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Transcending Fear and Anxiety


Healing anxiety and fear is absolutely necessary in order to connect more deeply with the spiritual self. Codependency is rooted in the fear of not being enough. Healing codependency hinges on our ability to understand the CAUSATION of our fear of unworthiness. As we learn to understand how our brain is wired to seek validation, we also understand that our brain is conditioned to fear NOT being validated. This sets us up for complete failure. It is unhealthy to seek validation and it is unhealthy to live in neutral and in fear of not gaining external validation.

This podcast has been created to help you more deeply learn to transcend old negative limiting beliefs, and allow you to more deeply connect to the intelligence of your divine inner self. Your thinking is a product of the external world. It is NOT you. You are the observer of negative limiting beliefs. You are the observer of codependent traits. You are the awareness of the world around you.

May this episode help you feel more trusting of the Divinity you are.

Abuse, Abusive Relationships, boundaries, childhood abuse, Children of narcissists, codependency, emotional abuse, empowerment, life coach, Life Coaching, life skills, Lisa A Romano, Lisa Romano, mental health, mental illness, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic parents, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic relationship, Narcissists, NPD, Toxic Abusers, toxic people, toxic relationships, trauma emotional abuse


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