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Overcome Fear Beliefs That Keep You Stuck


If you are someone who often feels stuck this episode is for you. Do you feel stuck in your career, in your relationships, or in life? Do you feel stuck emotionally and spiritually? If so, it may be because you have some attachments that you need to release.

When we fail to raise our consciousness and expand our visualizations, we stay stuck in the 3D world. Everything that we experience in the feeling realm is meant to be embraced. What most people do is deny, suppress, or avoid painful emotions. What we resist persists. What we think we are avoiding is actually gaining ‘weight’ in the energetic body. We are stuck because we are not off-loading negative emotions caused by early childhood trauma, negative beliefs patterns and programs.

In this episode, you will learn more about living in a state of nonresistance which asks for us to embrace ALL of our experiences through the seat of the observer. Learning to observe our emotions rather than react to them accelerates our personal growth in all areas.

Abuse, Abusive Relationships, boundaries, childhood abuse, Children of narcissists, codependency, emotional abuse, empowerment, life coach, Life Coaching, life skills, Lisa A Romano, Lisa Romano, mental health, mental illness, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic parents, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic relationship, Narcissists, NPD, Toxic Abusers, toxic people, toxic relationships, trauma emotional abuse


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