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Tag: life purpose

Episode 105 – A Boomer and Millennial Find Common Ground

After working a lifetime for women, African American and gay rights, a frank conversation with a Boomer (Judy Carter) and a Millennial (Alyse James) where Judy apologizes for the world she’s left to Alyse’s generation as they find common ground to confront the future.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
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The Value of Building a Network – TPS432

If you think you need more money, in reality, you need more people because money always comes from people. Because aloneness is one of the main emotions acted out through money. In this episode, I discuss how building a robust network can help overcome feelings of aloneness.


Creating a network can be difficult because it means a change in behaviors.
In business, you can be part of multiple networks.
A business network can allow you to create a team of other professionals that you can use with your clients.
I talk about the different networks I belong to.
It takes time to adjust to the pace of a new network you are joining
The organizations I belong to function on the give to get principles.
If you are functioning by yourself, it’s difficult to build a successful business.
I talk about the value of having a podcast and using social media to form different types of connections.
The internet provides a lot of opportunities for connection, but you have to reach out and nurture relationships.
The question is, how can you increase your network?
I talk about some of the networking opportunities during the pandemic.
Connection is one of the keys to business success.
Try different groups in order to find one that might work for you.
In this day and age, we can’t do things alone.

The C-Suite Network –

Judy Robinette Interview about Networking

Make an appointment to talk to Joan here

Episode 103 – Are you creatively exhausted?

Every pro has to deal with burnout, and on this episode of The Power of Purpose, Judy gets personal talking about her own  “Creative Exhaustion.”  Jason talks her back from the edge, giving her tips on how she can reset and reassess her career to do more of what brings her joy.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
To learn more about Judy’s programs go to:
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Episode 104 – Are you creatively exhausted?

Every pro has to deal with burnout, and on this episode of The Power of Purpose, Judy gets personal talking about her own  “Creative Exhaustion.”  Jason talks her back from the edge, giving her tips on how she can reset and reassess her career to do more of what brings her joy.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
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Dawson Church: Rapidly Reach Higher States of Consciousness – TPS431

Dawson Church, Ph.D., is an award-winning science writer with three best-selling books to his credit: The Genie in Your Genes, Mind to Matter, and his latest, Bliss Brain which demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness.

Dawson has conducted dozens of clinical trials and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to promote groundbreaking new treatments. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and personal performance through, one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.

Many people are now open to expanding into new levels of consciousness.
Studies have been done to document the brain-wave states that mystics reach via meditation.
Dawson talks about losing his home in 2017 during the California fires and explains how people can use life’s tragedies to lead to Post Traumatic Growth.
It takes a major crisis in a person’s life that leads them to make changes. He shares what led him to start meditating.
Even a novice can be trained to reach the brain states of Zen masters.
When people raise their brain states are they led to make other changes in their life?
Dawson differentiates between seekers and finders.
Childhood trauma has to be healed before you reach the highest states.
When you are committed to meditation practice, synchronicity increases.
People who are in sync with themselves become in sync with planetary pulses.
If you are a resilient person, you see life’s difficulties from a solution-oriented point of view.
People who can sustain a flow state are more productive than others.
You become an agent for positive change when you are able to reach higher states of consciousness.

More about the book Bliss Brain:

Dawson’s main site:

The Tapping Place: a directory of EFT practitioners

Bob Miglani: Embrace the Chaos – TPS430

In this episode, Bob Miglani explains how chaos is opportunity in disguise. Bob is a keynote speaker, bestselling author, and Founder of Embrace the Chaos, an Experiential Change Company. He helps people and organizations change, transform and grow. Bob was born in poverty in India and grew up in the U.S. helping his family run their successful Dairy Queen franchise for 25 years. Bob had a successful 23-year corporate career in New York. While going through massive change in his job, Bob was able to adapt and reinvent himself to grow. His journey became the subject of his Washington Post bestselling book called Embrace the Chaos, inspiring others on how to embrace change in their job, career, business, and life. Today, Bob helps teams adapt to the post-pandemic world.

