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Tag: weight

Episode 57, Part 1: Kristina Bruce (she/hers), certified body trust provider and integrative Life Coach, joins the podcast

Kristine Bruce, a certified body trust® provider and integrative Life Coach, joins the podcast to talk about her work helping clients develop positive relationships with their bodies without dieting or focusing on weight loss. Kristina specializes in working with individuals on accepting and trusting their bodies and brings this expertise and experience to the programs. She takes time to delineate between the various terminology around body acceptance, including body neutrality, fat activism, and body positivity, and how individuals experiencing shame or self-hatred about their bodies can become a part of these movements and gain freedom in their lives.

Catch Part 2 of the conversation on Saturday!

For more information or ways to connect with Kristina, please visit

Episode 56: This Week's Digest

Catherine and Francis reflect on their conversation with Rebecca Eyre, CEO of ProjectHEAL, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals experiencing eating disorders access treatment. The co-host’s comment on Rebecca’s view that most of the country is experiencing some degree of disordered eating, maintained by deeply rooted fatphobic, racist, and ableist beliefs about body, food, weight, and health. It’s important to continually acknowledge our own bias, and more, take meaningful action to address them. It was a pleasure to speak with and reflect on the conversation with someone who does that exactly. More more information about ProjectHEAL please visit

Take care and be well!

81: The 5 Things You Don't Know About Food Addiction

In this podcast, you will learn:

1. The signs that you may have a food addiction.
2. Specific practices you can use to overcome food addiction.
3. How you can get rid of the negative self-talk that makes food addiction worse.

The Anchor Program is a 12-week non-diet program offering ONLINE group and individual sessions for the treatment of binge eating, emotional eating, food addiction, and compulsive overeating.  Want to learn more about the Anchor Program?

Episode 55, Part 2: Rebecca Eyre, CEO, ProjectHEAL, talks mental health parity and provides wisdom for those looking for recovery

Catherine and Francis wrap up their interview with Rebecca Eyre, CEO of ProjectHEAL in what has been an insightful, powerful, and educational discussion. Part 2 features Rebecca talking about mental health parity from the perspective of a provider, non-profit leader, and person with lived experience, highlighting the importance of underserved and marginalized individuals receiving equitable care for their eating disorder experiences. Rebecca shares her wisdom for those searching for recovery, believing that all people deserve recovery and that full recovery is possible. It was such a pleasure to speak with Rebecca, and if you are interested in finding out more information or how to connect, please visit

See you next week! Be well!

Episode 55, Part 1: Rebecca Eyre (she/hers), CEO of ProjectHEAL, talks barriers and access to treatment, mental health parity, and inclusion

In this episode, Catherine and Francis welcome Rebecca Eyre, CEO of ProjectHEAL, a nonprofit organization focused on equitable treatment access for eating disorders. Rebecca brings a deep understanding and insight into the world of eating disorder treatment, having navigated the field as a clinician, advocate, nonprofit leadership positions, and through lived experience. Anchoring Rebecca’s passion for this work is her belief in the universal potential for full recovery from eating disorders. Her lived experience includes close relationships with loved ones struggling with eating disorders – some of whom recovered and some of whom did not – and seeing firsthand what makes the difference: personal willingness and (more importantly) access to care. She is also personally committed to fighting for radical body acceptance and fighting against the insidious cultural norms of diet mentality and fatphobia. Rebecca identifies as a queer woman and is committed to bring an intersectional lens to her leadership of Project HEAL. Rebecca has been working as a clinician with eating disorders and trauma since 2011, both a treatment setting and in private practice. As a therapist, she developed a firsthand knowledge of the complexities – and too often, the injustices – of insurance coverage for eating disorders. She knows that deeper systemic change is required before healing is truly accessible to all. She brings this awareness, knowledge, and insight to the space today, and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from Rebecca.

Listen-in to Part 2 of the conversation with Rebecca on Wednesday.

For more information about ProjectHEAL, visit

Episode 54: This Week's Digest

Catherine and Francis reflect on their conversation with Lynn, Giva, Chris, and Marissa from ANAD — both the non-profits executive leadership and the mentorship program. The co-host consider how connection and support with someone with lived experience can be especially helpful for those experiencing eating disorders — being heard in a nonjudgemental way is so important!

If you or a loved one are looking for additional support in your recovery, reach out to and ask about their various programs. You got this!

Episode 53, Part 2: Chris (she/hers) and Marissa (she/hers) open up about being in a recovery mentor and mentee relationship

In this episode, Catherine and Francis speak with Chris and Marissa about their participation in ANAD’s mentorship program. Chris — the mentor — shares her path through her eating disorder experience towards recovery, and reflects on how she has gained so much in her relationship with Marissa. Marissa — the mentee — offers a vulnerable and empowering reflection on her own path towards recovery, offering insight into the ups and downs of her eating disorder experience. What an honor and privilege it was to speak with these two remarkable individuals!

For more resources and information about ANAD and its mentorship program, please visit

80: The Relationship Between Binge Eating and Grieving

In this podcast, you will learn:

>>What are the signs that you are having a grief reaction
>>How binge eating, food addiction, and emotional eating are a normal response to grief and loss.
>>How to manage your grief, cope with losses during the pandemic – lessons learned from personal experience.

Schedule a free consult to discuss your food and body image issues:

Episode 53, Part 1: Lynn Slawsky (she/hers) and Giva Ann Wilkerson (she/hers) share how ANAD helps those impacted by eating disorders

In this episode, Francis and Catherine are happy to welcome Lynn Slawsky, Executive Director, and Giva Ann Wilkerson, Program Director of ANAD (National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders). Lynn and Giva both describe their own experiences finding recovery from eating disorders, and they outline the many ways ANAD enhances treatment and facilitates recovery with programs like peer mentorship, support groups, and grocery buddies. The conversation concludes with Giva and Lynn’s advice for listeners trying to find recovery.

We are grateful for the time Lynn and Giva took to share their experiences and work with us, and we look forward to our next episode, where we have the opportunity to interview a peer mentor/mentee pair who connected through ANAD’s program.

To learn more about ANAD, visit

Episode 52: This Week's Digest

Catherine and Francis reflect on their conversation with Billie Carroll, a Holistic Recovery and Resiliency Counselor who works with individuals in the prison system on finding ways to connect and heal their relationship with their bodies. The co-hosts discuss the need for increased awareness and information about the intersection of eating disorders, the prison system, and trauma.


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