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The UNNI Podcast – w/ Marcel Roston


“Life’s a Beach” 
Marcel Roston, a suicide loss survivor, joins the UNNI Podcast Guestlist. Marcel lost his seventeen year old daughter Chloe to suicide, in 2014. He is a father of five- with four sons surviving Chloe’s memory. Marcel shares with Host Bianca McCall; his commitment to take every single chance he has, to “Keep It Pushing” as his daughter would tell him; which means to take responsibility over his survivor journey, by sharing a story of triumph and hope- to inspire us all!

Support this podcast:

anxiety, Bianca D. McCall, Bianca McCall, community, compassion, connectivity, coping skills, deconstructing mental health language, Deconstructing Stigma, depression, empathy, epidemiology, global unity, life skills, major depression, MDD, people in crisis, redefining suicide awareness, redefining suicide prevention, self-care, suicidal behavior, suicide, suicide awareness, suicide epidemic, suicide epidemic in communities, suicide prevention, suicide survivors, unity, unity on a global scale


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