Bob talks about how and why he got interested in embracing the chaos.
You can’t control the chaos, so let go of the idea of controlling it.
It’s important to learn how to deal with uncertainty. You can do this by creating some certainty for yourself.
Instead of thinking of the worst that can happen, set a goal for yourself in the future that you can focus on.
This is a good time to reinvent yourself and think about starting a business.
We talk about how people can overcome their fear of the future.
The chaos won’t go away, but you can control it better by controlling yourself.
So much of what we do is habitual. Bob talks about breaking old patterns.
Meditation can help you recognize the patterns.
We talk about letting go and trusting that something will show up.
To move forward, it helps to let go of the past.
Opportunities can only come to an open hand.
If you wait for perfection, you’ll get nowhere in life.
Chaos is opportunity in disguise.

Bob’s site:

Bob’s book: Embrace the Chaos

Bob on LinkedIn:

Bob’s Facebook Page:

Episode 103 – How do we sell our ideas?

Judy’s guest and childhood friend, Pam Rogow talk about how the marketing skills they use today to turn their passion into profit, they learned when they were 8 years old doing birthday party magic shows.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
To learn more about Judy’s programs go to:
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Take Control of Your Health – TPS429

In this episode, I share my experience going through sepsis, a potentially fatal condition that I obviously survived. The experience has led me to do a lot of thinking about the frailties of our medical system and I share some of my thoughts with you.

I share the harrowing experience I went through when I thought I had COVID-19, but it turned out I had sepsis.
I’ve been thinking a lot about our medical system and its shortcomings and how people make unhealthy decisions for themselves.
We haven’t taught people that they have control of their health.
Your body is a complex machine that needs certain kinds of fuel. The wrong fuel will cause symptoms.
Each body has different needs.
We put too much faith in the opinions of medical doctors. It’s important to learn how to communicate with your body.
There are good practitioners within the allopathic system who are open and willing to try alternatives. The idea of integrative medicine that combines different systems is what makes sense to me.

If you’d like to share your thoughts with me on this topic, you can write to me at

Episode 102 – Redesigning Your Career in a Crisis!

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, speaker Joshua Seth watched as all of his gigs were canceled. In this episode of The Power of Purpose Judy and Joshua talk about how he found a way to redesign his career and make a great living by moving his keynotes online.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
To learn more about Judy’s programs go to:
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Mike Skrypnek: Build a Business Based on Trust TPS428

Mike Skrypnek is a top selling author, international speaker and transformational business coach. His latest book, “Entrepreneur Secrets to a Grow Get Give Life”, is the guide for mid-career business owners seeking a better business, a great life and even bigger impact. Mike has conducted hundreds of keynote presentations and workshops to inspire and train thousands of owners, C-Suite executives, professional advisors and charitable organizations in Canada and the United States. His Grow Get Give philosophy helps guide impact-minded owners build great businesses that give them the life they want to live.


For people who have wanted to leave their jobs, is this a good time to start a new business?
Mike asked himself, “Am I living my passion every day?”
We talk about how one finds one’s passion.
Ask what am I good at that could be the basis for a business and take one step forward at a time. Get help and input from others.
Break everything down to the simple things that you have to learn and tackle one at a time.
Engaging people in an authentic way is the basis of sales.
We talk about establishing relationships using Zoom rather than in person.
Mike has looked deeply into the issue of trust, which is more about us than the person who is trying to gain our trust.
We can develop trust in business relationships if we agree on the future goal, a common outcome, and the rules of the game.
There is a scarcity mindset happening now rather than their normal abundance mindset.
High end earners rarely give referrals to others.
We talk about approaching high-end clients.
Mike shares his personal challenge to not sound promotional when talking to people. He uses writing books to put forth his genuine desire to help others.
After you figure out your why, identify your ideal customer and interview them about themselves and what they want. Learn the language of your ideal customers.
If you don’t lead by serving, you aren’t leading.
Be patient, be serving, be compassionate.
This is one of the rare moments in history where everyone is experiencing similar emotions. This allows for more authentic discussions.
People are becoming tired of the chaos which Mike believes will lead us to a better place.

Mike’s book: Enterpreneur Secrets to a Grow Get Give Life

Mike’s site:


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