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Tag: raising kids

The Balance of the Working Mom and the Pursuit of Mental Wellness

There are millions of women right now feeling sorely overwhelmed trying to keep a balance as a professional, mom, friend, sibling, etc. Too often, working women in the workplace who are also trying to raise children are wired to think that asking for help when overwhelmed or creating healthy boundaries are weaknesses vs a strength and a need. We end up having countless overworked, over stressed women who are functioning, but not truly living the quality of life they were intended for.
Pauliana Lara, attorney, public speaker and women’s advocate, joins me to discuss strategies for women to find that healthy balance, in seeking support and creating a path of less judgement and greater encouragement to our fellow women.
If you’re looking to have Pauliana Lara speak at your business, school or workshop you can find her at
Check her out on Instagram: @paulianalara Pauliana’s email:

When a Child Comes Out.

BRAB’s 200th Episode!
National Coming Out Day.
Oct. 11th, 2020

When a Child Comes Out.
What has a child gone through BEFORE they come out? Is there a process to this that families can go through…step by step… to help ensure the safety and support of this child? what about family members who refuse to accept the child?

John Sovec is a therapist and coach in Pasadena CA who specializes in working with LGBTQ teens and their families during the coming out process. He is the clinical consultant for The Life Group LA, adjunct faculty at Phillips Graduate Institute, and guest lecturer at Alliant University and USC School of Social Work.

John Sovec is the author of multiple publications on providing LGBTQ support, speaks at conferences nationwide, maintains a private practice, and provides training for community agencies, schools, non-profits, and professional consultation on how to successfully support LGBTQ teens.

John is a nationally recognized expert on creating affirmative support for LGBTQ adolescents with his work featured on The Riki Lake Show, OWN, BRAVO, FOX, The Advocate, YHTV, LA Talk Radio, and regular columns for Huffington Post and Good Therapy.

Social Media and Websites

The 4-1-1 of LOL

Laughter is the best medicine. With the roles we hold in life
we can sometimes take ourselves too seriously. Whether it’s due to
fear of what others think of us or having unrealistic expectations for
ourselves we can withhold joy from our lives without even realizing it.

A key to a higher level of living? Laughter. Learning to choose laughter
instead of judging ourselves for our mistakes. It’s the pursuit of being
comfortable doing things that we may consider risky, because, what
would people think of us? Whether it’s dancing in our living room in
front of our family or singing in our car with the windows down, it’s
the pursuit of simple joys that make us laugh, smile and truly live.

Douglas Murphy- The Blues and Prison

Blues Behind Bars began conducting songwriting workshops and playing concerts at Sterling Correctional Facility in 2009. Since then, the group has completed the Colorado Department of Corrections volunteer training and is officially a DOC-approved program, giving them access to programming in correctional facilities across multiple states. Today, Blues Behind Bars regularly conducts songwriting workshops in Larimer County Jail and Denver Women’s Correctional Facility, helping the incarcerated share their stories, use their voices, and find hope.

Getting Over Getting Older

Getting older can be tough on our body and our emotions.
How are you doing with the aging process? Whether we’re 25 or
65 aging can hit us differently.
But what’s crazy significant is how we choose to face how our body
and mind change over time. Being comfortable with who we are and the person we are becoming begins with being rooted in self love. When we love
ourselves, that reflection in the mirror is met with greater appreciation and
value. When society dictates and defines what beauty is and promotes
youth while devaluing age, we can get on a slippery slope of questioning our
own value.
Let’s take some time to remind ourselves of our beauty, inside and out, taking time to strengthen our view of the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror.

Do you enjoy listening to Goodness Chick’s weekly Pod? I’d love
you to consider sponsoring the show either a one time donation
or monthly. Hop on to sponsor via PayPal
or Venmo.

Michael Pipich- Straight Talk Bi-polar.

Michael is one of BRAB’s most popular guests! Back for his 3rd show, you will hear the straight talk on bi-polar and get the skills to navigate happiness with family members who live with it.

If you work with bi-polar personally, Michael is your new best friend.

Michael Pipich LMFT holds a Master of Science degree in clinical/community psychology from California State University, Fullerton, and a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Loyola Marymount University. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist (Colorado license MFT744), and he has treated a wide range of mental disorders and relationship problems in adults and adolescents for more than 30 years.

Michael is also a national speaker on bipolar disorder. His new book, Owning Bipolar: How Patients and Families Can Take Control of Bipolar Disorder (Citadel Press), is due for release in 2018. Michael is also known as an expert in many legal cases involving psychological treatment and the law and has taught several graduate-level psychology courses. He was selected as a collaborating investigator by the American Psychiatric Association, performing clinical field trials for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). He’s been featured on radio and in print media on a variety of topics, and he is the host of Breakthrough with Michael Pipich on the VoiceAmerica Network.


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