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Tell the High Level Narcissist – “I Can't Be Played.”

Being “played” means exploited by someone who has no intention of forming a real realtionship with you. The high level narcissists makes no commitments, is highly controlling and you become expendable. 

You were a true believer in the limitless power of the high level narcissist. You believed his/her pledge to bind up the psychological wounds of your childhood nightmare. This was your rescue, your salvation you told yourself.

Seeking temporary pleasure of elation, acting out behaviors, you fell hard for the narcissist’s artfully wrapped promises, the ancient tale of romantic triumph, the flying carpet of self indulgence.

You rose higher and higher in the thrall of the high level narcissist’s hypnotic potion that drove you to fateful distractions: detours and switchbacks leading to endless circles of vapid nowheres. You were lost to yourself countless times, feeling the painful weariness, thinking you could not move forward another step. 

Now you see through the delusions, demands, denials and dark secrets of the high level narcissist.

You stand awakened. Your psychological and emotional stamina hold you steady and true. You tell the high level narcissist with your actions, thoughts, creativity, psychological groundedness, spiritual clarity: “I Can’t Be Played.” 

Click the link below for my book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist on Amazon:

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Are you temporarily narcissistic?

Welcome to Season Two. In this episode, I discuss temporary narcissism, secondary narcissism, narcissistic abuse, negging, and reactive abuse. I also weave all these subject matters into a story everyone can easily recall and relate to. To view the blog post, click here.

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Blog posts:

Your Thoughts Do Not Have To Be Your Reality, Change Is Always Possible

On today’s episode of Brain Hijack, we respond to the myth “Once a person thinks about suicide, they will never change their mind and they will die by suicide.”

Listen in as Adam and Brooke speak with Dr. Marjan Holloway, a Professor of Medical and Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry at Uniformed Services University about self-regulation as it relates to suicidal thoughts. Dr. Holloway emphasizes that it’s okay to acknowledge and recognize in the moment that you are having suicidal thoughts and just because you are having suicidal thoughts does not mean you have to engage with the act of suicide. She goes on to share steps you can take to talk to your doctor if you are having suicidal thoughts. Our takeaway from today’s episode: your thoughts are always subject to change and just because you have a suicidal thought, you do not have to act upon it.

Responder Health provides full-service support to First Responders

Responder Health is a program designed and managed by Armor Up America that specializes in supporting first responders and their families. First responders endure chronic stress and trauma that has a direct impact on their well-being. Responder Health provides the education, resources, and community they need to live healthy lives. Their team is comprised of current and former first responders and essential workers, with extensive, lived, and learned experiences in the field.

Youturn Health’s Chief Clinical Officer, Rich Jones, recently had a round table discussion with individuals from this organization who are on a mission to provide the best possible behavioral health services to first responders. They discuss what has not been helpful in the past and the best model for success moving forward. This team is making major strides in supporting the ones who take care of us all!

Included in this podcast discussion with Rich Jones are:

Sean Riley
Co-Executive Director, Armor Up America Founder, Safe Call Now
Sean started his law enforcement career as San Diego County Deputy Sheriff in 1987 and then relocated to Washington in 1990 and spent over 16 years with the Kirkland Police Department. Sean’s many accomplishments include being a member of the International Homicide Investigator’s Association, a Homicide and Sexual Assault Detective, a D.A.R.E. Officer, a Gang Officer, and a certified trainer. He is also credited with solving one of the first-ever elder abuse homicide cases in the nation.
Recognized as an exciting national keynote speaker and trainer in high demand, Sean travels throughout the United States to share his inspirational story, and cutting-edge training in a non-traditional, interactive format. Riley hits those controversial topics “head-on” that have traditionally been taboo in the first responder population.
Safe Call Now® provides public safety employees, all emergency services personnel, and their family members nationwide with a simple and confidential way to ask for help. Staffed by first responders, former first responders, and public safety professionals, Safe Call Now® is a safe and confidential place to turn to get help from individuals who understand the demands of a first responder career.

Dr. Jorey Krawczyn
Experienced University Instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Law Enforcement Instruction, Expert Witness, Research, Psychological Testing, and Teaching. Strong research professional with a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) focused in Counseling Psychology from Argosy University Sarasota.

Dr. Olivia Johnson
Dr. Olivia Johnson is the Founder of the Blue Wall Institute, a former police officer, and a military veteran. She currently conducts research, training, consultation, and needs assessments for law enforcement agencies nationwide regarding health, wellness, and safety both on and off duty. She is a leading subject expert in the field of officer suicide and inoculation efforts to reduce these tragic deaths.

Vanessa Riley
Vanessa Riley is the President and Co-Founder of Armor Up West Virginia and the Director of Family Services for Armor Up America.
In her capacity, she provides critical and much-needed services to first responder family members 24/7. Vanessa is also a national keynote speaker and shares her experience of strength and hope around the country.
Vanessa walks family members through her experiences of an officer-involved shooting, untreated trauma which led to addiction and domestic violence in her home, and the path to healing and recovery.

Orli Dudaie “Your Home, Your Money” and Andrea Mein Dewitt “Name, Claim & Reframe”

Orli Dudaie
BOOK: Your Home, Your Money: How to Leverage Home Ownership and Avoid Costly Mistakes

Andrea Mein Dewitt
BOOK: Name, Claim & Reframe: Your Path to a Well-Lived Life

This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

Orli Dudaie “Your Home, Your Money” and Andrea Mein Dewitt “Name, Claim & Reframe”

Orli Dudaie
BOOK: Your Home, Your Money: How to Leverage Home Ownership and Avoid Costly Mistakes

Andrea Mein Dewitt
BOOK: Name, Claim & Reframe: Your Path to a Well-Lived Life

This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at


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