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Tag: life purpose

The Truth of You Shall Set You Free – TPS444

I recently woke up with the word “truth” sounding loudly in my mind which led me to think about truth – a lot – and how I might talk about it on a podcast episode. Because we have been going through a period of a lot of not truth I’ve been pondering what we miss when we don’t tell the truth. I discuss it in this episode.


I ask, “Why the advantage of telling the truth or the truth of you?”
Years ago, I committed to tell the truth all the time. It is really difficult.
People often exaggerate in order to make a better impression, which makes it difficult to tell if they’re telling the truth or not.
I talk about all the claims made in commercials that I perceive is not being true.
We’re becoming adapted to alternative realities and “alternative truth”.
In order to connect to your truth, you have to develop a certain amount of intuition.
To develop self-awareness, you need to be able to learn to travel into the depths of yourself.
We sometimes think that people who display a lot of self-confidence no more than we do.
As children, we often suppressed ourselves because it appeared to be safer.
Every time you adjust your truth, you’re slowing down the process of finding out who you are becoming.
Humans are complicated, and finding our own path is complicated because we have to overcome a lot of the messages we got as children.
We tend to not honestly express our emotions.
I talk about the nuances that are sometimes necessary when telling the truth.
What are the things that you think about but never talk to other people about?
What is it that separates you from other people that you never talk about?
I talk about my invisible disability and how I have kept it hidden. But I now see that I’m actually holding myself back by doing this.
Whatever you are thinking is limiting you may be what you’re identifying as a disability.
If you have a physical disability, that’s not something that’s wrong with you, it’s just something you have to deal with.
Each of us is separate, unique, and valuable. You can’t understand your value to the greater society, if you’re thinking that you’re less-than.
What is it about you that you consider something that holds you back? That would be what you perceive to be your disability. That is the truth of you and your life doesn’t have to be diminished because of it.
The truth of you shall set you free.
There’s nothing wrong with you that needs fixing. You just have habitual thoughts beliefs and emotions that may need to change. And you can do that.

Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive by Marc Brackett, Ph.D.

My course, Rewire Your Brain for Prosperity & Financial Freedom, will show you how to create new habits.

Dr. Gary McGrath: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence – TPS443

Dr. Gary McGrath’s mission is to make Good Bosses into Great Leaders with Compassionate Accountability. His company is STATARIUS which is Latin for ‘to stand firm’ where he and his team of Statarians DEVELOP Leadership – they don’t just train leaders.

He served our country as an officer in the United States Army where he commanded 102 soldiers at the age of 25. He is the author of two books, a Certified Speaking Professional with the National Speakers Association, and a meditation instructor. After living in nine states and two foreign countries, Dr. Gary has settled in Raleigh, NC.

Gary shares his journey to learning about emotional intelligence.
The only two characteristics of leadership effectiveness are emotional intelligence and cognitive judgment.
In business, we often don’t understand the importance of emotions and leadership.
Four parts of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
Emotional intelligence means being able to tell – in the moment – how you are feeling and how someone you’re talking to is feeling.
Without emotional intelligence, you are trying to build your business as a manager, not a leader.
Gary defines leadership.
Typically, men have low self-awareness and high self-management. Women tend to have high self-awareness. Gary explains the brain science behind this phenomenon.
If a man tells a woman, “you’re being too emotional”, he is actually insulting her biology.
Men basically have two emotions – happy and pissed.
85% of performance problems at work are about problems outside of work. Our emotional state at work is impacted by everything in our life.
The only way we can truly show someone we care is by understanding their emotions.
Emotional intelligence is often thought of as a soft skill, but it is not. It’s hard.

Every decision that you make is an emotional one.
Dr. Gary on LinkedIn
Dr. Gary’s Site
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – by Travis Bradberry and Jean Graves

Episode 113 – Keeping Your Projects from Crumbling

Sometimes projects fall apart and there is nothing you can do. Other times your project crumbled because you didn’t have a strategy to keep it alive. In this week’s episode of The Power of Purpose Podcast, Judy and Jason discuss not only how to recognize that your project might be crumbling, but how to course-correct and get it back on track.

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Episode 112 – How to get out of Creative Fatigue

Grinding away at a creative career can get tiring, especially when there is not a lot of results, feedback, or notoriety coming along with your hard work. In this week’s episode, Judy and Jason discuss “Creative Fatigue” and how you as the professional creative and regroup and recharge is you’re feeling worn down.

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Money & Emotions – A Novel Approach – TPS442

When most podcasters talk about money and emotions, they talk about how people feel about their money. My approach is quite different in that I look at the emotions you are acting out through your money. In this episode, I talk about how what you feel when dealing with money is never about money – and what it is about.


