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Tag: life change

Improve Your Relationship with Time – TPS466

Entrepreneurs often complain that they don’t have enough either time or money. I have often spoken about the non-enough-money issue. In this episode, I talk about feeling that you don’t have enough time and how to develop a better relationship with time.


I talk about my long history of examining the issue of time.
Staying focused in the present moment was often what I focused on in meditation. I often use the mantra, There is no past, there is no future, there is only the here and now.
Time is a series of nows, and if you’re focused on the past or the future, you are missing your life.
When you are focused in the moment, you are allowing things to happen rather than forcing things to happen.
I talk about age and how each decade is like a different phase of our lives, and I give some definition to each of the phases.
People often worry about how much time they have left and there is no way of knowing. So pay attention to today and what you feel the urge to do for yourself today – or perhaps for others.
Take the time to be with people because being with people allows you to feel more connected, which is extremely important. People who have good relationships live longer.
How do you complain about not having enough time? You have as much as you have – even though you don’t know what that is.
Are you leaving enough time in between activities for new ideas and information to come through?
If you are keeping yourself constantly busy and are always pushing to get to the next thing, you are missing a lot of your life.
Give yourself the time to do whatever makes you comfortable.
Time is a gift and you have to decide how you want to spend it.

The updated Conscious Synchronicity episode

Navy SEAL Training Set the Tone for His Success with Marty Strong – TPS465

My guest today is author and CEO, Marty Strong. Marty spent twenty years in the Navy’s elite SEAL Teams learning effective leadership skills and mastering the art of turning vision into actionable strategy. After his service, he spent seven years as a financial advisor and portfolio manager with UBS before moving on to become a C-Suite executive. Marty’s new book, Be Nimble, is set for release in Fall 2021.


Marty shares how he decided to become a Navy SEAL and what’s behind the people who don’t make it through the training.
We talk about the 80-20 rule regarding success with the SEALs and for entrepreneurs.
You can teach tenacity, but you have to know how to teach it.
Being exposed to risk-taking as a child helps prepare you for being an entrepreneur.
Serial entrepreneurs often use failures as a strengthening exercise.
I asked Marty what drove him to be in the financial industry. It wasn’t planned.
Marty has the ability to go with the flow of life and not resist change.
Marty was not afraid of failure and over time, became a good problem solver.
Because of his family background, at an early age, Marty realized that he had to learn how to take care of himself.
We discussed whether qualities of strength and resilience are inborn and the person.
There are different ways of handling different forms of failure. Marty often looks at seeming failure as an opportunity to make changes.
When he was writing his book, Be Nimble, Marty asked himself the question, “Why am I the person to write this book?”
We talk about how people react to financial issues, including up and down income.
Most things in our evolution aren’t linear. There are always ups and downs. Marty tells how the lives of presidents Grant and Truman illustrate this principle.
I asked Marty if he was born with the name Strong. He was.


Marty’s Website

Marty’s Facebook Page:

Marty’s LinkedIn:

Marty’s Twitter: mlstrongauthor

Marty’s Instagram: Martin L Strong

Ep – 195 Dorie Clark

In this episode I speak with Dorie Clark, one of the Top 50 business thinkers in Thinkers50, #1 Communication Coach in the world, multiple award winning author who talked about a relatively recent wakeup call where she attended a Broadway musical and woke up committed to creating a musical that she is aiming to have come out on Broadway in 2026.

Preparing for YOUR New Normal – TPS464

As the world is moving out of the Covid nightmare, each of us has the opportunity to create what we want to be our new normal. In this episode, I make some suggestions as to what we can do internally to create the life that’s right for us.


Watch your self-talk and decide to stop talking to yourself like a critical parent. I give suggestions.
When you begin to treat yourself the way you’d like others to treat you, you’ll start drawing in people who treat you that way.
It’s up to you to decide who and how you want to be in the future.
Listen to your language when you are talking to yourself or to others. Are you always looking at the downside? Are you looking for sympathy or complaining? It helps to see the positive side of life.
Stop judging other people. They are doing the best they can at this point in time.
As you change your relationship with yourself, people who are a reflection of the new you are going to show up.
Examine your expectations. Do you expect people to embrace you or push you away? Do you expect to be a success or are you afraid of being disappointed? Your expectations are shaping your life stories.
What are your expectations of other people?
Notice your internal experience of whatever is going on. Recognize when you’re contracted, take a breath, and imagine your expanding.
Start noticing when you’re being defensive. You have the power to protect yourself.
Are you afraid about being treated badly causing you to push people away?
When people criticize you, they are really telling you about themselves.
I see that feeling sorry for yourself or feeling oppressed go deep within our culture. I talk about dealing with those two feelings.
The more you allow your life to happen, rather than trying to make it happen, the better you will get at creating what is right for you.
This is the perfect time to ask yourself if you want to go back to doing and being who you were or do you want to dig deep inside yourself and find a different way of being.
It’s okay to ask yourself how you want to change and to develop the support you need as you go through the change.

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