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Tag: raising kids

Incarceration or Recovery?

Times are changing, and we are seeing laws surrounding legal punishment of drug crimes change all over the country. How do we decide as a nation who gets incarcerated and who gets sent to rehab? And, how is this affecting YOUR struggling teen?

My guest is David Dawd, from the Department of Corrections, discusses how legislation and laws are changing the way we look at addiction in our penal system.

What is Right With You?

Let’s shake up the “norm” of psychology. It is often our way, as human beings, to ask, “what is wrong with me?” “What is wrong with my kid?” “What is wrong with my marriage?” 
Today, let us ask, “What is RIGHT?” 

Jean Campbell accompanies me to discuss Positive Psychology, the practice of focusing individuals on their progress and positive impact, rather than focusing on the negative. She will explain why this is so vital for parents to understand with their teens and see it affecting clients’ progress today.

The Birds and The Bees in Rehab.

Today, I deep dive into the benefits and logistics of sex-positive education with expert Anne Hodder. In this episode, we explore why teens not only need but deserve to have a healthy, honest, and comprehensive physical education.

But how? Anne walks me through how staff and health care professionals can support Residence and teens with this topic and what parents need to know about sexual education and recovery.


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