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Constructs: What They Are and How They Can Keep Us Locked Inside Emotional Limitations


This week Kristin and Martha discuss the idea that the constructs and how we interpret them,
have affected our lives in a subtle but impactful way. Constructs are values, beliefs, opinions, and personal orientations about a particular, non-measurable event. Examples are love, fear,
depression. These things cannot be measured or quantified but are identified by behaviors.
There are many agreed-upon behaviors that will indicate that a person is “loving” or
“depressed” or “afraid” but the accumulation of behaviors do not and cannot give us a
concrete, one size fits all definition of a particular construct but the inferred behavior evokes
the belief that a person is kind or loving. We make sense of our world by identifying behavior in
ways that we can measure and this week’s discussion asks whether we can and should.

boundaries, coping skills, emotions, empath, Empathic, empathic healer, empaths, empathy, empowerment, energy, energy work, feeling energy, feminine power, grounding, highly sensitive, inner strength, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life skills, mediums, mental health, protecting ourselves, protection, self balance, self-care, sensitive, shielding


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