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Healing From Narcissistic Abuse


This podcast has been created to help inspire abused adult children from alcoholic and narcissistic homes, as well as anyone who wishes to understand more about psychological invisibility. As a society, we must learn to appreciate invisible wounds created in childhood. All children eventually become adults who must learn to manage their own lives. The less nurturing our childhood homes, the more we struggle later on in life and that is just a fact.

It is my hope, that understanding CAUSATION will help anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, codependency, self-doubt, addiction and alike, who have also come from a home that felt unloving, was abusive, chaotic and unpredictable, will allow them to better understand themselves. Once we understand WHY we feel the way we feel, healing take place at a much faster rate. The cure for the disease of invisibility is to finally begin seeing the self.

It is not your fault if you grew up in a home that lacked respect, terrorized children, or ignored the little ones. However, to be successful we must be willing to acknowledge our pain and do all we can to heal so we can achieve happiness, contentment and joy. Knowing it was not us, it was just our programming that needed to be corrected, eases us along the healing path.


Abuse, Abusive Relationships, boundaries, childhood abuse, Children of narcissists, codependency, emotional abuse, empowerment, life coach, Life Coaching, life skills, Lisa A Romano, Lisa Romano, mental health, mental illness, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic parents, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic relationship, Narcissists, NPD, Toxic Abusers, toxic people, toxic relationships, trauma emotional abuse


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