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Ellen Kirschman PhD, How to Love a Firefighter


Ellen Kirschman, known as the Cop Doc, is a clinical psychologist that specializes in treating first responders and has been for doing for years and years and years. She is the author of “I Love a Cop” and the recently released second edition of “I Love a Firefighter”. Ellen talks about the specific mental health issues that Wildland firefighters and their families face. We also talk about the importance of seeing a culturally competent therapist and the reasons why. Ellen is a invaluable resource of knowledge and experience in taking care of first responders and our mental health. She is no nonsense and says, “The stigma is stupid!” Ellen also writes fiction and is a clinician at WCPR.

cPTSD, dispatcher, emotional health, EMS, EMT, firefighter, First responders, handling tragedies, Law Enforcement, mental health, mental health stigma, mental illness, mental illness sitgma, officer, paramedic, police officer, PTSD, PTSD stigma, stigma, tragedy, trauma, true stories


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