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David Wood is a former consultant to Fortune 100 companies who has built the world’s largest coaching business. He has coached for thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe. As well as helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself,

having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, and experiencing anxiety and depression. He coaches high-performing business owners to double revenue and their time off by focusing on less and being 30% more courageous in their business or career.


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The Feeling of Being Limited – Especially Financially -TPS472

In today’s episode, I explore the idea of feeling limited, which I see as a corollary to feeling oppressed. I relate this to feeling financially limited. There are other emotions that can be part of feeling limited such as powerless.


I recognize that when I don’t have the funds I think I need, I feel limited. People often feel limited financially.
The glass ceiling is a feeling of limitation.
Limitations can be external or internal. I explain.
What are your physical limitations?
When you face physical limitations, you have to decide if you want to push through or not.
The internal limitations can be on the feeling level, such as feeling tight or constrained, which might be expressed as “money is tight”.
What do you perceive is your limitations, and is there some action you can take to work through those limitations and feel more expanded?
Ask, “what would I rather be feeling other than limited?”
If you recognize that you need more people, ask the question, “How can I connect to more people in a meaningful way?”
When you want to connect to more people, it’s often necessary to overlook your differences and to look for the similarities.
For now, I’m hoping that you will take some time to get in touch with the feeling of being limited.
I have found that when you get in touch with the feelings of limitation that come from difficult childhood experiences or abuse, then you can move past those feelings and expand to a different place of consciousness.
If you’re seeking financial freedom, then you have to learn how to feel free.
Are you willing to go through the process of making the internal changes that are necessary to live the life of your dreams?
Making the necessary changes is easier if you work with someone else. In this day and age, trying to do it alone just isn’t a good idea.
Once you set your intention, then what you need will show up. You just have to recognize it when it shows up.
Just focusing on money is not going to get you where you have to go. Focusing on feeling goals will make a big difference.
I talk about the energy tune-ups I do.

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Previous episode: How Feeling Oppressed Affects Your Life

Previous episode: The Childhood Abuse & Adult Debting Connection

Andrea Austin: An Exploration into Conscious Awareness -TPS 471

Andrea Austin is the Co-founder of My Conscious Wellness and Love Evolution, two organizations that deal with the expansion of conscious awareness through love. They use advanced consciousness-based technologies designed to balance and harmonize the subtle energy fields of the human form so people can easily let go of emotions, mental and physical traumas, and uncomfortable experiences.


Andrea started out as an accountant. She shares how she switched to exploring conscious awareness after having an out-of-body experience.
She learned to trust that whatever came along was in her best interest.
Andrea began seeing the world with her inner eyes more than she had before.
In exploring what makes her happy, Andrea had to deconstruct previous concepts of what life was supposed to be.
There was a transitionary time when she had to understand that what she was seeing was not seen by everyone. She has learned to accept people where they are and not have expectations that are unrealistic.
Andrea hopes to show people that you can live in expanded consciousness and still be grounded in so-called reality.
There is a growing movement of people who are interested in learning how to cross between the two worlds.
Learn how to be an observer from a place of neutrality.
We talk about accepting our differences with other people rather than just searching for sameness.
I ask Andrea how she teaches people to be satisfied with who they are and where they are.
Andrea talks about the technologies that she and her partner use to help people develop expanded awareness.
Going from A to Z doesn’t necessarily mean you’re moving in a straight line.

Andrea’s Websites:,

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Brainwave Optimization

The Fisher-Wallace Stimulator

Joan’s Energy Adjustments

Ep – 209 Amy Braun

In this episode I speak with Amy Braun, CEO of HealthCorps, a non-profit committed to saving lives by addressing health inequities in at-risk communities through educational leadership, programming and service training whose wakeup call was becoming really angry when she met with underserved youth where the “system” and they themselves had given up on.

The Value of Allowing Life to Happen Through You – TPS470

I recently watched an interview on C-SPAN with Ursula Burns, the first Black female CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I was impressed with her ability to allow life to happen through her rather than working hard to make it happen. A great example of synchronicity.


Brought up in a poor neighborhood, Ursula’s mother never let the kids know that they were poor.
I talk about how Ursula let her life happen rather than pushing toward a goal. The fact that she could not have conceived of being a CEO of a large company worked in her favor. I expand on this.
When you get yourself into the place where you allow your life to happen, you’ll get what you need to become who you are becoming.
It’s important to be satisfied with where you are and what you have and believe that what you need will show up but it will probably take longer than you want.
Problems and concerns are part of your journey.
I talk about the oppression that is prevalent in our society and relate something I went through via Microsoft that allowed me to feel controlled and powerless.
If you can recognize the situations when you feel controlled – or oppressed – it will allow you to process those feelings and not hold onto them.
When you hold things in rather than expressing them, it’s hard to let them go. It helps to talk to people about what’s bothering you – without kvetching.
Working through your emotions allows you to move your life comfortably forward.

Where You Are Is Not Who You Are by Ursula Burns

C-SPAN interview with Ursula Barnes

Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) – The Official Manual

Rapidly Release a Major Money Issue


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