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Episode 21, Part 1: Beth Ayn Stansfield (she/hers) with Stay Strong Virginia shares her experience and expertise as a parent


Through the lens of a caregiver with a child diagnosed with an eating disorder, Beth Ayn Stansfield joins the podcast to share her story and provide specific interventions parents and caregivers can utilize to help meet their loved ones where they are and support them on their path to recovery. Coupling her lived experience and professional skillset, Beth Ayn developed and expanded services offered by Stay Strong Virginia, an eating disorder resource for families, friends, and professionals. Beth Ayn believes full recovery is possible and encourages loved ones to stay the course.

anexoria, anorexia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, Catherine Brown, eating disorder, eating disorder recovery, eating disorder stigma, Eating Disorders, family issues, Francis Iacobucci, men with eating disorders, mental health, mental illness, mental illness stigma, narcissistic abuse recovery, pica, weight, weight goals


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