what we, as humans, need.
Our culture has encouraged feelings of separateness and aloneness.
I share the moment I realized that I have a habit of feeling like an outsider, even though as an adult I’m not treated like one.
I examined where in my body, I felt the outsider feeling and I share what I found and how it affects when I’m with people.
The affirmation that came into my head was I honor and respect my uniqueness.
The idea is to try to remember how you felt as a child and how you were treated that caused you to withdraw internally.
If your real religious views vary from those of the members of your spiritual group, it can cause outsider feelings.
I talk about how debt has, on occasion, allowed me to maintain my position as an outsider.
Being an outsider is part of my identity, so I create life stories in order to maintain that identity.
In order to make and sustain a lot of money, it helps to feel connected.
If you feel like an outsider, it may not be true.
The feelings that go along with feeling like an outsider are aloneness, feeling separate.
I’m going to put together an accountability group. If this interests you in any way, email me at

Letting Go of Your Aloneness – audio

Victoria Price: Heart-Centered Practices Can Help You Get Through These Times – TPS413

As an inspirational speaker, author, and coach, Victoria Price encourages each of us to co-create a Legacy of Love through a heart-centered practice. Along with writing her popular blog, Daily Practice of Joy, Victoria is the author of three books — including the recently published Living Love: 12 Heart-Centered Practices to Transform Your Life! In 2016, Victoria became a nomad. Now, over four years later, she remains “intentionally home-free” as her core heart-centered practice. She lives on the road with her beloved dog Allie.

Victoria explains what led her to let go and give her things away and start living her nomadic life.
She explains how she had to listen to and trust her inner voice as she was led on her journey.
What we don’t know can lead us to solutions.
We are born programmed to love and we are taught not to listen to our hearts.
Victoria’s father was Vincent Price and her mother and step-mother were both well-known. There were a lot of conflicts and fear around money.
We talk about some of the downsides with celebrity and wealth and Victoria’s study of celebrity.
Celebrity asks you to become a persona, so we grow up idealizing emptiness.
Victoria explains how she realized she spent too much time in her head and developed a joy-centered practice that allows her to get connected to her heart.
She came to understand that joy meant the pure and simple delight of being alive and to do that, she had to remember what brought her joy as a child.
When you develop heart-centered habits, you are aligning with love.
I ask Victoria how she applies her practice to what’s going on in the world so she can maintain her joy and love.
Living in our heads instead of hearts is a cause of many of today’s societal problems.
What’s going on with the virus is a wake-up call for us to see how we have been out of inner alignment.
Victoria shares how her life and work is going to change because of the world situation and what she has to let go of.
We have to trust that there is a bigger picture – one where there is more equality. And to experience that equality many will have to give up things they think they need and are important.
We talk about some things that are going to have to change, including what we think is possible.
When we realize that we have enough, all this grabbing, and having, and needing has to shift.
Inequalities are coming to the surface and we are seeing the limit to what human ingenuity can do.

Victoria’s site –

How to Thrive During This Difficult Time – TPS412

In this episode, I share some of my ideas about how to maintain a positive attitude about the future despite what’s going on. You have choices as to what you’re going to think about and how you’re going to feel.


You can have empathy for what’s going on and still move forward with your life.
Each one of us has the opportunity to say, “Where am I now and where do I want to be in the future?” even though, at this moment, the future is so unknown.
The survival skill for today is to learn that you are ok today and you are learning what you need to learn..
If you can have a positive view of your future and get out of your fear of the present, you’ll have an easier time finding a pathway forward.
The bigger the mountain you have to climb, the more you have to have faith in your ability to get from where you are, to where you want to be.
If you can let go of the fear and have a positive view of the future, surviving what we are all going through will be a whole lot easier.
Talk to people and exchange ideas.
If you want to survive this thing, you have to believe that you can.
I feel as if we are in a space between where we are and where we are going.

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Dr. Kristina Hallett: Emotional Intelligence Can Boost Your Business – TPS411

Dr. Kristina Hallett is a Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist, TEDx Speaker, and Associate Professor of Psychology with over 25 years of experience working with organizations and individuals. She offers a fresh look at our commonly held beliefs about well-being, serving as a catalyst for change by inviting shifts in mindset, perspective and everyday practices. She speaks internationally in several areas –resilience, radical self-care, harnessing the positive power of stress, and living your best life through self-compassion.


Kristina debunks the idea that you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
Even if a mother doesn’t bond well with a child, there are still ways to experience connection.
We talk about how a person can remove heart blocks to connecting.
Music is a way to help someone connect to their emotions.
It’s important for leaders to give energy to learning emotional intelligence.
We talk about the value of emotional intelligence.
Brain health and neuroplasticity work best when people have new challenges.
In order to change, a person has to have a definite internal motivation.
How you are at home reflects how you are in business and visa-versa.
Becoming aware of the physical effects of stress can act as a motivation for a behavioral change.
Repeating small changes is the best path to effective change.
I’m not good enough is one of the major strands to understanding why people behave the way they do.
It helps to be aware of where you learned to believe that you’re not good enough.
Long-term therapy can re-traumatize someone.

Kristina’s website

The Intention + Action Coaching  Group 

Finding Opportunities and Creating a New Normal – TPS410

It’s as if the whole world is turning upside down as we go through this unprecedented period of our lives. It’s important to rise above the fear so you can see the opportunities that abound and take action in a new direction. It’s up to us to create the new normal.


