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Tag: family issues

Episode 54: This Week's Digest

Catherine and Francis reflect on their conversation with Lynn, Giva, Chris, and Marissa from ANAD — both the non-profits executive leadership and the mentorship program. The co-host consider how connection and support with someone with lived experience can be especially helpful for those experiencing eating disorders — being heard in a nonjudgemental way is so important!

If you or a loved one are looking for additional support in your recovery, reach out to and ask about their various programs. You got this!

Episode 53, Part 2: Chris (she/hers) and Marissa (she/hers) open up about being in a recovery mentor and mentee relationship

In this episode, Catherine and Francis speak with Chris and Marissa about their participation in ANAD’s mentorship program. Chris — the mentor — shares her path through her eating disorder experience towards recovery, and reflects on how she has gained so much in her relationship with Marissa. Marissa — the mentee — offers a vulnerable and empowering reflection on her own path towards recovery, offering insight into the ups and downs of her eating disorder experience. What an honor and privilege it was to speak with these two remarkable individuals!

For more resources and information about ANAD and its mentorship program, please visit

Episode 53, Part 1: Lynn Slawsky (she/hers) and Giva Ann Wilkerson (she/hers) share how ANAD helps those impacted by eating disorders

In this episode, Francis and Catherine are happy to welcome Lynn Slawsky, Executive Director, and Giva Ann Wilkerson, Program Director of ANAD (National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders). Lynn and Giva both describe their own experiences finding recovery from eating disorders, and they outline the many ways ANAD enhances treatment and facilitates recovery with programs like peer mentorship, support groups, and grocery buddies. The conversation concludes with Giva and Lynn’s advice for listeners trying to find recovery.

We are grateful for the time Lynn and Giva took to share their experiences and work with us, and we look forward to our next episode, where we have the opportunity to interview a peer mentor/mentee pair who connected through ANAD’s program.

To learn more about ANAD, visit

Episode 52: This Week's Digest

Catherine and Francis reflect on their conversation with Billie Carroll, a Holistic Recovery and Resiliency Counselor who works with individuals in the prison system on finding ways to connect and heal their relationship with their bodies. The co-hosts discuss the need for increased awareness and information about the intersection of eating disorders, the prison system, and trauma.

Episode 51: Billie Carroll (she/hers), a Holistic Recovery and Resiliency Counselor, shares how yoga helps her connect to the divine spark

Billie Carroll (she/hers) is a Holistic Recovery and Resiliency Counselor who uses the technologies of mediation, Yoga and Ayurveda to help people reach new levels of recovery and thriving. She is certified in many areas of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda and has traveled to Rishikesh India to study. She is a certified trauma informed and trauma releasing Yoga teacher, Ayurveda consultant and Peer Recovery Specialist who works with people with addictions, trauma, body image dissatisfaction, and/or mental health issues. She is a Yoga Body Positive ambassador and a partner with the Yoga and Body Image Coalition. She teaches classes and workshops in studios, for non-profits, crisis stabilization units, domestic violence shelters, drug and alcohol treatment facilities as well as jail and prisons.

She believes that yoga helps her connect to the divine spark and share that spark with the world, and brings that perspective to the podcast today.

When not working Billie enjoys reading, gardening and creative projects. She also enjoys getting out in nature and spending time with her husband David, their cats, dogs and turtle.


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