RAISING THE BAR with Tricia Benitez
In episode 3 of Join the Nation Recovery, Tricia Benitez and your host, Stewart Michaelson, discuss her childhood, the trauma it caused her and how she’s available 24/7 for anyone in need of support. A drug and addiction treatment specialist with Addiction Campuses, Tricia recounts stories about her Dad and their family dynamic, her descent into drugs, booze and sex: all the while doing it because this is “what good girls do.” Finally, we talk about her love for her sister, the death of her brother, her work and how she wants to be of service to anyone suffering today. Please join us as we learn about this warrior from Nashville, TN.
addiction, addiction recovery, canada, Canadian, mental health, mental illness, Opioids, Sober living, Sobriety Coach, substance abuse, Substance Use, Substance Use Disorder