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All Voices Count with Michael Harrison

Michael Harrison has served as the editor and publisher of TALKERS (), the leading trade publication in the American talk media industry for the past 30 years. In that capacity, he has become widely recognized as one of America’s leading authorities on radio, communications, and public opinion as it is expressed in the media as well as being director of the annual TALKERS Convention held in New York City for the past 23 years. Harrison graduated from Hofstra University in 1971. He is a charter inductee in the Hofstra Radio Hall of Fame and sits on the university’s Lawrence Herbert School of Communication Dean’s Advisory Board. Still dynamic after a 52-year career as a broadcaster, he is a pioneer and innovator in both talk and rock radio as well as being a driving force in the industry’s trade publication field. He was the founding architect and first program director of the progressive rock format that launched the legendary WLIR, Long Island to national fame in 1970, while still a student. He went on to become the ground breaking morning host at historic album rocker WNEW-FM, New York shortly after graduation and served as a professor teaching Music & Contemporary Culture at New York University. Harrison has also been an air personality or on-air program director at such stations as KMET, Los Angeles; KPRI, San Diego; WZLX, Boston; WCBS-FM and WPIX, New York; WTIC, Hartford and others. He owned and operated one of the early talkers of the modern era — WSPR, Springfield, MA. He currently finds time in his busy schedule to guest-host talk shows at WRKO, Boston and WTIC, Hartford, which he describes as “a labor of love.” He has written about, defined, predicted or engaged in hands-on programming of major movements in radio’s evolution from coining new format terms to the development of music and talk-topic chart methodology. Among his inventions is the term “AOR” (Album Oriented Rock) which he coined in the early 1970s, while programming KPRI, to describe the more commercially-accessible brand of “progressive rock” radio that remained a dominant format for more than 40 years. Today, it is called “classic rock.” He has hosted and produced national radio programs syndicated by ABC Radio Networks, Westwood One, CBS Radio, MJI Broadcasting, RKO Radio and more. These include the legendary “Album Greats: The History of Album Rock,” “The Great American Radio Show,” “Mike Harrison’s Rock Connections” and “Backstage at the Grammys” among others. Harrison served as the first managing editor of Radio & Records during its formative years and radio columnist/record chart consultant for Billboard in the early 1980s. He was one of the first media analysts to predict the rise of podcasting before the term was widely known, not to mention serving as Program Director of the first radio station to have its own website. In addition to hosting “The Michael Harrison Wrap”, he also currently hosts PodcastOne’s “The Michael Harrison Interview” an award-winning weekly podcast geared to “media freaks, pop culture aficionados, political junkies and the philosophically curious” and, ever on the leading edge, operates an experimental “hyper-local” online talk station — Pioneer Valley Radio — in Western Massachusetts.

Greta Gar Bitch: Open to Where Life Takes You

Join Kimber Leigh and Kristin for a discussion about many things including her best selling book Greta Gar Bitch.

Greta Gar~BITCH is the true story of a young girl growing up in a family with extreme dysfunction. Enduring daily physical and emotional abuse that was fueled by alcohol, sex, and drugs. The severity of abuse caused two of the four youngest children to commit suicide as their only way out six months apart from the other. In another six months, the mother committed suicide by ingesting a gallon of vodka a day, with a variety of prescription meds. When the mother’s body could no longer keep up with this cycle of drinking and drugging, her death left this family in their darkest hours.

At the tender age of seven, Kimber Leigh listened to the stories told to her by her grandfather, about the famed Hollywood actress from the 1930s, Greta Garbo. Kimber’s grandfather said, “You are going to be just like her when you grow up.” When Kimber shared his words with her mother, her mother’s reply was, “Sweetheart, you will never be anything but a BITCH… a Greta GarBITCH!”

Kimber’s life was left in turmoil after years of suffering physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at the hands of her mother and others.

This book reveals what turned Kimber’s life around, so she was able to lead a life of miracles, peace, love, and forgiveness. These experiences taught Kimber how to understand the real ‘game of life’ leading her to find true love, all the while witnessing endless miracles along her life’s long journey.

Great Gar~BITCH will explain how YOU can live a miraculous life. People will witness your growth and say, WOW!