At a Zoom meeting I had recently, we all agreed that we aren’t going to go back to the old normal.
What are you going to do to plan a future without a model to work from?
It’s hard to come up with good ideas when you are in fear.
There are always ways of thinking outside of the box. There’s a problem if you’re afraid of technology.
Your brain is going to tell you that change is dangerous.
Think of a positive future. It’s time to let go of the things you really don’t like to do.
There are always options.
Allow your life to be a little more spontaneous.
I talk about the restaurant business and how they might change how they deliver their food.
The future is whatever you make it and you have the option of making new choices.
You may have to learn new skills.
What is a skill that you have that you can do differently while collaborating with other people?
During this time, learn something new.
This is the winter of the planet when things are dormant.

The Intention + Action Coaching Group

Steven Ringlestein: The Planet Is Going Through a Reset- TPS409

Steven Ringlestein is a lifelong serial entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Pristine Creations LLC, a high flow state consulting firm creating extraordinary results, innovation and excellence. He is an evolutionary leader who pioneered the 4 Zones of Leadership framework. He uses neuroscience principles to hack leaders’ internal decision-making algorithms to enhance performance. He is highly skilled in emotional intelligence, energetic intelligence, and an expert in the science of intuitive intelligence.


Steven tells us how he got to the place of believing in the power of our inner reality.
The gap between what is and what I think it is can be large.
Our collective consciousness can create the apparent reality.
Because our outer world is contracting, we now have the opportunity to examine our inner world.
Habits are invisible because they have disappeared from our awareness. The trick is to become aware of the habit. Steven explains how to do this.
We talk about what is triggering people to buy so much toilet paper.
There is an opportunity now to find balance between our inner and outer worlds.
Steven explains how to activate parts of you that have become numb.
Because families are spending so much time together now, there is opportunity to heal conflicts within family relationships.
I ask what can people do to stop focusing on what’s wrong so they can look for opportunities. Steven suggests asking, “What’s the gift in that”.
If you watch too much TV now, you can generate fear. If you ask, “What’s the gift in that?”, you can shift to looking at opportunities.
Letting go of the fear takes trust. When each of us can trust, it facilitates the evolution of the group.
Focusing on getting healthier can counteract some of the fear.
By consciously slowing down while doing everything, you will counteract some of the fear.
Steven practices radical self-love and creates communication between his internal masculine and feminine.
We are the only ones who know what each of us needs.
Meditation, walking outside, and nurturing yourself are helpful now. Also, ask yourself, “What’s important for me?”
Healthy desire gives us access to our intuitive selves.
Steven equates money with the energy of love.
We talk about connection and how to create it now.
It’s a gift now to open ourselves to receive.

Steven’s site

Interview with James Pupura

The Power Plunge

Intention + Action Coaching Group

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Sit Still, Slow Down, and Listen – TPS408

Going through the coronavirus experience presents many new opportunities if you are willing to do some deep introspection while the world goes through a major reset.
In this episode, I make suggestions for things you can do while you have to wind down and find quiet things to do. It’s a great time to slow down, listen to your inner voice and stop pushing forward.
Your brain is wired to perceive uncertainty as a threat. It’s not. This is your opportunity to assess where you’ve been and mentally move forward towards a more satisfying future.

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My course Simple Meditation for Busy Entrepreneurs

Gene Hammett: The Trap of Success and More – TPS407

Gene Hammett has been an entrepreneurial leader for over 20 years. He works with leaders to help them have the organizations they really want. On his podcast, Growth Think Tank, he has interviewed hundreds of leaders and best-selling authors with the goal of helping other business leaders create new strategies for growth.


Gene tells the story of how he grew a big business then got complacent and ended up losing it all.
He had a dream of coaching entrepreneurs and the loss of his business, which was very difficult, led him to follow his dream.
The hard thing was learning to forgive himself
Gene explains what he means by the Trap of Success, which is the title of his book.
Entrepreneurs have to create their own world.
In his book, Gene talks about how it’s necessary to change your identity and he shares a personal transformation he went through.
Gene learned to focus and explains how he applies focus to his work.
If you can channel your energy into becoming who you want to be, you’ll make more progress.
Part 1: Start with what you want, not what you don’t want. Part 2: Why do you want it? Part 3: Who would you have to be to have the success you want? Part 4: What is your identity in that place?
We talk about learning to feel what you want to feel when you reach your goal.
You don’t achieve your goals, you receive your goals.
Gene uses visualizations which allow him to imagine how he will feel when he reaches his goals.

The Trap of Success: A Brutally Candid Guide to Overcoming Your Fears, Finding Significance, and Attaining Profound Success

Gene’s Site:

Your Business and the Coronavirus – TPS406

Today I talk about what’s happening with the coronavirus, how it might affect your business and how you can deal with it from the inside out. I recorded this episode on March 3, so I only had the amount of information that was available on that day. I have a feeling that things are going to get worse by the time this posts on March 6.

I think it’s important to look at the facts and the possibilities and to do our best to rise above the fear that’s being generated.
In this episode I discuss how to overcome your fear and concerns, and focus on taking the action that you can. I also mentioned that during any downturn, people succeed. The trick is to be open and listen to your inner guidance.
Use whatever techniques you know to deal with the possible stress because it is stress that affects your immune system and causes inflammation. I make some suggestions.
If you’d like to join with a group of people with whom you can discuss what’s going on, I invite you to join the Intention + Action coaching group. The first month is free. For more information go to


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