You can use your money feelings to understand your emotional makeup.
If you are afraid of running out of money, that indicates that you are feeling alone.
If you think you need more money, you are saying that you need more people because money is always attached to people.
Feeling like there’s never enough means that you feel like not enough.
Fear of losing what you have is often the result of abandonment stories.
The idea is to recognize the feeling and express it.
When you hear yourself thinking that you need more money, ask yourself, “What am I feeling?”
How you were brought up – either in poverty or wealth – will affect your money emotions.
If you let yourself deal with the feelings, you aren’t going to have to repeat the dramas.
Learning how to manage cash flow can mollify financial fears.
When you learn how to put off purchases, you can manage your money better.
I talk about learning how to delay gratification.
If you learn how to manage your need for gratification and your dopamine signals that you need more, you can feel better about yourself and your money.
You can use the Covid pause to retrain your emotional responses.
Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.
This is a good time to learn to recognize and deal with your emotions.

Check out my course Rewire Your Brain for Prosperity & Financial Freedom

Want to talk to me? Send an email to or fill out the form at

Make New Choices in the New Year – TPS441

The new year is soon to be upon us. In this episode, I ask you to decide what choices you want to make in the new year as to who you want to be and what you want to be doing. What changes do you want to make?


We have no idea what our lives or our world are going to look like in the coming year.
There’s going to be a new normal, but we have no idea what normal is going to look like.
Covid has given us the opportunity of reevaluating everything in our life. Do we really want to go back to what was, or do we want to create something new that is more satisfying?
It’s hard to set goals when you have no idea what the future is going to look like. I suggest that instead of setting doing goals that you set feeling goals.
The one thing that you have control over and the power to change is your internal environment.
What we are all going through, provides us with the opportunity to ask who we want to be and what we want to change. Change is happening whether you wanted to or not.
What is it that you can do to create some certainty for yourself?
It is impossible to create specific goals when you have no idea what the external environment is going to be.
I’m going to ask you – if you’re willing – to examine your internal environment and decide what choices for change you want to make in the new year.
This is the time for choice. You are where you are because of the choices you have made and now you can make different choices that will allow you to move in a different direction.
Every choice that you make has an emotional component.
We have been given the opportunity, at this juncture in time, to examine our lives and make new choices.
What will it take for you to be the best version of yourself today?
If we all make changes together, it will affect the entire world.

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Jan Janzen: The Inner Approach to Selling – TPS440

Jan Janzen has been a serial entrepreneur for 40 years. She bought a franchise at just 19 years of age and since then has worked in a wide variety of industries from being president of a network marketing company to having three businesses

in the automotive field to having a 6-figures healing practice. Jan’s focus is helping women entrepreneurs fall in love with the sales process so they can earn the money they need in their businesses so they can take care of themselves and make the difference they are here to make in the world.

Jan shares her unusual background in sales as a Jehovah’s Witness where she learned how to accept rejection.
Leaders often feel l like outsiders, which can be an asset. They also have to be their own person.
We talk about how Jan presents the idea of sales to people who might be repulsed by the idea of selling.
Jan explains why she doesn’t use high-testosterone words like prospect, close, or filling the pipeline.
Women are usually really good at sales and outsell men by 11%, even though they break many of the rules.
Women entrepreneurs outsell men, but they earn less because they often under-price their services.
Jan talks about money mindset and the assessment she uses to measure where a person is vis-à-vis money. She explains the idea of money archetypes.
A person’s genetic coding can also affect financial behaviors.
Changing your money mindset requires more than learning financial skills. The inner work has to be done.
I asked Jan how she helps people overcome their money mindset blocks.
Women often don’t see the value that they bring. Jan explains how she teaches women to overcome this.
Jan talks about dealing with the objection, “I can’t afford it” and how to discover if a potential client is a good fit for you.
People often rush through a sales conversation because they don’t like doing it.
There are various techniques that Jan uses to help people gain the confidence needed in order to sell.
Your internal habits and self-concept can affect your ability to sell. We talk about the elements that can come into play.
Our tribal programming can keep us from reaching our next income level.

Take Jan’s free assessment to discover your money archetype

Jan’s Site:



Episode 111 – You’re NEVER TOO OLD to Get Started

This week on the power of purpose Judy talks with comic (and former student) Vicki Barbolak about her comedy career, getting so good that people can’t ignore you, and starting your career no matter your age.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
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How to Become an Agent for Peace – TPS439

In this episode, I talk about the feelings stimulated by the election in the US. Lots of people are angry, which can cause all sorts of physical problems. We all have a choice as to how we want to feel and who we want to be.

If you are angry about the election, you have probably been angry all of your life – both individually and as a group.
Ongoing anger will negatively affect your health.
Heart attacks are often related to adrenaline responses.
Many people are motivated by anger – which is not healthy.
Do you want to be on the side of tension or release?
Constant tension leads to physical problems.
Who do you want to be and how do want your health to be?
It’s a whole lot more comfortable to be on the peaceful side of life.
Choosing to be a peaceful person will make your life more comfortable.
Let’s connect through the light, not the darkness.
You have a choice as to how you want to live your life and how you want to feel. You are not the victim of circumstances.

Episode about Empathetic Detachment


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