Kimber Leigh is a highly respected actress, model, producer, television host, spokesperson, and master of ceremonies. She is well steeped in the Arizona cinema scene, whilst residing on the Big Island of Hawaii with her husband. … Kimber has also received a Gold Hermes and a Telly Award for her work in journalism.

S3 Chapter 7: The Boggart in the Wardrobe

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

S3 Chapter 7: The Boggart in the Wardrobe

On this episode Dr. Scarlet and Host Dustin McGinnis discuss the selfish nature of malingering, Professor Snape’s teaching style vs. Professor Lupin’s, and how laughter can help us face our fears and phobias.


The post Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Season 3 Chapter 7: The Boggart in the Wardrobe first appeared on Superhero Therapy.

Anxiously Okay with Alec Baynes – Here to Help Learn to Cope with Anxiety

Join Kristin as she welcomes Alec Baynes to MHNR Network with his new podcast, Anxiously Okay. Listen as Alec and Kristin catch up and Alec gives some insight into his new podcast regarding his experiences learning to cope with Anxiety.

Alec Baynes, an avid gamer, brings a youthful perspective to MHNR Network. He grew up diagnosed with Aspergers and had to learn to manage through his life struggling with anxiety.

Twitch: smartalec24

NEW! The Funky Brain Podcast – Get Help Learning Life Skills

Join Kristin as she speaks with MHNR Network’s NEW addition, Dennis Berry, who hosts The Funky Brain Podcast. Dennis and Kristin discuss varied aspects of learning to cope with this thing we call life.  

Dennis Berry is a Certified Life Coach and has been working with people worldwide for over 15 years. With modern technology, he can work with anybody anywhere via Zoom. His expertise is in Life Mastery. He has been sober since April 8, 2003, during which time he became a successful businessman, athlete, and family man. His journey in recovery helped him find his mission in life, which is to help others achieve inner peace and success, and master every area of their lives. Dennis knows what it is like to be helpless and hopeless with no positive direction. He was able to climb out of the gutter and transform his life and he spends his life helping others do the same.

Catching Up With Friends in 2020

Join Kristin with Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, as these two friends sit and discuss 2020 and how it’s all affected them within their friendships. They reflect upon the pandemic, the politics, and friendships.  

As a humorous keynote speaker, Frank brings his corporate brand of comedy to educate, inspire, and finally, entertain…again, ah-has, with a sprinkling of ha-ha’s, in a one of a kind presentation on matters of life and death. He blends his experience as a clean, clever stand-up comedian, an award-winning syndicated humor columnist, and as a warrior in his own lifelong battle with depression and thoughts of suicide, for content-packed and eminently listenable keynote presentations and workshops.

