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Is it true that “All people who have thoughts of suicide, have a mental illness?” What about, “If you have suicidal thoughts once, you’ll always be suicidal?” Listen in to learn why the answer to both of these questions is “NO.”

Our guest today, Dr. Craig Bryan, a board-certified clinical psychologist in cognitive behavioral psychology, shares new research that points to suicidal thinking being highly dynamic and how these highs and lows can play a role in suicide prevention. While we would like to prevent/reduce all suicide attempts, the reality is that despite our best efforts some people will still attempt suicide. Maximizing safety in one’s environment is vital and taking steps in advance of a suicidal crisis to increase safety can be the difference between life and death.

811, Airforce, Army, Coastguard, cPTSD, depression, Marines, mental health, mental illness, Military Mental Health, Navy, PTSD, suicidal ideation, suicide, suicide awareness, suicide prevention, trauma


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