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Expand Consciousness Awaken From the Faulty Dream


In this episode we discuss the effects of being raised in a toxic and dysfunctional home and the cost it takes on our consciousness. When a child has been groomed to worry more about their parents emotions than their own, they become adults who do not know how they feel. Many abused adult and emotionally neglected children spend lifetimes seeking relief and a sense of peace. My clients are those who have been sold a set of false beliefs that are self-destructive.

All human beings are born asleep. The human mind is more unconscious than it is conscious. The brain has been designed to run on auto-pilot. The Default Mode Network in the brain will operate whether you are enlightened or not. My goal as a Life Coach and thought leader is to help people awaken from the false set of beliefs they were taught to believe in as children so they can tap into their truest human potential. If you were raised to believe you were not good enough, it is time to awaken from this faulty dream. Consciousness, contentment and joy are your birthright!

Abuse, Abusive Relationships, boundaries, childhood abuse, Children of narcissists, codependency, emotional abuse, empowerment, life coach, Life Coaching, life skills, Lisa A Romano, Lisa Romano, mental health, mental illness, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic parents, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic relationship, Narcissists, NPD, Toxic Abusers, toxic people, toxic relationships, trauma emotional abuse


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