Why Humanity Must Come Through with Julian Rose

Why Humanity Must Come Through with Julian Rose Julian Rose is a writer, organic farmer, international activist and holistic practitioner/teacher. Two of Julian’s books ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ and ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ are particularly prescient reading for this time. See  for more information. ==================================== THE GREAT REJECT – OF THE GREAT RESET Julian Rose The World that Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, wants us to rubber stamp is a 100% dystopian nightmare. In fact, if one was to write a film script about the worst of all outcomes for the human race and planet, Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ dream would perfectly fill the bill. Everything that moves and breathes is to be sanitised, anaesthetized and digitalised proclaims the WEF White Paper of October 2020. This is the way to turn the world ‘Green’ according to Schwab and his team of technocratic trolls. Well, most of us will turn green just by reading this WEF master-plan for humanity “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda in a post Covid World” so there’s really no need to bother with its implementation, is there? The inventory of fake green hooey to be found within the pages of this paper goes back to the Club of Rome (founded 1968) coming up with the idea that for the elite to maintain their grip on world affairs, some scary story threatening the end of life on Earth was needed. So the idea of Global Warming was hatched to fit this need. It also had the advantage of being a money spinner via the invention of ‘carbon taxes’ and deployment of a whole new fake green infrastructure under the title ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Yes, a truly inspiring control package was put together – just waiting for a suitable moment to be rolled-out across the world. Well, it just happened that something called Covid came along (sheer coincidence) to kick the whole show off at the beginning of 2020. Aside from Global Warming, launched some twenty years earlier, the new show is proving to be quite a spectacle! There’s something for everybody in the tragi-comedy drama called ‘Covid-19’. Fake news, fake views and fake truths – all conjoining to make a quite breathtaking virtual reality saga starring some previously little-known bit part actors,who leapt at the chance to take leading roles in bringing to life the technocratic Great Reset dynasty promised by the World Economic Forum. A dynasty requiring the implementation of highly tuned Al-Gore-rhythms so as to edit out the communications of all who don’t do Al’s Global Warming thing. Not just that, but EMF’ing all and sundry as a covert way of vastly reducing the global population, is also a vital part of the mix. The only thing is, those doctors, scientists and engineers still able to think, saw immediately that they were being asked to believe that the world had gone flat again – like it was pre Copernicus and Galileo. And that 2+1=4. And that cell phone microwave radiation, now running at tens of thousands of times that of natural background radiation – doesn’t change anything and won’t do anyone any harm. No, of course not, why should it – we must have had a delusional moment ever entertaining such an idea. As we peer at the newspaper headlines each morning, we become aware of a very well-coordinated story line being monotonously repeated day after day, with almost no variation wherever you happen to be in the world – but especially so in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. No surprise when just six corporations own 90% of the world media. These headlines are continuously telling us to to believe in a surreal agenda that – of course – stars ‘Covid’ and comprises a whole series of absolute contradictions, invented, no doubt, for the purpose of causing mass distraction and confusion of the readership – while relentlessly pressing the fear button to ensure obeisance from a semi-paralysed public. But what is this we see emerging out of the gloom at this eleventh hour? Could it be a new hero is rising up out of the chaos to put our minds at rest? Could it possibly be one Klaus Schwab – ‘visionary extraordinaire’ and inspired saviour of humanity? Herr Schwab has now been joined by no lesser being than Prince Charles, to convince us Reset laggards to “use all the levers at our disposal” to ensure eco-corporate fascism dispossesses small to medium sized businesses of their hard won trading grounds while simultaneously walloping us with a wall of 5G microwaves. Apparently The Green New Deal sees 5G as the solution to getting a global centralised ‘smart grid’ up and running so as to enable us to be ‘watched’ 24/7. This, one assumes, is to help us get that warm feeling of “you are never alone.” That warm feeling will be accentuated by the fact that 5G, like its 3/4G predecessors, is a microwave weapon that cooks us from the inside out and serves us up rare, medium or well done, according to its output. “Well done!” is the response that Schwab and his royal team are no doubt expecting us to proclaim while loudly applauding the roll-out of the Agenda 2030 – Zero Carbon – Smart City – Fourth Industrial Revolution – Transhumanist Singularity – Green New Deal – New World Order – ‘Great Reset’ blueprint for a full-on fascist future. Well sorry, Mein Herr, but I’ve got a strange feeling that you might have got this all a bit wrong. Your megalomania has been recognised for what it is. Most of us have accordingly decided to show you two fingers and the way to the door. Your departure should not be delayed a day longer than necessary. Don’t worry, we have made it easier for you to take your leave by ensuring the exit door has these words writ large upon it: ‘THE GREAT REJECT’. ========

Plaque of Corruption with Dr. Judy Mikovits

On May 4th, 2020, part 1 of a documentary series called Plandemic (which featured an interview with whistleblower Dr Judy Mikovits) was released. Analysis by multiple independent groups have estimated that Part 1 has received “over one billion views,” making it the most viewed and banned documentary of all time. Dr. Judy Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her ground-breaking discoveries. And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried. JUDY A. MIKOVITS, PHD Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in 1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/CFS and autism. Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and these diseases. Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, many in the world’s top medical journals and she has been profiled in Discover magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Her pioneering work during her 20-year career at the National Cancer Institute includes the discovery of the modulation of DNA methylation machinery by human retro viral infection and the development of the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease, which was first published in 1999, when she directed the Laboratory of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms in developing therapeutics and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS and AIDS associated malignancies. These are all therapies that are still the standard of care twenty-five years later and credited with saving millions of deaths from HIV/AIDS. Website Link: 


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